SQLDMO Column Description property

  • sqldmo doesn't seem to expose the DESCRIPTION property of a column. note: this can be edited in SQL SERVER Enterprise Mgr (sql2000)

    Is there anyway to obtain this description property of a column via sqldmo.

    thanks in advance

    Brian Lockwood


    LockwoodTech Software

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials


    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • Not that I can find. You can always retrieve it using ADO, either by doing select name, value from sysproperties where object_name(id)='categories' and name='ms_description' or you can look at using fn_listextendedproperty to avoid directly reading from system tables. The first way looks to be the cleanest, you could pull all of them for an entire table or db over at once.


  • quote:

    Not that I can find. You can always retrieve it using ADO, either by doing select name, value from sysproperties where object_name(id)='categories' and name='ms_description' or you can look at using fn_listextendedproperty to avoid directly reading from system tables. The first way looks to be the cleanest, you could pull all of them for an entire table or db over at once.


    great thanks

    Brian Lockwood


    LockwoodTech Software

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials


    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

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