SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Encryption not supported on the client. Refer to server error logs and setup logs for more information

  • Hi ,

    I am trying to install SQL 2005 dev edition on windows xp but get the error:


    SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Encryption not supported on the client. Refer to server error logs and setup logs for more information. For details on how to view setup logs, see "How to View Setup Log Files" in SQL Server Books Online.

    I previously had SQL 2000 and SQL 2005. I have revomved these including the reg keys that I find in regedit. For some reason that I don't know why I get this error can someone help as I don't see any MSDN support.


    Thanks in advance 

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Installed Native client registry entries by importing the follow registry keys into the the registry. Alternatively, if you have another machine with SQL 2005 installed, export the keys and edit entries for .

    Before you import these entries, please verify if the keys exists in the registry. If they exist, your problem is something e.g. check your firewall.


    Step1: Client_tree.reg

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
















    "Label"="Force protocol encryption"



    "Label"="Trust Server Certificate"







    "ProtocolName"="Named Pipes"


    "Name"="Default Pipe"






    "ProtocolName"="Shared Memory"







    "Name"="Default Port"



    "Name"="KEEPALIVE (in milliseconds)"



    "Name"="KEEPALIVEINTERVAL (in milliseconds)"








    "Name"="Default Server Port"



    "Name"="Default Client NIC"










    Step 2: Tcp.reg

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





  • Was having the same problem just now...Just uninstall native client through control panel add/remove programs - delete all instances - then uninstall 2005 again and it should work.



  • valenzat (4/22/2008)

    Was having the same problem just now...Just uninstall native client through control panel add/remove programs - delete all instances - then uninstall 2005 again and it should work.



    Having the same problem same you.I've format my OS end then setup again but the same problem. Help me

  • The registry fix worked for me.

    I installed SQL 7.0 MSDE on top of a working SQL Server 2005 adn the 2005 was clobbered. I tried re-installing SQL 2005 as a named instance and got the symptoms described at the start of the thread.

    Re-installed after applying the registry fix and it worked.

    Thanks Byron.

  • The registry fix worked for me as well.

    I installed Visual Studio 2008, and then SQL Server 2005. Because SQL Express was installed with VS 2008, all the client tools failed with SQL Server. After un-installing both sql server and visual studio, I was unable to get SQL server to install. Thanks for the fix!

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