Change DEFAULT value for a column

  • I have a column:

    ALTER TABLE dbo.bat_Batches ADD Version int  NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_bat_Batches_Version DEFAULT 1

    I now want to set the default to 2.  I can do it thru Enterprise Manager, but what is the proper SQL DDL statement to change it? 

  • Generally in this case I would just drop the existing constraint and add the new new one.  If you do this through Enterprise manager while running a server trace you will find that this is how it accomplishes this as well.

  • Can you be more specific?  I can't seem to find the right syntax.  Have tried things like:

    ALTER TABLE dbo.bat_Batches ALTER COLUMN

     Version int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_bat_Batches_Version DEFAULT 2


    ALTER TABLE dbo.bat_Batches ALTER COLUMN

     Version SET DEFAULT 2

    and others.  I can't seen to get the right format.

  • Oh!  Got it now.  Thanks, ramses2nd!  Syntax is:

    ALTER TABLE dbo.bat_Batches

     DROP CONSTRAINT DF_bat_Batches_Version;


     DF_bat_Batches_Version DEFAULT 2 FOR Version;

  • SQL Server 2005

    Trying to add a default value of A to a field with no existing constraint, that allows nulls (the current default).

    (this first command does not work because there is no constraint by this name)



    alter Table

    dbo.TMGSAR Add constraint DF_TMGSAR_B_DATA_QUALITY DEFAULT 'A' for B_Data_Quality

    This fails becuse the default of Null is considered a default - although it is not listed as a constraint:

    Msg 1781, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Column already has a DEFAULT bound to it.

    Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 1

    Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

    If I manually add the 'A' as the default using Enterprise manager - the DF_TMGSAR_B_DATA_QUALITY constraint was added.

    After that point.. there is no problem using this code.

    The problem is that I am restoring a DB that that needs this Default of 'A' added.

  • Richard Lesh (12/7/2005)

    I can do it thru Enterprise Manager, but what is the proper SQL DDL statement to change it?

    If you can do it through EM, instead of hitting the save button on the tool bar, hit the one that looks like a little scroll. It will show you the script that is generated by EM.


    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • if you want to alter column with default value you delete its constraint using by this column and then alter the column with default value

  • For SQL Sever 2008 do the following-

    ALTER TABLE dbo.bat_Batches DROP CONSTRAINT DF_bat_Batches_Version

    ALTER TABLE dbo.bat_Batches ADD CONSTRAINT DF_bat_Batches_Version DEFAULT ((2)) FOR bat_Batches_Version

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