Aggregate Queries

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    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • nice one aunt kathi

  • Very nice, simple, and to the point.  Appreciate it!! 

  • It was helpful, thank you. I am wondering about your comments at the end of the article. I think the derived table is easier to understand but did you mean that or did you mean the derived table would be more efficient? Thanks.

  • Very helpful.  I have struggled with aggregate queries in the past.  Now I can just use your instructions!!



  • Thanks, everyone.

    From what I understand the derived table is more effiecient.  It took me a while to understand them, though.  The instructor I had when working on my degree taught us to do everything with sub-queries.  The class was actually on PL SQL (Oracle's version) and some of the features are different.


    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Thanks so much! I like derived tables also so it's nice to know they are efficient also. 

  • Thank you! Easy to digest than BOL for a newbie like me.

  • Marie, in this case, I think the derived table just makes it more obvious what the query is doing than the "WHERE...IN" version. SQL should only have to actualize the recordset once either way though the join might be a little more effecient; I'd have to test a few cases to see if it mattered. Note that I generally avoid the IN and NOT IN constructs where possible since it usually results in the query optimizer generating a giant "OR" block to test each condition.

    When you use a correlated subquery (essentially a sub query that uses fields from outside its parenthesis), SQL may execute the statement once per row that it needs to filter. In these cases, joining a derived table should almost always be more efficient, though this isn't the example in the article.

    There's one other case that she didn't mention... What if you were doing a query for last order by Customer Name and your system doesn't have a unique key on name? I don't know of a way to do this without either setting up a temp table before running your aggregate query, or using a derived table. Maybe this only comes up when the schema is poorly defined, but I have found it relevant when querying third-party databases. (Specific case in point: we have such a database that allows SSN's to be duplicated in an employee table; when looking up aggregate data per employee, I have to get the most recent employee id number for each SSN and use it when agregating data for each employee.)

    Matthew Galbraith

  • Thank you Matthew, your comments about correlated subqueries were also helpful, I had added just that type of subquery to a procedure and watched it almost grind to a halt. Went back and made it a derived table and it's flying again.


  • Thanks for the best description of what the HAVING clause is for that i have ever seen!

  • Cool!  Glad it helped!

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Thanks for an excellent article.

    Another article on with rollup and with cube would be helpful also.


  • Here's another vote for an article on ALL, WITH ROLLUP and WITH CUBE. Thanks for the excellent explanation.

    Steve Eckhart

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