SSL Certificates on SQL Server 2005 for Reporting Services

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    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

  • What a great article, following it through I was able to get SSL working on my RS 2005 installation first time!

    Shame on Microsoft for making it so arcane and obscure to do this. I couldn't find any documentation at that explained these file changes - would it really have been so hard to knock up a Wizard to do all this for you?


  • This is excellent information - which solves many SQL Server / Reporting Services install and usage issues - thank you very much!!!

    I also agree that Microsoft has some work to do - It's a bad install - plain and simple.

  • I know this is way late after the fact, but here is the way to enable http just for the RS Help pages, which allows the non-SSL help page link to work...

    From Roman Rehak:

    "- Expand the Reports site in IIS Manager, open the properties of the EN subfolder and uncheck the SSL setting. The EN folder contains the English help files so deselecting SSL on that folder will allow you to view help without SSL. You will need to modify other folders if you use help other than English."

  • Hi,

    How can configure SQL 2008 RS for SSL connection? I have actually this error:

    "The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel."

    Witold Lulka

  • i need help to understand how ssl is working, as currently i have web server, my customer uses https connection to web site, while my database and reporting server in the another vlan where customer do not have access. since i have vpn access, i am able to access the report, but my coming from the same website cannot access the report. Any idea what should i do, i am new at this SSL for the reporting service.


  • Is SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Configuration Manager won't create Virtual directories in IIS? like ReportServer & Reports under default website in IIS?


  • Do you mean that once SSL is activated the only way to access the ReportServer will be over https not anymore http?

  • Hi,

    I have followed the instructions exactly as in the article but at the end still I am getting the same error

    "The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel."

    Environment is SQL Server 2005 Reporting services

  • It resolved. One additional thing that I did which worked for me is. Installed the certificate in "Trusted Root Authority" store on the server.

    .. On the server

    1. Accessed the server repors URL

    2.Clicked on the Certificate Error message on the browser.

    3.Clicked "Install Cetificate"

    4.Choosen "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" store to install the certificate.

    Now my reporting services are working fine on SSL.

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