In SQL Agent Job Step, specify localhost for SSIS Catalog Server

  • In a SQL Agent job step, if I specify the server name, all works well. But, if I change to "locahost", I get the error shown, it can't find the package. I have also tried "local" and ".", same result. Is there a way to specify that the SSIS Catalog is under the same server where the job is running?

    Right now I have 3 SQL Agent job creation scripts, one for dev, qa, and prod. If I could make them all use localhost, then I could simplify, and only commit 1 script instead of 3. Or, is there a better way to accomplish this?

  • Haven't found anything on my first question of using something like localhost in the server field. But I did find out about SQL Agent Tokens

    And in my SQL Agent job creation script, I replaced the server name with $(ESCAPE_NONE(SRVR)), recreated the job, and it worked! Now I can have one script to create a SQL Agent job that will work in multiple environments.

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