How to merge Case when condition in Pivot Table ?

  • below mentioned case when statement now i want to use it in pivot table....i have three column in EmployeesAttendance Empid,Status,ReportingDate 

      SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'P' THEN 1
      WHEN status = 'HD' THEN 0.5 WHEN status = 'A' THEN 0 END) AS [T.P], 
      SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'A' THEN 1 WHEN status = 'HD' THEN 0.5 END) AS [A],
      SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'P' THEN 1
      WHEN status = 'HD' THEN 1 WHEN status = 'A' THEN 1 END) AS [TDay ]
    FROM EmployeesAttendance
    --WHERE  (ReportingDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @Enddate)

    --Pivot Table

    SELECT DISTINCT ReportingDate INTO #Dates FROM EmployeesAttendance ORDER BY Reportin Date DECLARE @cols NVARCHAR(4000)SELECT @cols = COALESCE(@cols + ',[' + CONVERT(varchar, DATEPART(DAY, ReportingDate), 112)                + ']','[' + CONVERT(varchar,DATEPART(DAY, ReportingDate), 112) + ']')FROM  #Dates ORDER BY ReportingDate DECLARE @qry NVARCHAR(4000) =
    N'SELECT *
    FROM (SElECT EmployeeDetails.EmpID,EmployeeDetails.EmpName,EmployeesAttendance.Status,
    DATEPART(DAY, EmployeesAttendance.ReportingDate)as DDate
    FROM EmployeesAttendance Inner Join EmployeeDetails on EmployeesAttendance.EmpID=EmployeeDetails.Empid )
    PIVOT (MAX(Status) FOR DDate IN (' + @cols + ')) AS stat '-- Executing the queryEXEC(@qry)

  • How about some data? CREATE TABLE and INSERT scripts?
    Why not do the CASE statement in an inner query, and then pivot that result?

  • pietlinden - Friday, January 18, 2019 9:30 PM

    How about some data? CREATE TABLE and INSERT scripts?
    Why not do the CASE statement in an inner query, and then pivot that result?

    i have data in a table of employeeAttendance in which i am converting column into row then making sum of each employee id in case when,but i do not know that how this query will merge with pivot table query,so i request you to do little help regarding this,

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