SPROC that queries another DB permissions issue

  • We provide web based software to companies and host the software on our servers.   Each client has it's own database.  However there are 2 system databases that I query from other sites from time to time.   We recently moved to SQL 2014 from SQL 2000.   We assign a specific user for web based queries that uses a role called website_user.  When I create a new sproc I grant permission to execute the sproc to that role. 

    I recently wrote a sproc in a client database to query  one of the system databases.  When I run in the DB no problem.  But when I try to run from a webpage I get an error telling me I don't have permissions set.

    I need to set permissions to allow me to SELECT on a table.   I usually block all table level queries (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) for that user.   How do I adjust permissions in SSMS to allow for this sproc to run when it comes in from the web?   I know it involves changing the table to allow permission on SELECT  just don't know where to change it.  

    Here is the procedure

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetNumberSectionsInAssessment]

    @JobID int



        COUNT(*) AS NumSections
        AssessmentID = (
            SELECT TOP 1 AssessmentID
            FROM CRI_Support.dbo.CRI_Assessments
            WHERE AssessmentCode = (SELECT TestType FROM dbo.Jobs WHERE JobID = @JobID)


    I will say I think MS screwed the pooch on this one.  It was  much easier to set permissions in SQL 2000

  • GRANT IMPERSONATE ON USER :: [login with adequate permissions] TO [login with inadequate permission]
    EXECUTE AS 'login with adequate permissions'
  • Interesting.  Thank you

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