DAX formula to compare company specific financial periods YoY

  • We have a date table, 1 day per row, and each day has a Period Number
    So in SSAS it is easy for a YQP hierarchy and this is fine.

    But we want to show 2018, Q2, P5 this year compared to P5 for 2017, and 2018 Q2 this compared to 207 Q2 
    Each year the days within a Period are different, but we are aware it is not perfect, as different number of working days etc.
    We cannot say per day what the previous Year day is (which is one solution I have found online)

    I am hoping that many companies have their 'own' calendar broke into their own 12 periods so hopefully this has been solved by someone somewhere
    We have SalesAmount to sum, and PeriodNumber, Quarter and Year in the date table.

    thanks in advance

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