Conditional Dimension Attribute - CASE statement

  • Hi all,
    I need to 'mask' my AccountNumber attribute in my Account Dim based on  an 'SensitiveIndicator' flag. I created a new calculated member  SSDT2015 ( Cube Structure-> Calculations -> New Calculated Member)
    This is my first attempt but it only returns NULL.
    CASE WHEN [Account].[SensitiveIndicator].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBERVALUE='Y' THEN [Account].[AccountID] ELSE [Account].[AccountNum] END 
    The idea is display the surrogate key if the indicator = 'Y' or the actual AccountNumber in all other cases.

    Additional Requirements:
    1. I need to do this in  SSAS as I will need to expand this condition to display actual values to a specific Sensitive user role.
    2. The business requires drill down to account number.

    My SSAS skills are really basic so not even sure if the Calculated member is the right place to do this?
    Thank you!

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