Finding Percentages Based on Column Sum

  • Good day all,
    Please i need help concerning finding percentage on a column. I want to find percentage of each row based on the Base Column in the sample data below:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestData](
        [Selection] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
        [Criteria] [nvarchar](500) NULL,
        [Heading] [nvarchar](550) NOT NULL,
        [Base] [int] NULL,
        [WhatImGetting] [numeric](5, 0) NULL,
        [WhatIWant] [numeric](5, 0) NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    INSERT [dbo].[TestData] ([Selection], [Criteria], [Heading], [Base], [WhatImGetting], [WhatIWant]) VALUES (N'All', N'All', N'', 5, CAST(100 AS Numeric(5, 0)), CAST(100 AS Numeric(5, 0)))
    INSERT [dbo].[TestData] ([Selection], [Criteria], [Heading], [Base], [WhatImGetting], [WhatIWant]) VALUES (N'Gender', N'Male', N'', 5, CAST(100 AS Numeric(5, 0)), CAST(100 AS Numeric(5, 0)))
    INSERT [dbo].[TestData] ([Selection], [Criteria], [Heading], [Base], [WhatImGetting], [WhatIWant]) VALUES (N'Location', N'Abuja', N'', 2, CAST(40 AS Numeric(5, 0)), CAST(40 AS Numeric(5, 0)))
    INSERT [dbo].[TestData] ([Selection], [Criteria], [Heading], [Base], [WhatImGetting], [WhatIWant]) VALUES (N'Location', N'Kano', N'', 3, CAST(60 AS Numeric(5, 0)), CAST(60 AS Numeric(5, 0)))
    INSERT [dbo].[TestData] ([Selection], [Criteria], [Heading], [Base], [WhatImGetting], [WhatIWant]) VALUES (N'MaritalStatus', N'Married', N'', 2, CAST(40 AS Numeric(5, 0)), CAST(40 AS Numeric(5, 0)))
    INSERT [dbo].[TestData] ([Selection], [Criteria], [Heading], [Base], [WhatImGetting], [WhatIWant]) VALUES (N'MaritalStatus', N'Single', N'', 3, CAST(60 AS Numeric(5, 0)), CAST(60 AS Numeric(5, 0)))
    INSERT [dbo].[TestData] ([Selection], [Criteria], [Heading], [Base], [WhatImGetting], [WhatIWant]) VALUES (N'Question1', N'3yrs – 4 yrs.', N'Q1. How long has this business existed?', 3, CAST(60 AS Numeric(5, 0)), CAST(75 AS Numeric(5, 0)))
    INSERT [dbo].[TestData] ([Selection], [Criteria], [Heading], [Base], [WhatImGetting], [WhatIWant]) VALUES (N'Question1', N'16yrs – 20yrs', N'Q1. How long has this business existed?', 1, CAST(20 AS Numeric(5, 0)), CAST(25 AS Numeric(5, 0)))

    This is my sample code

    with cte as (
    from TestData
    Select Selection, Criteria, Heading, Base, cast(round(Base * 100.0/Nullif((select SUM(case when Selection = 'Gender' then Base Else 0 End) from cte),0),0) as numeric(5,0)) Male from cte

    Others are correct, its when it gets to Question1 under selection that the calculation is wrong, obvious all the calculation is wrong.


  • It's not entirely clear from your description, but from your expected results it looks like maybe what you're wanting is this:

    For each row, report the percentage its Base value is of the total Base reported for that value of Selection.

    Is that accurate?


  • Jacob Wilkins - Friday, August 10, 2018 3:50 PM

    It's not entirely clear from your description, but from your expected results it looks like maybe what you're wanting is this:

    For each row, report the percentage its Base value is of the total Base reported for that value of Selection.

    Is that accurate?


    Hi Jacob, exactly what i want.
    Any ideas please

  • In that case, something like this should do the trick:

    SELECT *,
           percentage_of_selection=Base*100.0/SUM(Base) OVER (PARTITION BY Selection)
    FROM TestData;


  • Jacob Wilkins - Friday, August 10, 2018 4:08 PM

    In that case, something like this should do the trick:

    SELECT *,
           percentage_of_selection=Base*100.0/SUM(Base) OVER (PARTITION BY Selection)
    FROM TestData;


    Hi Jacob,
    Thanks very much, i totally forgot about the work of partitioning.
    Thanks once again

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