Problem Converting DATE. Trying to Purge Data Oldest than 30 days from Performance Counter Table where date column is char (24)

  • Hello

    Acttually i have a regular MSFT performance monitor counter running, which counters are being collected into a SQL Server table.

    Because the table as a lot of records, i want to purge data older than 10 days.

    When i try to purge data with the query:

    delete from [dbo].[CounterData] WHERE counterdatetime < DATEADD(day, -10, GETDATE())

    I get the following error:
    Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

    I noted the column type is CHAR (24) instead of DATETIME and for that the query blows.

    I have searched on the Internet and try resolve, but without success.

    Someone as IDEAS to solve this situation? I would appreciate a lot.

    Best Regards


  • What format is the character date?

  • Hello Laurie

    Thanks for the reply ๐Ÿ™‚

    The date appears this way when i made a select:

    2018-08-09 13:34:47.626

    The column is (CHAR(24), not null)


  • I think that message means that you have got a value that's not a date somewhere in the column.
    It's not a blank or an invalid date.

  • SELECT counterdatetime
    FROM CounterData
    WHERE TRY_CONVERT(datetime,counterdatetime) IS NULL


  • Hi John Thank you

    Now something is missing me.

    When i run this:

    delete from [dbo].[CounterData]
    where counterdatetime IN
    SELECT counterdatetime
    FROM CounterData
    WHERE TRY_CONVERT(datetime,counterdatetime) IS NULL)

    It deleteยดs all data from the table.

    Now, how can i keep data from today and delete previous days data (purge)?

    If someone can help me, i appreciate so much


  • Daniel

    Well, if you deleted it all, then you're going to struggle to keep today's data!  Seriously, though - if you deleted all data then it must mean that all the values in counterdatetime must have been invalid.  Please will you post DDL (CREATE TABLE statement) and some sample data (INSERT statement(s)) so that we can see what sort of data you're looking at?


  • dfd.francisco 53179 - Thursday, August 9, 2018 9:16 AM

    Hi John Thank you

    Now something is missing me.

    When i run this:

    delete from [dbo].[CounterData]
    where counterdatetime IN
    SELECT counterdatetime
    FROM CounterData
    WHERE TRY_CONVERT(datetime,counterdatetime) IS NULL)

    It delete´s all data from the table.

    Now, how can i keep data from today and delete previous days data (purge)?

    If someone can help me, i appreciate so much


    Hmm... wouldn't that mean none of the values in your table are actually in the format you provided earlier? 

    SELECT TRY_CONVERT(datetime, '2018-08-09 13:34:47.626')

    This returns a value for me not a null so based on that delete statement it wouldn't have been deleted if it was actually a value?

  • dfd.francisco 53179 - Thursday, August 9, 2018 9:16 AM

    Hi John Thank you

    Now something is missing me.

    When i run this:

    delete from [dbo].[CounterData]
    where counterdatetime IN
    SELECT counterdatetime
    FROM CounterData
    WHERE TRY_CONVERT(datetime,counterdatetime) IS NULL)

    It delete´s all data from the table.

    Now, how can i keep data from today and delete previous days data (purge)?

    If someone can help me, i appreciate so much


    You do realize that John just wanted you to run the following, right?

    SELECT counterdatetime
    FROM CounterData
    WHERE TRY_CONVERT(datetime,counterdatetime) IS NULL

  • Hi John

    When i run the statement
     SELECT counterdatetime
    FROM CounterData
    WHERE TRY_CONVERT(datetime,counterdatetime) IS NULL
    it give me:

    2018-08-09 16:07:07.038
    2018-08-09 16:07:11.931
    2018-08-09 16:07:16.934

    I try to explain from the beggining.

    I have created a performance counter collector in a SQL server, where the information is being collected into a database that i have aleady creasted.  the Perfmon tool, has created 4 tables when i change the collector log format into SQL:


    When i start the collector, the tables are filled with perf counters information. The "counterdata" is the table where the collected information remains. Because i have a lot of counters, the table growths very fast (100 MB/day). Thats the reason why i want to create a statement, which allows me to delete records older than 10 days.

    The "counterdata" table has a column which by default is CHAR(24) instead off DATETIME:

    this is how the permon creates the table
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CounterData](
        [GUID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
        [CounterID] [int] NOT NULL,
        [RecordIndex] [int] NOT NULL,
        [CounterDateTime] [char](24) NOT NULL,
        [CounterValue] [float] NOT NULL,
        [FirstValueA] [int] NULL,
        [FirstValueB] [int] NULL,
        [SecondValueA] [int] NULL,
        [SecondValueB] [int] NULL,
        [MultiCount] [int] NULL,

    To delete all data except the last 10 days, i tryed to run the following query:
    delete from [dbo].[CounterData] WHERE counterdatetime < DATEADD(day, -10, GETDATE())

    Bbut whithout success because the column counterdatetime is a string instead of DATETIME.
    Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

    The table has the content type:

    GUID    CounterID    RecordIndex    CounterDateTime    CounterValue    FirstValueA    FirstValueB    SecondValueA    SecondValueB    MultiCount
    A3C154C5-A4C5-4EAE-BDCA-80237E4EAF49    1    1    2018-08-08 00:00:01.047    3138    3138    0    0    0    1

    There is no problem on this moment for the deleted table, but i want to assure that i have a purge mechanism when i put the performance collectors working "Officially".

    Thanks a lot for the atention



  • Lynn Pettis - Thursday, August 9, 2018 9:33 AM

    dfd.francisco 53179 - Thursday, August 9, 2018 9:16 AM

    Hi John Thank you

    Now something is missing me.

    When i run this:

    delete from [dbo].[CounterData]
    where counterdatetime IN
    SELECT counterdatetime
    FROM CounterData
    WHERE TRY_CONVERT(datetime,counterdatetime) IS NULL)

    It delete´s all data from the table.

    Now, how can i keep data from today and delete previous days data (purge)?

    If someone can help me, i appreciate so much


    You do realize that John just wanted you to run the following, right?

    SELECT counterdatetime
    FROM CounterData
    WHERE TRY_CONVERT(datetime,counterdatetime) IS NULL

    Hi Lynn

    Yes ๐Ÿ™‚ no problem, because i am testing this solution for now ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Is this a locale issue?  What country are you in?

  • laurie-789651 - Thursday, August 9, 2018 10:08 AM

    Is this a locale issue?  What country are you in?

    Hi, It´s not a local issue. It´s a Convertion problem because of the column type. 
    Hi try a workarround, deleting and recreating the table with the column in DATETIME, but then the performance counter BLOWS :pinch:

  • dfd.francisco 53179 - Friday, August 10, 2018 2:05 AM

    Hi try a workarround, deleting and recreating the table with the column in DATETIME, but then the performance counter BLOWS :pinch:

    What do you mean by that?  If you have the option to redesign the table then that's what you should do.  Store dates as dates.  Even if performance is worse, it's still working as it should.  If you can't change the table, then try taking the hyphens out of the stored dates.  I couldn't replicate that myself, but I think I've heard reports that sometimes the hyphen stops the date from being convertible.

    SELECT CAST('2018-08-10 09:16:57.803' AS datetime)
    SELECT CAST('20180810 09:16:57.803' AS datetime)


  • John Mitchell-245523 - Friday, August 10, 2018 2:21 AM

    dfd.francisco 53179 - Friday, August 10, 2018 2:05 AM

    Hi try a workarround, deleting and recreating the table with the column in DATETIME, but then the performance counter BLOWS :pinch:

    What do you mean by that?  If you have the option to redesign the table then that's what you should do.  Store dates as dates.  Even if performance is worse, it's still working as it should.  If you can't change the table, then try taking the hyphens out of the stored dates.  I couldn't replicate that myself, but I think I've heard reports that sometimes the hyphen stops the date from being convertible.

    SELECT CAST('2018-08-10 09:16:57.803' AS datetime)
    SELECT CAST('20180810 09:16:57.803' AS datetime)


    I John

    I cannot redesign the table with the column with the right format (DATETIME) because it´s a default table for Perfomon. I have tryed and recreated the table but when i start the performance monitor counters , the process blows up. 

    I am out of ideas, I only want to purge data oldest than 10 days, ARGHHHH :pinch:

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