xp_cmdshell question

  • All,

    I have the following setup:

    Two domain users:

    domain\admin - domain admin
    domain\sqladmin - Used to run the sql services include the sql agent
    The sql servers are part of the domain

    I'm trying to zip and copy files to a backup location that is also part of the domain. Domain\admin has access to the location but domain\sqladmin doesn't. I could possibly give domain\sqladmin access to the location but I would prefer not to.

    If I run the copy process from t-sql then it runs under the domain\sqladmin account so the connection to the backup location fails.

    What I would like to do is run the zip and copy as the domain\admin. I think I can do that via a proxy account? However the domain\admin account password gets changed every 30 days so I would have to update the proxy details each time? Obviously If I forget then the process will fail.

    I would appreciate any ideas or better ways to achieving the process.


  • You could setup a msa/gmsa just to perform that task - give it the required permissions to the folders on both servers, and have on a windows schedule on one of the servers.

  • Hello,

    Thanks for the idea.


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