carving out bussiness hours.

  • so i'm newish to SQL and SSRS but i'm working on a report that allows me to calculate average times for the resolution of tickets in out ticketing system. the main issue is that the tables don;t account for our business hours. so when is see the total time a ticket was in active it will show lets say 100,000 mins because the clock keeps running in SQL after our day is done. 

    so i have the below statement which produces the below results, how to i run a function or add to this statement to carve out business hours, our service desk is 6 am to 6 pm, no weekends

             IncidentStatusDurationFactvw.TotalTimeMeasure, IncidentDimvw.Id, SLAConfigurationDimvw.DisplayName, IncidentStatusvw.IncidentStatusValue, IncidentStatusDurationFactvw.StartDateTime,
    FROM    IncidentStatusvw FULL OUTER JOIN
             IncidentStatusDurationFactvw ON IncidentStatusvw.IncidentStatusId = IncidentStatusDurationFactvw.IncidentStatusId FULL OUTER JOIN
             IncidentDimvw FULL OUTER JOIN
             WorkItemDimvw ON IncidentDimvw.EntityDimKey = WorkItemDimvw.EntityDimKey FULL OUTER JOIN
             SLAInstanceInformationFactvw ON WorkItemDimvw.WorkItemDimKey = SLAInstanceInformationFactvw.WorkItemDimKey FULL OUTER JOIN
             SLAConfigurationDimvw ON SLAInstanceInformationFactvw.SLAConfigurationDimKey = SLAConfigurationDimvw.SLAConfigurationDimKey ON
             IncidentStatusDurationFactvw.IncidentDimKey = IncidentDimvw.IncidentDimKey

    where (IncidentDimvw.ResolvedDate BETWEEN '20180501' AND '20180530') and (SLAConfigurationDimvw.DisplayName = 'p2 Incident SLO') and (IncidentStatusDurationFactvw.TotalTimeMeasure != '0') AND (IncidentStatusvw.IncidentStatusValue != 'resolved')

    order by Id

    TotalTime    Id          DisplayName     IncidentStatus        StartDateTime             FinishDateTime
    37335    IR702681    P2 Incident SLO    Pending    2018-04-27 22:06:48.227    2018-05-23 20:21:10.320
    105212    IR702681    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-02-13 20:34:38.357    2018-04-27 22:06:48.227
    13317    IR774007    P2 Incident SLO    Pending    2018-04-23 12:45:21.973    2018-05-02 18:42:01.283
    19999    IR774007    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-04-09 15:26:43.180    2018-04-23 12:45:21.973
    8362    IR777568    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-04-12 16:14:26.637    2018-04-18 11:36:04.780
    18924    IR777568    P2 Incident SLO    Pending    2018-04-18 11:36:04.780    2018-05-01 15:00:54.643
    14378    IR779624    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-04-17 22:29:22.257    2018-04-27 22:07:46.553
    35982    IR779624    P2 Incident SLO    Pending    2018-04-27 22:07:46.553    2018-05-22 21:49:27.470
    8301    IR779941    P2 Incident SLO    Pending    2018-04-26 19:03:46.200    2018-05-02 13:24:15.397
    11768    IR779941    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-04-18 14:55:48.920    2018-04-26 19:03:46.200
    1710    IR783730    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-04-24 18:10:48.573    2018-04-25 22:40:00.563
    8219    IR783730    P2 Incident SLO    Pending    2018-04-25 22:40:00.563    2018-05-01 15:39:50.720
    3061    IR783936    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-04-25 19:07:52.083    2018-04-27 22:08:16.670
    15695    IR783936    P2 Incident SLO    Pending    2018-04-27 22:08:16.670    2018-05-08 19:43:52.767
    8395    IR786873    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-01 21:20:28.267    2018-05-07 17:15:11.977

  • I had to do this once, and it's not all that easy.   The first thing is to recognize that you are also going to need to recognize holidays, and without a calendar table, that's just not practical.  In my case, the ticket might be assigned to different teams, and thus might not be covered under our SLA for those times either.   Additionally, we had to measure the resulting resolution times against an SLA, and for each SLA there were different "business hours", so be sure to know exactly what your SLAs are, and exactly how they are different.   I needed to derive the total resolution time down to the second in order to be able to have a consistent way to measure against all the different SLAs, and so a 1 hour SLA would mean 3600 seconds.   Deriving time differences was something that I had to use SQL 2000 to do, without access to things like ROW_NUMBER() or LAG().   It was painful.   However, I did have Crystal Reports handy, and thus not all of the calculation was being done in SQL Server.  Most of it was calculated by Crystal by accumulating calculated time from each row that came in and had an effect on the resolution time.  The key element is to be able to determine when each "event" occurs, and the duration of that event.  Defining the meaning of "event" then becomes the bedrock of your calculation method.   It's usually a good idea to actually map this out in a meeting with either fellow developers and/or your boss to be sure that the understanding of exactly what constitutes time against an SLA is fully understood by all the stake holders.

    Thus this might be a LOT more complicated than you think at the moment.   Trust me when I tell you that if your company starts to measure the IT department on the basis of the SLA, all of a sudden there will be a mad rush to negotiate exactly what constitutes that SLA, and exactly what all the rules are.   IT will have the most to lose on this stuff.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • This is relatively straightforward (the difference between start time and end time, for selected hours only), but you'll need to post directly usable data.  That is, CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements that we can run a query against, instead of just a splat of data on the screen.  I'm already volunteering my time to write the query for you, I'm not gonna spend my time creating the test tables as well!

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • You can create a function to calculate the durations for you.

    The function below will calculate the time in seconds, using Mon-Fri 06h00 to 18h00.
    However, it will not take holidays into account.  For that you'd be better off with a calendar table.
    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_ElapsedSeconds] (
    -- Used with Variables ---------------------------------
      DECLARE @StartDateTime AS datetime = '2018-06-04 09:15:22';
      DECLARE @FinishDateTime AS datetime = '2018-06-04 11:23:19';

       StartDateTime = @StartDateTime
      , FinishDateTime = @FinishDateTime
      , TotalSeconds = sec.NumSeconds
      , TotalTime = CAST(DATEADD(SECOND, sec.NumSeconds, 0) AS TIME(0)) -- NOTE - If the total time exceeds 24 hours, the days will be truncated.
      FROM dbo.fn_ElapsedSeconds(@StartDateTime, @FinishDateTime) AS sec;

    -- Used with a table -----------------------------------
      DECLARE @Tickets AS TABLE (
       TicketNum   int  NOT NULL
      , StartDateTime datetime NOT NULL
      , FinishDateTime datetime  NULL

      INSERT INTO @Tickets (TicketNum, StartDateTime, FinishDateTime)
      VALUES (1, '2018-06-04 10:15:22', '2018-06-04 11:23:19')
       , (2, '2018-06-04 13:17:41', '2018-06-05 09:19:53')
       , (3, '2018-06-04 14:27:11', NULL);

      , t.StartDateTime
      , t.FinishDateTime
      , TotalSeconds = sec.NumSeconds
      , TotalTime = CAST(DATEADD(SECOND, sec.NumSeconds, 0) AS TIME(0)) -- NOTE - If the total time exceeds 24 hours, the days will be truncated.
      FROM @Tickets AS t
      OUTER APPLY dbo.fn_ElapsedSeconds(t.StartDateTime, t.FinishDateTime) AS sec
      WHERE t.FinishDateTime IS NOT NULL;

      @StartDateTime AS datetime
    , @FinishDateTime AS datetime
    -- This is the base used to create the Virtual Tally Table below
    T(N) AS (SELECT N FROM (VALUES (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)
               , (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)
               , (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)
               , (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)
             ) AS X(N)
    -- This builds a Virtual Tally Table of 1 to Number of days between @StartDateTime and @FinishDateTime
    , Nums(rn) AS (SELECT TOP(DATEDIFF(DAY, @StartDateTime, @FinishDateTime) +1)
         FROM T T1, T T2

    -- This is the start end end time of each workday in the week
    , cteDays(DayNum, IsWorkDay, StartTime, EndTime) AS (
        SELECT DayNum, IsWorkDay, StartTime, EndTime
        FROM (VALUES (0, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Monday
           , (1, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Tuesday
           , (2, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Wednesday
           , (3, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Thursday
           , (4, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Friday
           , (5, 0, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Saturday
           , (6, 0, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Sunday
            ) AS tabDays(DayNum, IsWorkDay, StartTime, EndTime)
        WHERE IsWorkDay = 1
    -- This calculates the Start and End Time of each day that the ticket was open.
    , cteTimes AS (
        , [Date] = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @StartDateTime), n.rn -1)
        , DayNum = (DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @StartDateTime) +n.rn -1) %7
        , StartTime = CASE WHEN n.rn = 1 THEN CAST(@StartDateTime AS TIME(3)) ELSE d.StartTime END
        , EndTime = CASE WHEN n.rn = DATEDIFF(DAY, @StartDateTime, @FinishDateTime) +1 THEN CAST(@FinishDateTime AS TIME(3)) ELSE d.EndTime END
        FROM Nums AS n
        INNER JOIN cteDays AS d
         ON d.DayNum = (DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @StartDateTime) +n.rn -1) %7
    -- This sums up the total number of minutes that the ticket was open
    SELECT NumSeconds = SUM(DATEDIFF(SECOND, t.StartTime, t.EndTime))
    FROM cteTimes AS t;

  • sgmunson - Thursday, June 7, 2018 10:03 AM

    I had to do this once, and it's not all that easy.   The first thing is to recognize that you are also going to need to recognize holidays, and without a calendar table, that's just not practical.  In my case, the ticket might be assigned to different teams, and thus might not be covered under our SLA for those times either.   Additionally, we had to measure the resulting resolution times against an SLA, and for each SLA there were different "business hours", so be sure to know exactly what your SLAs are, and exactly how they are different.   I needed to derive the total resolution time down to the second in order to be able to have a consistent way to measure against all the different SLAs, and so a 1 hour SLA would mean 3600 seconds.   Deriving time differences was something that I had to use SQL 2000 to do, without access to things like ROW_NUMBER() or LAG().   It was painful.   However, I did have Crystal Reports handy, and thus not all of the calculation was being done in SQL Server.  Most of it was calculated by Crystal by accumulating calculated time from each row that came in and had an effect on the resolution time.  The key element is to be able to determine when each "event" occurs, and the duration of that event.  Defining the meaning of "event" then becomes the bedrock of your calculation method.   It's usually a good idea to actually map this out in a meeting with either fellow developers and/or your boss to be sure that the understanding of exactly what constitutes time against an SLA is fully understood by all the stake holders.

    Thus this might be a LOT more complicated than you think at the moment.   Trust me when I tell you that if your company starts to measure the IT department on the basis of the SLA, all of a sudden there will be a mad rush to negotiate exactly what constitutes that SLA, and exactly what all the rules are.   IT will have the most to lose on this stuff.

    Thank, yeah our IT department has been measured on the SLA for many years and this is the problem the metrics have been off because the ticketing system's reports and the ticketing system itself was not designed for averages. but try explaining that to a boss , "we can't give you this report because the system isn't designed like that" their answer is simple fix it. most of the time i can fix it but i know sql averages are beyond my skill set which is why this is a perfect learning experience. i put around 40 hours in trying to do this myself before i ended up here.

  • DesNorton - Thursday, June 7, 2018 12:37 PM

    You can create a function to calculate the durations for you.

    The function below will calculate the time in seconds, using Mon-Fri 06h00 to 18h00.
    However, it will not take holidays into account.  For that you'd be better off with a calendar table.
    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_ElapsedSeconds] (
    -- Used with Variables ---------------------------------
      DECLARE @StartDateTime AS datetime = '2018-06-04 09:15:22';
      DECLARE @FinishDateTime AS datetime = '2018-06-04 11:23:19';

       StartDateTime = @StartDateTime
      , FinishDateTime = @FinishDateTime
      , TotalSeconds = sec.NumSeconds
      , TotalTime = CAST(DATEADD(SECOND, sec.NumSeconds, 0) AS TIME(0)) -- NOTE - If the total time exceeds 24 hours, the days will be truncated.
      FROM dbo.fn_ElapsedSeconds(@StartDateTime, @FinishDateTime) AS sec;

    -- Used with a table -----------------------------------
      DECLARE @Tickets AS TABLE (
       TicketNum   int  NOT NULL
      , StartDateTime datetime NOT NULL
      , FinishDateTime datetime  NULL

      INSERT INTO @Tickets (TicketNum, StartDateTime, FinishDateTime)
      VALUES (1, '2018-06-04 10:15:22', '2018-06-04 11:23:19')
       , (2, '2018-06-04 13:17:41', '2018-06-05 09:19:53')
       , (3, '2018-06-04 14:27:11', NULL);

      , t.StartDateTime
      , t.FinishDateTime
      , TotalSeconds = sec.NumSeconds
      , TotalTime = CAST(DATEADD(SECOND, sec.NumSeconds, 0) AS TIME(0)) -- NOTE - If the total time exceeds 24 hours, the days will be truncated.
      FROM @Tickets AS t
      OUTER APPLY dbo.fn_ElapsedSeconds(t.StartDateTime, t.FinishDateTime) AS sec
      WHERE t.FinishDateTime IS NOT NULL;

      @StartDateTime AS datetime
    , @FinishDateTime AS datetime
    -- This is the base used to create the Virtual Tally Table below
    T(N) AS (SELECT N FROM (VALUES (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)
               , (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)
               , (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)
               , (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)
             ) AS X(N)
    -- This builds a Virtual Tally Table of 1 to Number of days between @StartDateTime and @FinishDateTime
    , Nums(rn) AS (SELECT TOP(DATEDIFF(DAY, @StartDateTime, @FinishDateTime) +1)
         FROM T T1, T T2

    -- This is the start end end time of each workday in the week
    , cteDays(DayNum, IsWorkDay, StartTime, EndTime) AS (
        SELECT DayNum, IsWorkDay, StartTime, EndTime
        FROM (VALUES (0, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Monday
           , (1, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Tuesday
           , (2, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Wednesday
           , (3, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Thursday
           , (4, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Friday
           , (5, 0, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Saturday
           , (6, 0, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Sunday
            ) AS tabDays(DayNum, IsWorkDay, StartTime, EndTime)
        WHERE IsWorkDay = 1
    -- This calculates the Start and End Time of each day that the ticket was open.
    , cteTimes AS (
        , [Date] = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @StartDateTime), n.rn -1)
        , DayNum = (DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @StartDateTime) +n.rn -1) %7
        , StartTime = CASE WHEN n.rn = 1 THEN CAST(@StartDateTime AS TIME(3)) ELSE d.StartTime END
        , EndTime = CASE WHEN n.rn = DATEDIFF(DAY, @StartDateTime, @FinishDateTime) +1 THEN CAST(@FinishDateTime AS TIME(3)) ELSE d.EndTime END
        FROM Nums AS n
        INNER JOIN cteDays AS d
         ON d.DayNum = (DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @StartDateTime) +n.rn -1) %7
    -- This sums up the total number of minutes that the ticket was open
    SELECT NumSeconds = SUM(DATEDIFF(SECOND, t.StartTime, t.EndTime))
    FROM cteTimes AS t;

    thanks i'm trying to do the calendar table but i'm not sure how to insert my sql statement into the calendar table or edit my statement to use the calendar table.

  • madmilitia - Monday, June 11, 2018 7:57 AM

    DesNorton - Thursday, June 7, 2018 12:37 PM

    You can create a function to calculate the durations for you.

    The function below will calculate the time in seconds, using Mon-Fri 06h00 to 18h00.
    However, it will not take holidays into account.  For that you'd be better off with a calendar table.
    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_ElapsedSeconds] (
    -- Used with Variables ---------------------------------
      DECLARE @StartDateTime AS datetime = '2018-06-04 09:15:22';
      DECLARE @FinishDateTime AS datetime = '2018-06-04 11:23:19';

       StartDateTime = @StartDateTime
      , FinishDateTime = @FinishDateTime
      , TotalSeconds = sec.NumSeconds
      , TotalTime = CAST(DATEADD(SECOND, sec.NumSeconds, 0) AS TIME(0)) -- NOTE - If the total time exceeds 24 hours, the days will be truncated.
      FROM dbo.fn_ElapsedSeconds(@StartDateTime, @FinishDateTime) AS sec;

    -- Used with a table -----------------------------------
      DECLARE @Tickets AS TABLE (
       TicketNum   int  NOT NULL
      , StartDateTime datetime NOT NULL
      , FinishDateTime datetime  NULL

      INSERT INTO @Tickets (TicketNum, StartDateTime, FinishDateTime)
      VALUES (1, '2018-06-04 10:15:22', '2018-06-04 11:23:19')
       , (2, '2018-06-04 13:17:41', '2018-06-05 09:19:53')
       , (3, '2018-06-04 14:27:11', NULL);

      , t.StartDateTime
      , t.FinishDateTime
      , TotalSeconds = sec.NumSeconds
      , TotalTime = CAST(DATEADD(SECOND, sec.NumSeconds, 0) AS TIME(0)) -- NOTE - If the total time exceeds 24 hours, the days will be truncated.
      FROM @Tickets AS t
      OUTER APPLY dbo.fn_ElapsedSeconds(t.StartDateTime, t.FinishDateTime) AS sec
      WHERE t.FinishDateTime IS NOT NULL;

      @StartDateTime AS datetime
    , @FinishDateTime AS datetime
    -- This is the base used to create the Virtual Tally Table below
    T(N) AS (SELECT N FROM (VALUES (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)
               , (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)
               , (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)
               , (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)
             ) AS X(N)
    -- This builds a Virtual Tally Table of 1 to Number of days between @StartDateTime and @FinishDateTime
    , Nums(rn) AS (SELECT TOP(DATEDIFF(DAY, @StartDateTime, @FinishDateTime) +1)
         FROM T T1, T T2

    -- This is the start end end time of each workday in the week
    , cteDays(DayNum, IsWorkDay, StartTime, EndTime) AS (
        SELECT DayNum, IsWorkDay, StartTime, EndTime
        FROM (VALUES (0, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Monday
           , (1, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Tuesday
           , (2, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Wednesday
           , (3, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Thursday
           , (4, 1, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Friday
           , (5, 0, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Saturday
           , (6, 0, '06:00:00', '18:00:00') -- Sunday
            ) AS tabDays(DayNum, IsWorkDay, StartTime, EndTime)
        WHERE IsWorkDay = 1
    -- This calculates the Start and End Time of each day that the ticket was open.
    , cteTimes AS (
        , [Date] = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @StartDateTime), n.rn -1)
        , DayNum = (DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @StartDateTime) +n.rn -1) %7
        , StartTime = CASE WHEN n.rn = 1 THEN CAST(@StartDateTime AS TIME(3)) ELSE d.StartTime END
        , EndTime = CASE WHEN n.rn = DATEDIFF(DAY, @StartDateTime, @FinishDateTime) +1 THEN CAST(@FinishDateTime AS TIME(3)) ELSE d.EndTime END
        FROM Nums AS n
        INNER JOIN cteDays AS d
         ON d.DayNum = (DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @StartDateTime) +n.rn -1) %7
    -- This sums up the total number of minutes that the ticket was open
    SELECT NumSeconds = SUM(DATEDIFF(SECOND, t.StartTime, t.EndTime))
    FROM cteTimes AS t;

    thanks i'm trying to do the calendar table but i'm not sure how to insert my sql statement into the calendar table or edit my statement to use the calendar table.

    so i added my select avg() statment to the bottom of this function and got an error, (it was a syntax thing that i fixed) but then when i ran it the second time i got 

    Msg 2714, Level 16, State 3, Procedure fn_ElapsedSeconds, Line 46
    There is already an object named 'fn_ElapsedSeconds' in the database.
    Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 2
    The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.

  • DesNorton - Thursday, June 7, 2018 12:37 PM

    You can create a function to calculate the durations for you.

    The function below will calculate the time in seconds, using Mon-Fri 06h00 to 18h00.
    However, it will not take holidays into account.  For that you'd be better off with a calendar table.

    ok so after some time i got the function to create. i'm most likely doing this wrong but i added my select statement after your function and when i execute it gave me result. but those results were exactly the same. like it's ignoring the function. 

    so now that i have the function in there how to incorporate it into my select statement for that matter any new select statements i run in the future too.

  • Change the CREATE FUNCTION to ALTER FUNCTION as you are now altering an existing function

  • madmilitia - Monday, June 11, 2018 9:21 AM

    DesNorton - Thursday, June 7, 2018 12:37 PM

    You can create a function to calculate the durations for you.

    The function below will calculate the time in seconds, using Mon-Fri 06h00 to 18h00.
    However, it will not take holidays into account.  For that you'd be better off with a calendar table.

    ok so after some time i got the function to create. i'm most likely doing this wrong but i added my select statement after your function and when i execute it gave me result. but those results were exactly the same. like it's ignoring the function. 

    so now that i have the function in there how to incorporate it into my select statement for that matter any new select statements i run in the future too.

    There are 2 examples of how to use the function in the comments.
    The 1st example is the use of the function with variables for a single calculation.
    The 2nd example is for the use of the function against a table (or in your select statement).

    , IncidentDimvw.Id
    , SLAConfigurationDimvw.DisplayName
    , IncidentStatusvw.IncidentStatusValue
    , IncidentStatusDurationFactvw.StartDateTime
    , IncidentStatusDurationFactvw.FinishDateTime
    , TotalSeconds = sec.NumSeconds
    , TotalTime = CAST(DATEADD(SECOND, sec.NumSeconds, 0) AS TIME(0)) -- NOTE - If the total time exceeds 24 hours, the days will be truncated.
    FROM IncidentStatusvw
    FULL OUTER JOIN IncidentStatusDurationFactvw
     ON IncidentStatusvw.IncidentStatusId = IncidentStatusDurationFactvw.IncidentStatusId
    FULL OUTER JOIN IncidentDimvw
    FULL OUTER JOIN WorkItemDimvw
     ON IncidentDimvw.EntityDimKey = WorkItemDimvw.EntityDimKey
    FULL OUTER JOIN SLAInstanceInformationFactvw
     ON WorkItemDimvw.WorkItemDimKey = SLAInstanceInformationFactvw.WorkItemDimKey
    FULL OUTER JOIN SLAConfigurationDimvw
     ON SLAInstanceInformationFactvw.SLAConfigurationDimKey = SLAConfigurationDimvw.SLAConfigurationDimKey
    ON IncidentStatusDurationFactvw.IncidentDimKey = IncidentDimvw.IncidentDimKey
    OUTER APPLY dbo.fn_ElapsedSeconds(IncidentStatusDurationFactvw.StartDateTime, IncidentStatusDurationFactvw.FinishDateTime) AS sec
    WHERE (IncidentDimvw.ResolvedDate BETWEEN '20180501' AND '20180530')
    AND (SLAConfigurationDimvw.DisplayName = 'p2 Incident SLO')
    AND (IncidentStatusDurationFactvw.TotalTimeMeasure != '0')
    AND (IncidentStatusvw.IncidentStatusValue != 'resolved')

  • DesNorton - Monday, June 11, 2018 1:21 PM

    madmilitia - Monday, June 11, 2018 9:21 AM

    DesNorton - Thursday, June 7, 2018 12:37 PM

    You can create a function to calculate the durations for you.

    The function below will calculate the time in seconds, using Mon-Fri 06h00 to 18h00.
    However, it will not take holidays into account.  For that you'd be better off with a calendar table.

    ok so after some time i got the function to create. i'm most likely doing this wrong but i added my select statement after your function and when i execute it gave me result. but those results were exactly the same. like it's ignoring the function. 

    so now that i have the function in there how to incorporate it into my select statement for that matter any new select statements i run in the future too.

    There are 2 examples of how to use the function in the comments.
    The 1st example is the use of the function with variables for a single calculation.
    The 2nd example is for the use of the function against a table (or in your select statement)

    ok i think this is working so i see the new total time column i'm not sure where or how it is working, but i'll learn that later. is there any way to make it do the avg of the new totaltime column. 

    i tried  totaltime = avg(DATEADD(SECOND, sec.NumSeconds, 0) AS TIME(0))
    and avg(totaltime) but i don't think i'm putting two and two together in understanding cast()

  • madmilitia - Tuesday, June 12, 2018 8:37 AM

    ok i think this is working so i see the new total time column i'm not sure where or how it is working, but i'll learn that later. is there any way to make it do the avg of the new totaltime column. 

    i tried  totaltime = avg(DATEADD(SECOND, sec.NumSeconds, 0) AS TIME(0))
    and avg(totaltime) but i don't think i'm putting two and two together in understanding cast()

    Perhaps I am not understanding your requirements, but I see the AVG of a single record as being EQUAL to the record.
    If you want an AVG, then you need to extract your dataset, and then run an AVG over the dataset.

  • DesNorton - Tuesday, June 12, 2018 9:01 AM

    madmilitia - Tuesday, June 12, 2018 8:37 AM

    ok i think this is working so i see the new total time column i'm not sure where or how it is working, but i'll learn that later. is there any way to make it do the avg of the new totaltime column. 

    i tried  totaltime = avg(DATEADD(SECOND, sec.NumSeconds, 0) AS TIME(0))
    and avg(totaltime) but i don't think i'm putting two and two together in understanding cast()

    Perhaps I am not understanding your requirements, but I see the AVG of a single record as being EQUAL to the record.
    If you want an AVG, then you need to extract your dataset, and then run an AVG over the dataset.

    so i now get these results which is great cause i can see which tickets are taking way to long and i can explain a few things. however i would love it if i could slim this down and get the avg time  of the total time column. normally i would run a select distinct AVG(IncidentStatusDurationFactvw.TotalTimeMeasure) and it would return me one number the average of that column. this is different though because this statement is running TotalTime = CAST(DATEADD(SECOND, sec.NumSeconds, 0) AS TIME(0))

    TotalTimeMeasure    Id    DisplayName    IncidentStatusValue    StartDateTime    FinishDateTime    TotalSeconds    TotalTime
    105212    IR702681    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-02-13 20:34:38.357    2018-04-27 22:06:48.227    2295130    13:32:10
    19999    IR774007    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-04-09 15:26:43.180    2018-04-23 12:45:21.973    422318    21:18:38
    8362    IR777568    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-04-12 16:14:26.637    2018-04-18 11:36:04.780    156098    19:21:38
    14378    IR779624    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-04-17 22:29:22.257    2018-04-27 22:07:46.553    344304    23:38:24
    11768    IR779941    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-04-18 14:55:48.920    2018-04-26 19:03:46.200    274078    04:07:58
    1710    IR783730    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-04-24 18:10:48.573    2018-04-25 22:40:00.563    59352    16:29:12
    3061    IR783936    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-04-25 19:07:52.083    2018-04-27 22:08:16.670    97224    03:00:24
    8395    IR786873    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-01 21:20:28.267    2018-05-07 17:15:11.977    158083    19:54:43
    6918    IR787176    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-02 19:47:11.740    2018-05-07 15:05:42.100    112711    07:18:31
    1157    IR787239    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-02 19:19:27.920    2018-05-03 14:36:20.940    26213    07:16:53
    1177    IR787279    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-02 19:51:35.860    2018-05-03 15:28:15.327    27400    07:36:40
    1657    IR791455    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-10 17:47:47.503    2018-05-11 21:24:47.543    56220    15:37:00
    5992    IR791800    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-11 14:55:09.883    2018-05-15 18:47:54.320    100365    03:52:45
    5400    IR792093    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-11 20:50:09.777    2018-05-15 14:50:58.080    64849    18:00:49
    4173    IR792094    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-11 20:50:09.760    2018-05-14 18:23:59.673    34430    09:33:50
    5358    IR792095    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-11 21:33:43.997    2018-05-15 14:51:45.673    62282    17:18:02
    1306    IR793108    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-14 17:35:40.940    2018-05-15 15:21:01.920    35121    09:45:21
    1236    IR793121    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-14 22:25:21.537    2018-05-15 19:01:03.970    30942    08:35:42
    4157    IR793687    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-15 21:55:48.960    2018-05-18 19:12:25.347    119797    09:16:37
    926    IR794347    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-16 22:41:02.583    2018-05-17 14:07:22.420    12380    03:26:20
    1220    IR794743    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-17 22:20:38.113    2018-05-18 18:40:13.183    29975    08:19:35
    4100    IR794937    P2 Incident SLO    Active    2018-05-18 20:54:45.193    2018-05-21 17:14:19.613    29974    08:19:34

  • To get the avg total time, you could do this:

    DATEADD(SECOND, SUM(DATEDIFF(SECOND, 0, TotalTime)) / COUNT(TotalTime), 0)

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • This should give you the the AVG per day as well as the AVG for the full result set.
    , idv.Id
    , scdv.DisplayName
    , isv.IncidentStatusValue
    , isdfv.StartDateTime
    , isdfv.FinishDateTime
    , IncidentSeconds = sec.NumSeconds
    , IncidentTime = CAST(DATEADD(SECOND, sec.NumSeconds, 0) AS datetime) -- NOTE - Changed to DateTime as your sample data has some long time gaps.
    , AvgSeconds = AVG(sec.NumSeconds) OVER () -- This will give you the AVG seconds across the entire result set
    , AvgDaySeconds = AVG(sec.NumSeconds) OVER (PARTITION BY CAST(isdfv.StartDateTime AS date)) -- This will give you the AVG seconds per day (based on the date of StartDateTime)
    FROM IncidentStatusvw AS isv
    FULL OUTER JOIN IncidentStatusDurationFactvw AS isdfv
    ON isv.IncidentStatusId = isdfv.IncidentStatusId
    FULL OUTER JOIN IncidentDimvw AS idv
    FULL OUTER JOIN WorkItemDimvw AS widv
    ON idv.EntityDimKey = widv.EntityDimKey
    FULL OUTER JOIN SLAInstanceInformationFactvw AS sifv
    ON widv.WorkItemDimKey = sifv.WorkItemDimKey
    FULL OUTER JOIN SLAConfigurationDimvw AS scdv
    ON sifv.SLAConfigurationDimKey = scdv.SLAConfigurationDimKey
    ON isdfv.IncidentDimKey = idv.IncidentDimKey
    OUTER APPLY dbo.fn_ElapsedSeconds(isdfv.StartDateTime, isdfv.FinishDateTime) AS sec
    WHERE (idv.ResolvedDate BETWEEN '20180501' AND '20180530')
    AND (scdv.DisplayName = 'p2 Incident SLO')
    AND (isdfv.TotalTimeMeasure != '0')
    AND (isv.IncidentStatusValue != 'resolved')
    ORDER BY idv.Id

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