convert utf-8 xml to rows and columns?

  • Hello,

    Hopefully I explain this right .
    I have an utf-8 encoded XML file.
    I am trying to "convert" into a traditional table rows and columns.

    XML Data looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    Easily have gotten data into SQL via bulk insert openrowset
    INSERT INTO T1(XmlCol)
    BULK 'c:\drop\Device_Details.xml',

    I'm able to query the data like this:
    SELECT T2.Loc.query('.')
    FROM T1
    CROSS APPLY XmlCol.nodes('Data/Devices/Device') as T2(Loc)

    After quite awhile with Google this is as close as I have gotten to getting rows and columns out of the data:
    SELECT Rows.n.value('(@column2)[1]', 'varchar(20)'),
    Rows.n.value('(@column2)[1]', 'nvarchar(100)'),
    Rows.n.value('(@column3)[1]', 'int')
    FROM T1
    CROSS APPLY XmlCol.nodes('Data/Devices/Device') Rows(n)

    However the above does not work because I think because it assumes data is more "traditional" xml format with start and end tags around each element instead of the utf-8 format I have

    I made an XML data file that looks like this:

    999-999-999 10749B MX 915

    and then ran this and got the rows and columns I wanted.

    SELECT Rows.n.value('(SN)[1]', 'varchar(20)') as Col1,
    Rows.n.value('(DID)[1]', 'varchar(20)') as Col2,
    Rows.n.value('(Model)[1]', 'varchar(20)') as Col3
    FROM T3
    CROSS APPLY XmlCol.nodes('Data/Devices/Device') Rows(n)

    |999-999-999|10749B|MX 915|

    How do I make this work with the data set I actually have?


  • You need to start with converting utf-8 to USC-2, which is readable for SQL Server.
    Mr.Google can help you with several of such functions.
    After that you may use XML parsing techniques.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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