Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS

  • select

    case when a.generatedrank=1

    then (select a.journal, a.invoicenumber)

    else (select a.journal, a.period, a.invoicedate)end



    dense_rank () over (order by debinvjour.invoicenumber) as row,

    row_number () over (partition by debinvjour.invoicenumber order by ledtrans.accountnumber) as generatedrank,

    case when ledtrans.numberseries='vk' then 'v01'

    when ledtrans.numberseries='vkcn' then 'v02'

    else ledtrans.numberseries end AS journal,

    When I run this query I get error :"Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS"
    When I only select one column I have no error.


    when a.generatedrank=1

    then (select a.journal)

    else (select a.journal) end


    The problem is I need output with different number of columns.
    I already tried this : case when a.generatedrank=1 then c1 else c2
                                    case when a.generatedrank=1 then c3 else c4
                                    case when a.generatedrank=1 then c5 end
    but then I have 'NULL'-column at the end of row 3 instead of nothing

  • You can't have different numbers of columns in different rows.
    Can you post the whole query?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Hereby the complete query.
    What I need is a script to transfer the records of my invoices to a new software.
    The format of the CSV input-file is :
    row 1 invoice header : journal, invoicenumber, rownumber, customeraccountnumber, amountmst, vatcode, vatamount
    row 2  to ... invoice detail : journal, invoicenumber, ledgeraccountnumber, customervat, period, invoicedate, invoiceduedate, salesnumber, amountmst, exchangecode
    row 2 can return multiple times depending on the ledgeraccountnumber
    For each new invoice, the rownumber increases.
    I have al the fields I need in my query, but I don't know how to obtain the above output.

    case when a.generatedrank=1
         then (select a.journal, a.invoicenumber)
         else (select a.journal, a.period, a.invoicedate)end
    dense_rank () over (order by debinvjour.invoicenumber) as row,
    row_number () over (partition by debinvjour.invoicenumber order by ledtrans.accountnumber) as generatedrank,
    case when ledtrans.numberseries='vk' then 'v01'
         when ledtrans.numberseries='vkcn' then 'v02'
         else ledtrans.numberseries end AS journal,
    case when (ledtrans.accountnumber =400000 OR ledtrans.accountnumber=400001) then debinvjour.invoiceaccount else ledtrans.accountnumber end AS accountnumber,
    convert (varchar(50),cast(ledtrans.amountmst as money),1) AS amountmst,
    convert (varchar(50),cast(ledtrans.vatamount as money),1) AS vatamount,
    case when ledtrans.vatcode='vbtwex' then 'EX' 
         when ledtrans.vatcode='vbtwic' then 'CM'
         when ledtrans.vatcode='vtwicd' then 'VCMD'
         when ledtrans.vatcode='vbtw03' then '21'
         else ledtrans.vatcode end AS vatcode,
    case when ledtrans.vatcode='vbtwex' then '06'
         when ledtrans.vatcode='vbtwic' then '04'
         when ledtrans.vatcode='vtwicd' then '04'
         when ledtrans.vatcode='vbtw03' then '01'
         else '00' end AS customervat,
    convert (numeric,debinvjour.invoicenumber) AS invoicenumber,
    convert (varchar(10),debinvjour.invoicedate,111) AS invoicedate,
    convert (VARCHAR(10),debinvjour.invoiceduedate,111)AS invoiceduedate,
    right (convert (varchar(7),debinvjour.invoicedate,111),7) AS period,
    debinvjour.salesnumber AS salesnumber,
    case when debinvjour.exchangecode is null then debinvjour.exchangecode else 'eur' end AS exchangecode
    from debinvjour,ledtrans
    where (ledtrans.numberseries='vk' or ledtrans.numberseries='vkcn') and (debinvjour.invoicedate between convert(datetime,'2018-02-05 00:00:00',102)
    AND CONVERT(datetime,'2018-02-09 00:00:00',102)) and (debinvjour.ledgervoucher = ledtrans.voucher) and (ledtrans.accountnumber not between 410000 and 499999))

  • Thanks.

    -- remove "noise" - anything which isn't required as output, or for the query to function

    -- use proper JOINs



    --when generatedrank=1

    --then (select journal, invoicenumber)

    --else (select journal, period, invoicedate)




    invoicenumber = CASE WHEN generatedrank = 1 THEN invoicenumber ELSE NULL END,

    [period] = CASE WHEN generatedrank = 1 THEN NULL ELSE [period] END,

    invoicedate = CASE WHEN generatedrank = 1 THEN NULL ELSE invoicedate END

    FROM (


    row_number () over (partition by debinvjour.invoicenumber order by ledtrans.accountnumber) as generatedrank, -- ##


    when ledtrans.numberseries='vk' then 'v01'

    when ledtrans.numberseries='vkcn' then 'v02'

    else ledtrans.numberseries end AS journal, -- ##

    convert(numeric,debinvjour.invoicenumber) AS invoicenumber, -- ##

    convert(varchar(10),debinvjour.invoicedate,111) AS invoicedate, -- ##

    right(convert(varchar(7),debinvjour.invoicedate,111),7) AS [period] -- ##

    FROM debinvjour

    INNER JOIN ledtrans

    ON debinvjour.ledgervoucher = ledtrans.voucher

    WHERE ledtrans.numberseries IN ('vk','vkcn')

    AND (debinvjour.invoicedate between convert(datetime,'2018-02-05 00:00:00',102) AND CONVERT(datetime,'2018-02-09 00:00:00',102))

    AND (ledtrans.accountnumber not between 410000 and 499999)

    ) a

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Having spent a little time on this, I reckon the following code snippet should help. You will need to use appropriate string conversions and NULL checking so that the columns concatenate nicely.


    [Row] = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY invoicenumber),

    [generatedrank] = 0,


    [TextLine] = journal + ',' + invoicenumber + ',' + rownumber + ',' + customeraccountnumber + ',' + amountmst + ',' + vatcode + ',' + vatamount

    INTO #debinvjour

    FROM debinvjour

    WHERE (debinvjour.invoicedate BETWEEN convert(datetime,'2018-02-05 00:00:00',102) AND CONVERT(datetime,'2018-02-09 00:00:00',102))



    [generatedrank] = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY debinvjour.invoicenumber ORDER BY ledtrans.accountnumber),

    [TextLine] = journal + ',' + invoicenumber + ',' + ledgeraccountnumber + ',' + customervat + ',' + [period] + ',' + invoicedate + ',' + invoiceduedate + ',' + salesnumber + ',' + amountmst + ',' + exchangecode

    INTO #ledtrans

    FROM #debinvjour

    INNER JOIN ledtrans

    ON debinvjour.ledgervoucher = ledtrans.voucher

    WHERE (ledtrans.numberseries='vk' or ledtrans.numberseries='vkcn')

    and (ledtrans.accountnumber not between 410000 and 499999)

    SELECT [Row], [generatedrank], [TextLine]

    FROM (

    SELECT [Row], [generatedrank], [TextLine] FROM #debinvjour


    SELECT [Row], [generatedrank], [TextLine] FROM #ledtrans

    ) d

    ORDER BY [Row], [generatedrank]

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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