Formatting an auto increment

  • Hello,

    I am creating a program using VB.NET. I would like the database to handle automatically creating a number for orders and customers/vendors using the following format. 
    Vendors - "V-001000"
    Customers - "C-001000"
    Purchase Orders - "PO-001000"
    Sales Orders - "SO-001000"

    Is it possible to have it done? I am using SQL database on Azure.

  • yes, with a calculated, persisted column, that uses the real identity column. 
    Note this is just creating a formatted version of your identity, so it's a little repetitive.
    You might be able to do something similar with a single column, if it featured a SEQUENCE and the calcualted function.
    Also, your specific design of 7 characters limits the number of items you can have, which would be less than the max size of an int column.

    IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[Vendor]') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE [dbo].[Vendor]
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Vendor] (
    [VendorID]  AS ('V-'+right('0000000'+CONVERT([varchar](10),[VID]),(9))) PERSISTED,
    [VID]    INT     IDENTITY(1000,1)    NOT NULL,
    [VendorName]  VARCHAR(50)          NOT NULL,
    [OtherColumns] VARCHAR(30)           NULL,

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_Vendor_VendorID ON [Vendor]([VendorID])

    insert into Vendor(VendorName,OtherColumns)
    SELECT 'Google','SomeStuff' UNION ALL SELECT 'Amazon','otherStuff'

    SELECT * FROM Vendor

    V-000001000    1000    Google    SomeStuff
    V-000001001    1001    Amazon    otherStuff


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