Problem with memory - pagefile use

  • Hi everybody,
    I have a server with a problem of memory. This is that I have collect on the server.
    -Server :
    --Task Manager
    Memory Virtual Machine : 6 Go
    Memory use : 5.1 Go
    Last reboot : 272 days
    --Perfmon :
    Pagefile use : 68 % (avg)
    Available Memory : 941 Mo
    -SQL Server
    --SQL Server 2012 SP1 / Enterprise Edition: Core-based Licensing (64-bit)
    --Configuration Instance :
    min server memory (MB) 500 500
    max server memory (MB) 4000 4000
    --Memory_usedby_Sqlserver_MB : 2756
    --Reporting services MB : 977
    My question :
    I can see that there is only 941 Mo available so I can deduct that windows use pagefile because there is no enough memory (WIndows keep a little of RAM).  Right ??
    Why there is no more memory now because there is enough memory last week ??
    - Is it necessary to reboot in order to release memory (RAM) ?
    Thank you
  • There really isn't enough information here to draw any conclusions.   You appear to have a 6 Gb virtual machine, with only 4 GB allocated to SQL Server, which for most business workloads, would likely be highly inadequate.   However, as you haven't said what kind of workload that SQL instance is supposed to be able to handle, we have no idea whether that quantity is inadequate or not.   Mind you, it would have to be really small to fit in just 4 Gb.    You also appear to be saying that Windows is suddenly using the paging file, and I have to guess that means that your workload is slowing down.   As you didn't provide any quantification of just how much slow down you're seeing, or exactly why the use of the paging file is a problem, I don't know what to suggest.   However, seeing that your last re-boot was 272 days ago, it would probably be a good idea to re-boot the machine anyway, and see if the problem remains.   If that fails to resolve the issue, then find out what changed in the application, or in the database, that might have started the slowdown.   Either way, if the problem continues, you'll need to provide a LOT more detail.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • Thank you for your reply.

    Sorry, this is a test server

    I do not know if there is a slowdown for the database because I do not know how to measure the workload.

    I'm just wondering why windows uses the swap file now when it was not the case before?

    I'm going to restart the server and I'll let you know

    thank you


  • sgmunson - Wednesday, February 28, 2018 9:05 AM

    There really isn't enough information here to draw any conclusions.   You appear to have a 6 Gb virtual machine, with only 4 GB allocated to SQL Server, which for most business workloads, would likely be highly inadequate.   However, as you haven't said what kind of workload that SQL instance is supposed to be able to handle, we have no idea whether that quantity is inadequate or not.   Mind you, it would have to be really small to fit in just 4 Gb.    You also appear to be saying that Windows is suddenly using the paging file, and I have to guess that means that your workload is slowing down.   As you didn't provide any quantification of just how much slow down you're seeing, or exactly why the use of the paging file is a problem, I don't know what to suggest.   However, seeing that your last re-boot was 272 days ago, it would probably be a good idea to re-boot the machine anyway, and see if the problem remains.   If that fails to resolve the issue, then find out what changed in the application, or in the database, that might have started the slowdown.   Either way, if the problem continues, you'll need to provide a LOT more detail.


    Thank you for your reply

    I have reboot my server.

    Memory see on task manager :
    --Sqlserver.exe  : 135 MB now  (2756 before restart)
    --Reporting services MB : 73 MB  (977 before restart)

    Why SQL server.exe and reporting services use now less than before restart.

    Thank you

  • Don't trust the task manager, it's a blatant liar!

    What is the output of this code?

    FROM sys.dm_os_sys_memory OSM;

     ISNULL(DB_NAME(OBD.database_id),'ResourceDB') AS DBNAME
    ,OBD.page_type           AS page_type
    ,SUM(OBD.row_count)          AS SUM_row_count
    ,SUM(OBD.free_space_in_bytes)      AS SUM_free_space_in_bytes
    ,SUM(OBD.read_microsec)        AS SUM_read_microsec
    FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors OBD
    GROUP BY DB_NAME(OBD.database_id)
    ORDER BY DB_NAME(OBD.database_id) ASC
       ,OBD.page_type    ASC;

  • antoninSQL - Wednesday, February 28, 2018 10:58 PM

    Memory see on task manager :
    --Sqlserver.exe  : 135 MB now  (2756 before restart)
    --Reporting services MB : 73 MB  (977 before restart)

    Why SQL server.exe and reporting services use now less than before restart.

    Regardless of how accurate those figures are, SQL Server will only grab the memory it needs to start.  It'll take more and more as and when it needs it (for example to cache data or plans) until it reaches either the max server memory or the available memory on the computer.  It'll give back memory when requested by the operating system, subject to the value of min server memory.  That's a basic overview - there may be circumstances under which it will grab more memory than expected, especially in older versions.  I'm not sure whether or not Reporting Services behaves in the same way.


  • Eirikur Eiriksson - Thursday, March 1, 2018 1:32 AM

    Don't trust the task manager, it's a blatant liar!

    What is the output of this code?

    FROM sys.dm_os_sys_memory OSM;

     ISNULL(DB_NAME(OBD.database_id),'ResourceDB') AS DBNAME
    ,OBD.page_type           AS page_type
    ,SUM(OBD.row_count)          AS SUM_row_count
    ,SUM(OBD.free_space_in_bytes)      AS SUM_free_space_in_bytes
    ,SUM(OBD.read_microsec)        AS SUM_read_microsec
    FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors OBD
    GROUP BY DB_NAME(OBD.database_id)
    ORDER BY DB_NAME(OBD.database_id) ASC
       ,OBD.page_type    ASC;


    This is output after reboot

    Available physical memory is high


    Thank you

  • John Mitchell-245523 - Thursday, March 1, 2018 1:54 AM

    antoninSQL - Wednesday, February 28, 2018 10:58 PM

    Memory see on task manager :
    --Sqlserver.exe  : 135 MB now  (2756 before restart)
    --Reporting services MB : 73 MB  (977 before restart)

    Why SQL server.exe and reporting services use now less than before restart.

    Regardless of how accurate those figures are, SQL Server will only grab the memory it needs to start.  It'll take more and more as and when it needs it (for example to cache data or plans) until it reaches either the max server memory or the available memory on the computer.  It'll give back memory when requested by the operating system, subject to the value of min server memory.  That's a basic overview - there may be circumstances under which it will grab more memory than expected, especially in older versions.  I'm not sure whether or not Reporting Services behaves in the same way.


    Thank you for this information John


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