is there any better way to detect sp_configure changes

  • Is there any better way to detect sp_configure changes

    IF object_id('msdb..sys_configurations') is null
    select * into msdb..sys_configurations from master.sys.configurations

    -- set servername in subject line
    declare @sub nvarchar(255) = 'SQL Server Instance configuration has been changed ' + cast(@@servername as nvarchar)

    -- pick one mail profile if there are multipal mail profiles
    declare @pf nvarchar(255)
    select top 1 @pf= from msdb..sysmail_profile sp
    join msdb..sysmail_profileaccount spa on sp.profile_id=spa.profile_id
    join msdb..sysmail_account sa on spa.account_id=sa.account_id

    -- send email for notification ONLY if there is difference between master.sys.configurations and msdb..sys_configurations
    if exists (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations)
      EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail
      @profile_name = @pf,
      @recipients = '',
      @subject = @sub ,
      @body = 'System configuration has been changed ',
      @execute_query_database = 'msdb',
      @query =
       'with cte_config as
         (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations )
         select ''CHANGED FROM <<--'' as [<<<<<<<<<<<<<<] ,* from msdb..sys_configurations where configuration_id in (select configuration_id from cte_config);
         with cte_config as
         (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations )
         select ''CHANGED TO ---->>'' as [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] ,* from cte_config'
       --, @attach_query_result_as_file = 1
      --, @query_attachment_filename = 'configuration.csv'
      , @query_result_header = 0
      , @query_result_width = 32767
      , @query_result_separator = ','
       , @query_result_no_padding =1

        -- since notification has been sent out, get rid of data as it is no longer valid
            drop table msdb..sys_configurations

    -- must create table to hold data for comparision for next run
    IF object_id('msdb..sys_configurations') is null
    select * into msdb..sys_configurations from master.sys.configurations

  • goher2000 - Thursday, February 8, 2018 12:31 PM

    Is there any better way to detect sp_configure changes

    IF object_id('msdb..sys_configurations') is null
    select * into msdb..sys_configurations from master.sys.configurations

    -- set servername in subject line
    declare @sub nvarchar(255) = 'SQL Server Instance configuration has been changed ' + cast(@@servername as nvarchar)

    -- pick one mail profile if there are multipal mail profiles
    declare @pf nvarchar(255)
    select top 1 @pf= from msdb..sysmail_profile sp
    join msdb..sysmail_profileaccount spa on sp.profile_id=spa.profile_id
    join msdb..sysmail_account sa on spa.account_id=sa.account_id

    -- send email for notification ONLY if there is difference between master.sys.configurations and msdb..sys_configurations
    if exists (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations)
      EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail
      @profile_name = @pf,
      @recipients = '',
      @subject = @sub ,
      @body = 'System configuration has been changed ',
      @execute_query_database = 'msdb',
      @query =
       'with cte_config as
         (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations )
         select ''CHANGED FROM <<--'' as [<<<<<<<<<<<<<<] ,* from msdb..sys_configurations where configuration_id in (select configuration_id from cte_config);
         with cte_config as
         (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations )
         select ''CHANGED TO ---->>'' as [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] ,* from cte_config'
       --, @attach_query_result_as_file = 1
      --, @query_attachment_filename = 'configuration.csv'
      , @query_result_header = 0
      , @query_result_width = 32767
      , @query_result_separator = ','
       , @query_result_no_padding =1

        -- since notification has been sent out, get rid of data as it is no longer valid
            drop table msdb..sys_configurations

    -- must create table to hold data for comparision for next run
    IF object_id('msdb..sys_configurations') is null
    select * into msdb..sys_configurations from master.sys.configurations

    That's a catalog view in all databases - it's querying the same thing (sys.configurations$) no matter where you run it so they would be the same.
    Configuration changes are logged to the error log and are in the default trace as well.


  • Sue_H - Thursday, February 8, 2018 2:11 PM

    goher2000 - Thursday, February 8, 2018 12:31 PM

    Is there any better way to detect sp_configure changes

    IF object_id('msdb..sys_configurations') is null
    select * into msdb..sys_configurations from master.sys.configurations

    -- set servername in subject line
    declare @sub nvarchar(255) = 'SQL Server Instance configuration has been changed ' + cast(@@servername as nvarchar)

    -- pick one mail profile if there are multipal mail profiles
    declare @pf nvarchar(255)
    select top 1 @pf= from msdb..sysmail_profile sp
    join msdb..sysmail_profileaccount spa on sp.profile_id=spa.profile_id
    join msdb..sysmail_account sa on spa.account_id=sa.account_id

    -- send email for notification ONLY if there is difference between master.sys.configurations and msdb..sys_configurations
    if exists (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations)
      EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail
      @profile_name = @pf,
      @recipients = '',
      @subject = @sub ,
      @body = 'System configuration has been changed ',
      @execute_query_database = 'msdb',
      @query =
       'with cte_config as
         (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations )
         select ''CHANGED FROM <<--'' as [<<<<<<<<<<<<<<] ,* from msdb..sys_configurations where configuration_id in (select configuration_id from cte_config);
         with cte_config as
         (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations )
         select ''CHANGED TO ---->>'' as [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] ,* from cte_config'
       --, @attach_query_result_as_file = 1
      --, @query_attachment_filename = 'configuration.csv'
      , @query_result_header = 0
      , @query_result_width = 32767
      , @query_result_separator = ','
       , @query_result_no_padding =1

        -- since notification has been sent out, get rid of data as it is no longer valid
            drop table msdb..sys_configurations

    -- must create table to hold data for comparision for next run
    IF object_id('msdb..sys_configurations') is null
    select * into msdb..sys_configurations from master.sys.configurations

    That's a catalog view in all databases - it's querying the same thing (sys.configurations$) no matter where you run it so they would be the same.
    Configuration changes are logged to the error log and are in the default trace as well.


    I think goher2000 keep prev copy in msdb, compare it to the current sys table to  get the difference. I would say the script is not so good-looking, but the current main stream solution:-) - Focus on Database and Cloud

  • umm... here are other two methods

    -- get it from default trace
    DECLARE @trc_path VARCHAR(500)
    SELECT @trc_path=CONVERT(VARCHAR(500),value) FROM fn_trace_getinfo(DEFAULT)
    WHERE property=2

    print @trc_path
    SELECT TEXTData,HostName,ApplicationName,DatabaseName,LoginName,SPID,StartTime,EventSequence
    FROM fn_trace_gettable(@trc_path,1) fn
    WHERE TEXTData LIKE '%Configuration option%'
    -- get it from errorlog
    declare @sysconfigchanges TABLE
        EntryTime datetime,
        source varchar(50),
        LogEntry varchar(4000)

    insert into @sysconfigchanges
    exec sp_readerrorlog 0,1,'Configuration option'

    select * from @sysconfigchanges where rowid=(select max(rowid) from @sysconfigchanges)

  • goher2000 - Friday, February 9, 2018 9:02 AM

    umm... here are other two methods

    -- get it from default trace
    DECLARE @trc_path VARCHAR(500)
    SELECT @trc_path=CONVERT(VARCHAR(500),value) FROM fn_trace_getinfo(DEFAULT)
    WHERE property=2

    print @trc_path
    SELECT TEXTData,HostName,ApplicationName,DatabaseName,LoginName,SPID,StartTime,EventSequence
    FROM fn_trace_gettable(@trc_path,1) fn
    WHERE TEXTData LIKE '%Configuration option%'
    -- get it from errorlog
    declare @sysconfigchanges TABLE
        EntryTime datetime,
        source varchar(50),
        LogEntry varchar(4000)

    insert into @sysconfigchanges
    exec sp_readerrorlog 0,1,'Configuration option'

    select * from @sysconfigchanges where rowid=(select max(rowid) from @sysconfigchanges)

    Yeah, they, default trace and error log code, are both relatively good-looking:-)  But, personally speaking, I prefer sys.configurations because
    1. some instances probably disabled default trace
    2. It might be relatively expensive to search them in error log, and may need to search multiple error logs. - Focus on Database and Cloud

  • goher2000 - Friday, February 9, 2018 9:02 AM

    umm... here are other two methods

    -- get it from default trace
    DECLARE @trc_path VARCHAR(500)
    SELECT @trc_path=CONVERT(VARCHAR(500),value) FROM fn_trace_getinfo(DEFAULT)
    WHERE property=2

    print @trc_path
    SELECT TEXTData,HostName,ApplicationName,DatabaseName,LoginName,SPID,StartTime,EventSequence
    FROM fn_trace_gettable(@trc_path,1) fn
    WHERE TEXTData LIKE '%Configuration option%'
    -- get it from errorlog
    declare @sysconfigchanges TABLE
        EntryTime datetime,
        source varchar(50),
        LogEntry varchar(4000)

    insert into @sysconfigchanges
    exec sp_readerrorlog 0,1,'Configuration option'

    select * from @sysconfigchanges where rowid=(select max(rowid) from @sysconfigchanges)

    Those are good. I don't know which one generates a bigger file or if the trace rolls over too many times to get what you need or the logs (but you can change that).
    You can get more information from the trace than the log - it would have the login, not just the spid, host name, application name. You'd have a better chance of finding out who if that's important.


  • Alexander Zhang - Thursday, February 8, 2018 11:00 PM

    Sue_H - Thursday, February 8, 2018 2:11 PM

    goher2000 - Thursday, February 8, 2018 12:31 PM

    Is there any better way to detect sp_configure changes

    IF object_id('msdb..sys_configurations') is null
    select * into msdb..sys_configurations from master.sys.configurations

    -- set servername in subject line
    declare @sub nvarchar(255) = 'SQL Server Instance configuration has been changed ' + cast(@@servername as nvarchar)

    -- pick one mail profile if there are multipal mail profiles
    declare @pf nvarchar(255)
    select top 1 @pf= from msdb..sysmail_profile sp
    join msdb..sysmail_profileaccount spa on sp.profile_id=spa.profile_id
    join msdb..sysmail_account sa on spa.account_id=sa.account_id

    -- send email for notification ONLY if there is difference between master.sys.configurations and msdb..sys_configurations
    if exists (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations)
      EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail
      @profile_name = @pf,
      @recipients = '',
      @subject = @sub ,
      @body = 'System configuration has been changed ',
      @execute_query_database = 'msdb',
      @query =
       'with cte_config as
         (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations )
         select ''CHANGED FROM <<--'' as [<<<<<<<<<<<<<<] ,* from msdb..sys_configurations where configuration_id in (select configuration_id from cte_config);
         with cte_config as
         (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations )
         select ''CHANGED TO ---->>'' as [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] ,* from cte_config'
       --, @attach_query_result_as_file = 1
      --, @query_attachment_filename = 'configuration.csv'
      , @query_result_header = 0
      , @query_result_width = 32767
      , @query_result_separator = ','
       , @query_result_no_padding =1

        -- since notification has been sent out, get rid of data as it is no longer valid
            drop table msdb..sys_configurations

    -- must create table to hold data for comparision for next run
    IF object_id('msdb..sys_configurations') is null
    select * into msdb..sys_configurations from master.sys.configurations

    That's a catalog view in all databases - it's querying the same thing (sys.configurations$) no matter where you run it so they would be the same.
    Configuration changes are logged to the error log and are in the default trace as well.


    I think goher2000 keep prev copy in msdb, compare it to the current sys table to  get the difference. I would say the script is not so good-looking, but the current main stream solution:-)

    Go ahead and try creating a table named sys.configurations in msdb. I don't doubt that those are the queries goher2000 posted. 


  • Sue_H - Friday, February 9, 2018 11:08 AM

    Alexander Zhang - Thursday, February 8, 2018 11:00 PM

    Sue_H - Thursday, February 8, 2018 2:11 PM

    goher2000 - Thursday, February 8, 2018 12:31 PM

    Is there any better way to detect sp_configure changes

    IF object_id('msdb..sys_configurations') is null
    select * into msdb..sys_configurations from master.sys.configurations

    -- set servername in subject line
    declare @sub nvarchar(255) = 'SQL Server Instance configuration has been changed ' + cast(@@servername as nvarchar)

    -- pick one mail profile if there are multipal mail profiles
    declare @pf nvarchar(255)
    select top 1 @pf= from msdb..sysmail_profile sp
    join msdb..sysmail_profileaccount spa on sp.profile_id=spa.profile_id
    join msdb..sysmail_account sa on spa.account_id=sa.account_id

    -- send email for notification ONLY if there is difference between master.sys.configurations and msdb..sys_configurations
    if exists (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations)
      EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail
      @profile_name = @pf,
      @recipients = '',
      @subject = @sub ,
      @body = 'System configuration has been changed ',
      @execute_query_database = 'msdb',
      @query =
       'with cte_config as
         (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations )
         select ''CHANGED FROM <<--'' as [<<<<<<<<<<<<<<] ,* from msdb..sys_configurations where configuration_id in (select configuration_id from cte_config);
         with cte_config as
         (select * from master.sys.configurations except select * from msdb..sys_configurations )
         select ''CHANGED TO ---->>'' as [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] ,* from cte_config'
       --, @attach_query_result_as_file = 1
      --, @query_attachment_filename = 'configuration.csv'
      , @query_result_header = 0
      , @query_result_width = 32767
      , @query_result_separator = ','
       , @query_result_no_padding =1

        -- since notification has been sent out, get rid of data as it is no longer valid
            drop table msdb..sys_configurations

    -- must create table to hold data for comparision for next run
    IF object_id('msdb..sys_configurations') is null
    select * into msdb..sys_configurations from master.sys.configurations

    That's a catalog view in all databases - it's querying the same thing (sys.configurations$) no matter where you run it so they would be the same.
    Configuration changes are logged to the error log and are in the default trace as well.


    I think goher2000 keep prev copy in msdb, compare it to the current sys table to  get the difference. I would say the script is not so good-looking, but the current main stream solution:-)

    Go ahead and try creating a table named sys.configurations in msdb. I don't doubt that those are the queries goher2000 posted. 


    It shows msdb..sys_configurations to me, not msdb.sys.configurations. He corrected some typo? - Focus on Database and Cloud

  • Since trace has more information as to who,where,when I have created a job called 'DBA - Notify System Changes'  with the code below, Also I am using Alert to detect system changes and trigger the job. 

    Job Code:
    -- set servername in subject line
    declare @sub nvarchar(255) = 'SQL Server Instance configuration has been changed ' + cast(@@servername as nvarchar)

    -- pick one mail profile if there are multipal mail profiles
    declare @pf nvarchar(255)
    select top 1 @pf= from msdb..sysmail_profile sp
    join msdb..sysmail_profileaccount spa on sp.profile_id=spa.profile_id
    join msdb..sysmail_account sa on spa.account_id=sa.account_id

    DECLARE @trc_path VARCHAR(500)
    SELECT @trc_path=CONVERT(VARCHAR(500),value) FROM fn_trace_getinfo(DEFAULT)
    WHERE property=2

    --print @trc_path

    declare @Qry varchar(8000) ='SELECT TEXTData,HostName,ApplicationName,DatabaseName,LoginName,SPID,StartTime,EventSequence FROM fn_trace_gettable('''
    set @Qry=@Qry + @trc_path +''',1) fn WHERE TEXTData LIKE ''%Configuration option%'' and EventClass = 22'

    --print @Qry

    --declare @q=

    EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail
    @profile_name = @pf,
    @recipients = '',
    @subject = @sub ,
    @body = 'System configuration has been changed ',
    @execute_query_database = 'master',
    @query = @Qry

    --, @attach_query_result_as_file = 1
    --, @query_attachment_filename = 'configuration.csv'
    , @query_result_header = 0
    , @query_result_width = 32767
    , @query_result_separator = ','
    , @query_result_no_padding =1

    Alert Code :

    USE [msdb]

    /****** Object: Alert [Alert - System Changes]  Script Date: 2/9/2018 1:46:35 PM ******/
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert @name=N'Alert - System Changes',
            @event_description_keyword=N'Configuration option',
            @job_name='DBA - Notify System Changes'

  • That's actually very nice. There have been posts up here to find the changes as well as who made those changes. I'd keep playing around with it and think about submitting that for an article. There are requests for something like this often enough that I think it would be very beneficial for the community. Generally they seem to always want to know who which is the biggest benefit to using the trace file. The disadvantage that I got burned on with it once is if the instance gets hit with a ton of things that go into the trace, it can roll over before you capture it. So make sure you run the job often enough - I do now 🙂


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