CTE Query to find Unique Status for Update Per Machine

  • I'm making a query which can provide the last compliance status for updates for a collection per machines[SCCM Database]. The issue that I am having is that when i run the query on multiple machines, i am getting incorrect results. Currently, i am trying it with a CTE, but i don't know how to pass the computer value to the CTE function, below is the query i am using which is returning nothing when I run it, but if I move the computername inside the CTE function it works as intended.

    WITH cteUpdateComplianceStatus (myResourceID, myUpdateStatus,myComp,myLastStatusCheckTime)
        SELECT TOP 1

                UCS.ResourceID AS 'myResourceID',
                UCS.Status AS 'myUpdateStatus',
                RS.Name0 AS 'myComp',
                UCS.LastStatusCheckTime AS 'myLastStatusCheckTime'

        FROM dbo.v_Update_ComplianceStatus UCS
        JOIN dbo.v_R_System RS ON UCS.ResourceID = RS.ResourceID

        WHERE UCS.LastStatusCheckTime IS NOT NULL
        ORDER BY UCS.LastStatusCheckTime DESC

        cte.myComp AS 'COMPUTER',
        cte.myUpdateStatus AS 'UpdateStatus'    
        FROM dbo.v_R_System vRS
        JOIN cteUpdateComplianceStatus cte ON cte.myResourceID = vRS.ResourceID
        WHERE vRS.Name0 = 'COMPUTERNAME'

  • SQLNu - Wednesday, December 27, 2017 5:18 PM

    I'm making a query which can provide the last compliance status for updates for a collection per machines[SCCM Database]. The issue that I am having is that when i run the query on multiple machines, i am getting incorrect results. Currently, i am trying it with a CTE, but i don't know how to pass the computer value to the CTE function, below is the query i am using which is returning nothing when I run it, but if I move the computername inside the CTE function it works as intended.

    WITH cteUpdateComplianceStatus (myResourceID, myUpdateStatus,myComp,myLastStatusCheckTime)
        SELECT TOP 1

                UCS.ResourceID AS 'myResourceID',
                UCS.Status AS 'myUpdateStatus',
                RS.Name0 AS 'myComp',
                UCS.LastStatusCheckTime AS 'myLastStatusCheckTime'

        FROM dbo.v_Update_ComplianceStatus UCS
        JOIN dbo.v_R_System RS ON UCS.ResourceID = RS.ResourceID

        WHERE UCS.LastStatusCheckTime IS NOT NULL
        ORDER BY UCS.LastStatusCheckTime DESC

        cte.myComp AS 'COMPUTER',
        cte.myUpdateStatus AS 'UpdateStatus'    
        FROM dbo.v_R_System vRS
        JOIN cteUpdateComplianceStatus cte ON cte.myResourceID = vRS.ResourceID
        WHERE vRS.Name0 = 'COMPUTERNAME'

    You have the cte doing a select 1 so it's only selecting one row with the most recent laststatuschecktime.
    Try removing the top 1 and filter by computer name outside of the cte


  • Sue_H - Wednesday, December 27, 2017 5:41 PM

    You have the cte doing a select 1 so it's only selecting one row with the most recent laststatuschecktime.
    Try removing the top 1 and filter by computer name outside of the cte


    Hi Sue, 
    I need to use the TOP 1 with ORDER BY so i can get only one value per machine for the status.Only way i was able to get this to work.

  • SQLNu - Wednesday, December 27, 2017 5:53 PM

    Sue_H - Wednesday, December 27, 2017 5:41 PM

    You have the cte doing a select 1 so it's only selecting one row with the most recent laststatuschecktime.
    Try removing the top 1 and filter by computer name outside of the cte


    Hi Sue, 
    I need to use the TOP 1 with ORDER BY so i can get only one value per machine for the status.Only way i was able to get this to work.

    Although you didn't provide any data or ddl, I am guessing it's because you have multiple status checks for each machine and you only want the most recent one. And in that case, no you don't need to use top 1.  If that's what you need and need it by computer name, you don't even need a CTE. But the requirements aren't nearly clear enough. If you just want to query the table for the last status check for a computer and there are multiple computers and multiple status checks for each, it would just be something like MAX(UCS.LastStatusCheckTime) and group by the other columns. But again, no data or information on the other columns.
    If you want a CTE (doesn't sound like it's needed) you could just include a row_number function and get a row number for every computer ordered by last status check. Inside the CTE you would add something like ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Partition by Name0 order by LastStatusCheckTimeDesc) as RowNum
    Then when you query the CTE, it would just be where RowNum = 1 to get the most recent status check time.


  • Sue_H - Wednesday, December 27, 2017 6:36 PM

    Although you didn't provide any data or ddl, I am guessing it's because you have multiple status checks for each machine and you only want the most recent one. And in that case, no you don't need to use top 1.  If that's what you need and need it by computer name, you don't even need a CTE. But the requirements aren't nearly clear enough. If you just want to query the table for the last status check for a computer and there are multiple computers and multiple status checks for each, it would just be something like MAX(UCS.LastStatusCheckTime) and group by the other columns. But again, no data or information on the other columns.
    If you want a CTE (doesn't sound like it's needed) you could just include a row_number function and get a row number for every computer ordered by last status check. Inside the CTE you would add something like ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Partition by Name0 order by LastStatusCheckTimeDesc) as RowNum
    Then when you query the CTE, it would just be where RowNum = 1 to get the most recent status check time.


    Thank you Sue for this.
    I am not that experience with SQL, so i'm not sure how to implement what you state above. I did try to use the MAX function, but i don't think i did it properly.
    Below is the original query i was able to find the information i need to manipulate. I am using a CTE, as it was advice by one of my co-workers since a lot more can by done with it.

        Case UCS.Status
            when 0 then 'State unknown'
            When 1 then 'Not required'
            When 2 then 'Not Compliant'
            When 3 then 'Compliant'
            Else 'error'
        End as 'UpdateStatus',
    v_Update_ComplianceStatus UCS
    join v_R_System RV on UCS.ResourceID = RV.ResourceID
    join v_UpdateInfo UI on UCS.CI_ID = UI.CI_ID
    join v_UpdateDeploymentSummary UDS on UCS.CI_ID = UDS.CI_ID
    join v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OS on RV.ResourceID = OS.ResourceID
    join v_FullCollectionMembership FCM on RV.ResourceID = FCM.ResourceID
    JOIN v_Collection Col on Col.CollectionID = FCM.CollectionID and Col.Name = 'COLLECTIONNAME'
    join v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM CS on CS.ResourceID = RV.ResourceID

    i have attached a screenshot of the data I get when i run the Query.
    This collection has 8 Computers, and i want the results to only show the 8, but I am getting 5137.

  • Without table DDL and sample data, we're just guessing.  However, this may be close to what you're looking for:

    WITH NumberedbyMachine AS (
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Name0 ORDER BY LastStatusChangeTime DESC) AS RowNo
        FROM v_Update_ComplianceStatus UCS
        join v_R_System RV on UCS.ResourceID = RV.ResourceID
        join v_UpdateInfo UI on UCS.CI_ID = UI.CI_ID
        join v_UpdateDeploymentSummary UDS on UCS.CI_ID = UDS.CI_ID
        join v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OS on RV.ResourceID = OS.ResourceID
        join v_FullCollectionMembership FCM on RV.ResourceID = FCM.ResourceID
        JOIN v_Collection Col on Col.CollectionID = FCM.CollectionID and Col.Name = 'COLLECTIONNAME'
        join v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM CS on CS.ResourceID = RV.ResourceID
      Case Status
       when 0 then 'State unknown'
       When 1 then 'Not required'
       When 2 then 'Not Compliant'
       When 3 then 'Compliant'
       Else 'error'
      End as UpdateStatus,
    FROM NumberedbyMachine
    WHERE RowNo = 1


  • Note to self: last status check per computer
    Without data, it's harder to see what's going on, but you could try this pattern.  I'm using AdventureWorks2014 for data.

    -- for each customer, get his 3 most expensive invoices.
    SELECT c.CustomerID
        , t.Subtotal
    FROM Sales.Customer c
                FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
                WHERE soh.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
                ORDER BY soh.TotalDue DESC) t;

    To fit this to your example, your top query would be for the computer, and then the CROSS APPLY would be against the status checks. You could just just TOP 1.

  • The two main methods are the CROSS APPLY (suggested by Piet) and the CTE/ROW_NUMBER (suggested by Sue and John).  Given the density of the child table with respect to the parent table (642.125 [5137/8]), it's likely that the CROSS APPLY will perform better than the CTE/ROW_NUMBER approach, but you should test both.  Both also require an index on at least the ResourceID.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • John Mitchell-245523 - Thursday, December 28, 2017 8:43 AM

    WITH NumberedbyMachine AS (.....


    thnx john.
    This actually worked.

    WITH NumberedbyMachine AS (
      FROM v_Update_ComplianceStatus UCS
      join v_R_System RV on UCS.ResourceID = RV.ResourceID
      join v_UpdateInfo UI on UCS.CI_ID = UI.CI_ID
      join v_UpdateDeploymentSummary UDS on UCS.CI_ID = UDS.CI_ID
      join v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OS on RV.ResourceID = OS.ResourceID
      join v_FullCollectionMembership FCM on RV.ResourceID = FCM.ResourceID
      JOIN v_Collection Col on Col.CollectionID = FCM.CollectionID and Col.Name = 'MTN - H+H - Custom Compliance - HCLL Servers'
      join v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM CS on CS.ResourceID = RV.ResourceID
    Case Status
      when 0 then 'State unknown'
      When 1 then 'Not required'
      When 2 then 'Not Compliant'
      When 3 then 'Compliant'
      Else 'error'
    End as UpdateStatus,
    FROM NumberedbyMachine
    WHERE RowNo = 1

    I've bolded the modifications I made in order to get it to work with my DDL.

    I will try 


    query next to see if I get better performance, and will continue to tinker around to make sure the information is along the way is correct.

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