Stretch Database query running extensively although Stretch is not enabled

  • I have this query running frequently on all my SQL 2016 (SP1-CU5) servers:

        eds.location AS [RemoteDataArchiveEndpoint]
        , AS [RemoteDataArchiveLinkedServer]
        , rdad.remote_database_name AS [RemoteDatabaseName]
        , rdad.federated_service_account AS [RemoteDataArchiveUseFederatedServiceAccount]
        , case when rdad.federated_service_account = 1 then null else end AS [RemoteDataArchiveCredential]
        sys.remote_data_archive_databases rdad
        INNER JOIN sys.external_data_sources eds ON rdad.data_source_id = eds.data_source_id
        LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.database_scoped_credentials cred ON eds.credential_id = cred.credential_id

    On one server, which has been running since 2017-10-25, this query has been run 13350 times in each database. I suspect that the query has something to do with the Stretch Database feature, although this is disabled on the server (remote data archive = 0).

    I have traced the query using extended events, and have discovered that the client running the query is the server itself, and the application name is "SQL Management".

    Can someone explain what the purpose of this query is? And is it possible/feasible to make it stop?

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