Issue with column Encryption

  • Hi All,

    I want to encrypting a column but when I am trying to decrypt the value, I am not getting the original value.

    Can anyone tell me if I have done anything wrong or missing anyhting??

    select @@version
    --Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (RTM) - 13.0.1601.5 (X64)   Apr 29 2016 23:23:58   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation  Enterprise Edition: Core-based Licensing (64-bit) on Windows 10 Enterprise 6.3 <X64> (Build 15063: )

    create database Testdb

    use testdb
    use TestDB


    -- new created database master key - DMK

    create master key
    encryption by password='test#123'

    select is_master_key_encrypted_by_server,* from sys.databases
    where is_master_key_encrypted_by_server = 1

    create certificate MyCert
    with subject = 'Dummy Certificate for TestDB created by Mahesh'
    ,expiry_date = '10/31/2020'

    select * from sys.certificates  -- no rows

    use TestDB
    ----Create a symmetric key and encrypt it by using above created certificate
    create symmetric key MySymKey
    with algorithm=AES_256
    encryption by certificate MyCert

    select * from sys.symmetric_keys  -- 1 row , observer create_date , modify_date

    ----You need to open\decrypt symmetric key before you it available   for use.

    open symmetric key MySymKey
    decryption by certificate MyCert

    select * from sys.openkeys  -- no rows

    --src or stg table
     create table t1
     ( c1 [nvarchar](50)
     insert into t1
     select '7157604000580201'
     union all
     select '7157604000580202'
     union all
    select '7157604000580203'

    --destination table
     CREATE TABLE [test](
        [c1]  [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
        [c1_encrypt_val] [varbinary](300) NOT NULL    -- stores the encrypted value of c1
    -- do the encryption store it in test tbl
    insert into [test](c1,c1_encrypt_val)    
    select c1,ENCRYPTBYKEY(key_guid('MySymKey'),c1) from t1  

    select * from test;

    --decrypt is not working
        c1 as ActualValue,
        c1_encrypt_val as EncryptedVal,
        CONVERT(varchar(50),decryptbykey(c1_encrypt_val)) as DecryptVal
    from test

    -- cleanup  script

    -- close the keys
    close all symmetric keys

    select * from sys.openkeys

    drop table test
    drop table t1

    drop symmetric key MyKey
    drop certificate mycert
    drop master key


    use master
    drop database TestDB




  • I've not looked too far, but one thing I notice is that your original column is an nvarchar, and you're converting it back to a varchar. You should be converting to the same type; especially when using varbinary. As an example:

    SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar(5),CONVERT(varbinary,'Hello'))

    Notice how the result is:N'??o'. That isn't what the original value was,
    Flipping it around:

    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(5),CONVERT(varbinary,N'Hello'))

    The result is: 'Hel'.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • I fairly sure that when you're storing encrypted values, you need to use a VARBINARY(MAX) to do it.

    I don't have access to my test server right now, or I'd try running your test setup and swap out the VARBINARY(300) with a (MAX)

  • Just gave your script a testand apart from having to amend the date format this ran fine, and even returned the correct value (without changing the nvarchar). That was, however, on SQL Server 2017.

    I'd still suggest following my and Jasona's advice though.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thom A - Thursday, November 30, 2017 11:53 AM

    Just gave your script a testand apart from having to amend the date format this ran fine, and even returned the correct value (without changing the nvarchar). That was, however, on SQL Server 2017.

    I'd still suggest following my and Jasona's advice though.

    I just tested this on a SQL2016 install, and Thom is more correct than my answer.  You need to make sure your datatypes stay the same when decrypting and you don't need to make the varbinary a MAX.

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