dispay percentage

  • test

  • Firstly, you've posted this in both the 2016 and 2012 forums, which version are you using?

    Secondly, I think you don't understand how numbers work. A graph y axis (for a column, line, etc graph) needs some kind of ordering. at the moment your axis displays 0 to 12% (or 0 to 0.12). Changing the top value to only have a percentage makes no sense, as you're saying you want to display your numbers in the order 0 - 11.9999~, 0.12. That's nonsensical. 0.12 is much smaller than say 11.9 (almost 10 times) but you want 0.12 at the top?

    A graph needs to be representative of the data it displays, if those are percentages, then the axis needs to display this as such. You can't "pick and choose" your display format and ordering as the axis progresses.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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