SSRS error 12004 on report running

  • Hi Everyone,

    Maybe you can help me with this one. We recently started getting problems on our site on SharePoint, somewhere like a week ago, where users run a report and for some of them it works and for some it doesn't. I can't figure out what triggers it but I am thinking that it's something related to IE, as I wasn't able to replicate it on another browser and it has to do with caching data because it behaves like this:
    I run report A, then run report B and then go back to report A and that's when it fails.
    But, even with this error, if you refresh the page or just click one more time on "Apply" to run it, it works again...
    I have run out of ideas what to do. Did anyone experience this before? Any suggestion?
    We tried restarting the services, made sure we have enough space on the drive and upped the RAM a little bit but with no result. 
    This is the error:
    Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 12004

  • I've seen that one posted before, the same or some similar with variations. I don't think any one fix really addresses it across the board - different people have success with different things. There has been a connect item open for similar issues for awhile. In case you're interested, check this link: 
    SSRS 2012 Failed with win32 error 0x03E3

    The one thing that is common (most of the time) is using Internet Explorer. I would guess you already compared versions to see if there are differences for those who have the issue and those who don't.
    If you think it's an IE caching issue, a couple of places to look would be: Go to options, General Tab, go to Browsing History and click on settings. In that window that comes up, the Temporary Internet Files you could check for new versions every time you visit the page. And on the Caches and Databases tab, you could disable caching.
    Or you could just compare these settings with a user who doesn't have the issues and a user who does and see if you can find any differences.

    There is also a setting in the registry that could possibly be related. In the key
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
    There is a setting for DisableCachingOfSSLPages. You could try comparing that setting or try flipping that to true and see if that makes a difference.


  • Is that the same error you get when accessing the report directly using the reportserver web service and navigate to the report? Is this native SSRS or SSRS in SharePoint mode? Do the SSRS or ULS logs show anything when the error is encountered?

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

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