Powershell SMO - LastBackupDate without Copy_only Backup

  • I am trying to automate restore process of a database (Backup is taken through different process).  I need to pick the last full backup and latest differential backup and restore the database.
    "[Database Name].LastBackupDate" is giving me the date and time of last full backup taken but it is considering the full backup taken with copy_only parameter also.
    Is there a way, I can get the LastBackupDate of backup taken without copy_only parameter on a database through PowerShell SMO?

    P.S:  I am trying to write the script only with PowerShell SMO and not to use SQLPS.


  • For now, I had achieved the same by using ExecuteWithResults().


  • I guess I don't understand why you're using PowerShell to do this.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
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    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

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  • That info is to be found in msdb!

    Backup overview for current database

    Declare @BU_DbName sysname
    Set @BU_DbName = db_name()

    select --@RefDtFullBU as RefDtFullBU
         , BU.machine_name
         , BU.database_name
         , BU.name as BUName
         , BU.backup_start_date
         , BU.backup_finish_date
         , BU.first_lsn
         , BU.last_lsn
         , BU.database_backup_lsn
         , BU.[TYPE]
         , case BU.[TYPE]
          when 'D' then 'Full'
          when 'I' then 'Diff'
          when 'L' then 'Log'
          when 'F' then 'File or filegroup'
          when 'G' then 'Diff file'
          when 'P' then 'Partial'
          when 'Q' then 'Diff partial'
          else '???'
          end as BuType
              , BU.is_copy_only
         , CAST(BU.backup_size / 1024.0 / 1024 as decimal(18, 3)) as backup_size_MB
      /* SQL2008 added compressed_backup_size */
      , CAST(BU.compressed_backup_size / 1024 / 1024 as decimal(18, 3)) as COMPRESSED_BU_size_MB
         , BU.position
         , BU.[description]
      /* SQL2005 added BU.recovery_model */
      , BU.recovery_model
         , BU.[user_name]
    , BU.expiration_date
         , BMF.physical_device_name
    /* db-file details excluded
         , BF.logical_name
         , BF.file_type
         , BF.file_number
         , BF.physical_name

       from  msdb.dbo.backupset BU
    /* db-file details excluded
       inner join msdb.dbo.backupfile BF
          on BF.backup_set_id = BU.backup_set_id
       inner join msdb.dbo.backupmediaset BS
          on BS.media_set_id = BU.media_set_id
       inner join msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily BMF
          on BMF.media_set_id = BU.media_set_id
       inner join (
           select @@ServerName as Server_Name
             , D.name as DbName
             , min(BU.backup_start_date) as First_backup_start_date
             , min(BU.backup_finish_date) as First_backup_finish_date
             , max(BU.backup_start_date) as Last_backup_start_date
             , max(BU.backup_finish_date) as Last_backup_finish_date
           from master.dbo.sysdatabases D
           left join msdb.dbo.backupset BU
              on D.[Name] = BU.database_name
               and BU.[type] = 'D' -- D = FullDatabasebackup
           --where BU.backup_start_date >= DATEADD(dd, datediff(dd, 0, @RefDtFullBU), 0)
           group by D.name
                --order by D.name
           ) LastFullBU
          On LastFullBU.Server_Name = BU.server_name
           and LastFullBU.DbName = BU.database_name
       where BU.database_name = @BU_DbName
          and BU.backup_start_date >= dateadd(mi, -15, LastFullBU.First_backup_start_date)
    --   and BU.backup_start_date < dateadd(mi, 1, LastFullBU.First_backup_start_date)
       order by case when BU.[TYPE] in ( 'D', 'I', 'L', 'F', 'G', 'P', 'Q' ) then 1
            else 0
         , BU.database_name
         , BU.backup_start_date desc
         , BU.backup_finish_date desc
         , BUName ;


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  • @jeff Moden

    I need to restore 7 databases from 5 different production servers and restore it into a development server. I am using Powershell to get last full backup and latest differential backup location from all production server and then move it to a single location in BLOB storage and restore it from there. My development server is Azure VM but production is both Azure and On-premises.


    Many thanks for your script. Since I need only the last full backup location, I had written a simple script to get that detail.


  • Satheesh E.P. - Saturday, September 9, 2017 8:07 AM

    @jeff Moden

    I need to restore 7 databases from 5 different production servers and restore it into a development server. I am using Powershell to get last full backup and latest differential backup location from all production server and then move it to a single location in BLOB storage and restore it from there. My development server is Azure VM but production is both Azure and On-premises.


    Many thanks for your script. Since I need only the last full backup location, I had written a simple script to get that detail.

    Sounds interesting.  Any chance of you posting the "de-sensitized" version of your PowerShell routine for this?  It would likely help quite a few folks that need to do something similar especially since some of your DBs are on Azure.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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