Connect from one server to another

  • We have 2 servers in AWS. 1 server has 2016 installed which I just installed and 2nd server just has SSMS installed. I can connect to Server 1 from my local machine but when I am on 2nd server, I am unable to. When I ping server 1 from server 2, I get time out error. Is it because they are not on the same network? What can I do to resolve this.

  • check tcp/ip is enabled on both servers. 
    talk to your network admin, and open 1433 between both servers

  • Server 1 is supposed to be a DB server and Server 2 is supposed to be a Web server. I just wanted to test to see if could log into server 1. I did create an inbound firewall rule where SQL Server 2016 is installed, tcp/ip is enabled and I did restart the service after but how do I enable port 1433 on Server 2? There is no sql service running on server 2.

  • If they are not on the same network you will need to ensure that the right NAT rules and firewall rules are in place to allow you to transvers the multiple networks you have.

    On the DB server you will need an inbound rule on 1433 and on the webserver you will need an outbound rule on all ports to destination of DB servers port 1433.

    Your network admins should be able to do all that for you.

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