Do MS On-Demand courses provide enough information for newbies to pass the exams?

  • Do Microsoft On-Demand courses provide enough information for someone with little-to-no experience with SQL to pass the exam? Before I commit to it, I need to know for sure that if I understand and study my butt off using MS On-Demand material and labs, then I can pass the exam. I became proficient with Excel quickly, have working knowledge of Access and generally everything PC-related from software to hardware is easy for me to understand and work with.

    Just some other people, I am confused about which certification is better for beginners:
    20461 + 20462 + 20463 to achieve MCSA: SQL Server 2012/2014 Certification
    20761 + 20762 to achieve MCSA: SQL 2016 Certification
    Of course I would prefer the latest and greatest, but they do seem somewhat different and my main questions are:
    1. Which course set if more important?
    2. What would employers prefer to see on your when hiring for SQL-related jobs?
    3. Would SQL 2016 Certification look better for jobs that utilize non-MS Server SQL software, like MySQL? The reason I ask this question is because based on certification titles, SQL Server 2012/2014 Certification seems specific to Microsoft SQL Server, while SQL 2016 seems related to SQL in general, although from what I understand, both courses utilize MS SQL Server and both certification from MS. 

    Also, I find different prices for those On-Demand courses and they have the basic versions that cost considerably less, but they lack the "dMOC".  Can't this dMOC be downloaded from here for free - ?

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