Comparing values from calculated fields

  • Hi Everyone!
         I have a SQL stored procedure that calculates three values and places them in separate columns( all three values are of INT data type).  What I need to do is find out which value is largest and use that value:

    Column a value - 100
    Column b value - 300
    Column c value - 200

    I need logic to figure out which is largest and place that in a calculated field on the report.  I'm pretty sure I need to do a nested Iif, but not sure of the structure.

    Thanks Everyone!

  • Nested IIF is one day, yes:
    =IIF(Fields!ColumnA.Value > Fields!ColumnB.Value AND Fields!ColumnA.Value > Fields!ColumnC.Value, "ColumnA", IIF(Fields!ColumnB.Value > Fields!ColumnA.Value AND Fields!ColumnB.Value > Fields!ColumnC.Value, "ColumnB", "ColumnC"))
    You might need to tweak this a little, as I've used > rather than >= (not knowing what you're full logic is).


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • using CASE

    DECLARE @yourtable TABLE
    (colA INT,
    colB INT,
    colC INT
    INSERT INTO @yourtable
    (100, 300, 200),
    (400, 100, 200),
    (500, 500, 600)

    SELECT *,
        WHEN colA > colB AND colA > colC THEN colA
        WHEN colb > colC THEN colb
        ELSE colC
       END AS largevalue
    FROM @YourTable;

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Thom A - Monday, July 17, 2017 8:06 AM

    Nested IIF is one day, yes:
    =IIF(Fields!ColumnA.Value > Fields!ColumnB.Value AND Fields!ColumnA.Value > Fields!ColumnC.Value, "ColumnA", IIF(Fields!ColumnB.Value > Fields!ColumnA.Value AND Fields!ColumnB.Value > Fields!ColumnC.Value, "ColumnB", "ColumnC"))
    You might need to tweak this a little, as I've used > rather than >= (not knowing what you're full logic is).

    Thank you!  This works great!  I did have to tweak it, since the columns could have the same values so I just changed all the ">" to ">="

    Thank you for your help!

  • my favorite way to do this is to use CROSS APPLY to unpivot the data and then just use MAX():
    DECLARE @yourtable TABLE
    (colA INT,
    colB INT,
    colC INT

    INSERT INTO @yourtable
    (100, 300, 200),
    (400, 100, 200),
    (500, 500, 600)

    SELECT yt.*, m.maxval
      FROM @yourtable yt
      CROSS APPLY (SELECT MAX(val) maxval FROM (VALUES (colA),(colB),(colC)) x(val)) m;

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