Got a weird one for ya....

  • Have a sproc that is throwing an error when trying to do an Insert statement. Gives the "Invalid Object Error" message. However, the table does exist on the server and in the db that is in the path. The weird part is that 11 lines above, it is pulling from the same table and inserting into a temp table. Records are being saved - so I tried copying/pasting the path and table name from the first query into the Insert statement, but it still fails. I also double checked my login to make sure I had write access to the table - I'm good there. Also tried pulling the name of the table from the Objects list into the query window. Nothing is working. We're using 2008 R2 as the database where the sproc lives and 2014 where we're pulling the data from (the full path for the table). Sample of the code is below along with screen shot of what I'm seeing. If anyone has any suggestions on what to look for I'd appreciate any kind of tip! Thanks!

    declare @x int
    drop table testCustomer
    select * into testCustomer from dbo.Customer
    select @x = count(*) from testCustomer
    print 'x = ' + convert(varchar(15), @x);
    select @x = count(*) from dbo.Customer
    print 'x = ' + convert(varchar(15), @x);

    -----------------INSERT INTO CUSTOMER

    INSERT dbo.Customer ( Ac

  • The screenshot of your query has part blanked out, but I assume that that is a declaration of a database, so you are using 3 part naming convention, rather than 2. This means that the above references to dbo.Customer will be using the table in the database you are connected to, rather than the one in the other database. I would hazard a guess if you change the prior references to 3 part naming convention you will get the same error, as the table does not exist in that database. dbo.Customer exist in the connected database (hence no error), but doesn't in the other database.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Hi Thom, Thanks for your response! However, the only reason I blacked out some of the table path is due to company policy as the server and database names have the company name in them. I will tell you that both line 17 and 28 have 4 part naming as it's using a linked server for the same table. So it would be like 

    <linked server name>.<database name>.dbo.Customer 

    for both lines - and I did copy and paste the path from line 17 to line 28 but still get the error?

  • The devil's in the details, unfortunately, and those are hidden from us.

    Instead of an incredibly obscured screenshot, just put up an anonymized script.

    Substitute something with no meaning for your server and database names (of course be consistent, so that the same server/database name is replaced by the same thing for each occurrence), something like Server1.Database1, etc.


  • Hi Jacob, sorry! Guess I could have done that at the beginning - here's the updated screen shot. I updated the names after running the code so that I could generate the error. Thanks for looking! 

  • I suspect in updating after running, you may have done something to hide the error.
    The first block that returned a count could not possibly have done so, because the table it selects from is dropped just before the select count and the temp table created is not used.

    Instead of manually changing names and taking screenshots, could you please run a single replace (use SSMS's find/replace to make sure it's just one thing replaced) and replace whatever the company name is with "DUMMY" and then paste the code itself (not a screenshot) here, and please include code past the insert that you have, the line numbers are often off for various reasons.

    Oh, and are there any triggers on the Customers table?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • You're right Gila! I missed a part of the table name when manually updating the code - here's the code with "Dummy" added 

    declare @x int
    drop table DummyCustomer
    select * into DummyCustomer from DummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.Customer
    select @x = count(*) from DummyCustomer
    print 'x = ' + convert(varchar(15), @x);

    select @x = count(*) from DummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.Customer
    print 'x = ' + convert(varchar(15), @x);

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSERT INTO CUSTOMER

    INSERT DummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.Customer (

    Line 3 is where I'm pulling from the table with the issues into the temp table 
    Line 5 is where I'm returning the count to make sure there are records in the table
    Line 6 is where I'm getting the count directly from the table
    Last line is where it's failing with message: 
    Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 30
    Invalid object name 'Customer'.

    There are also 2 triggers on the table -> I've pasted them in as well.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[dummy_CustNameXRef_Delete]

        @CustIDParm varchar(15),
        @NameParm varchar(60)
        DECLARE @Name varchar(60)
        DECLARE @NameSeg varchar(20)
        DECLARE @RecExists smallint
        DECLARE @DelimiterPos smallint
        DECLARE @LookupSpecChar varchar(30)

        DECLARE @CharPos smallint
        DECLARE @DelimiterCharPos smallint

        -- Convert to upper case and trim the spaces off
        -- the passed name.
        SELECT @Name = LTRIM(RTRIM(UPPER(@NameParm)))

        -- Skip all of this if no name was passed.
        IF @Name IS NULL

        SELECT @LookupSpecChar = DfltShpnotInvSub FROM INSetup
        SELECT @LookupSpecChar = LTRIM(RTRIM(@LookupSpecChar)) + ' '

        IF @Name IS NOT NULL
            SELECT @CharPos = 1

            WHILE 1=1
                IF @CharPos > DATALENGTH(@Name)
                    SELECT @CharPos = 0

                SELECT @DelimiterCharPos = CHARINDEX(SUBSTRING(@Name, @CharPos, 1), @LookupSpecChar)
                IF @DelimiterCharPos > 0

                SELECT @CharPos = @CharPos + 1
            SELECT @CharPos = 0

        SELECT @DelimiterPos = @CharPos

        -- If there are not delimiters in the name.
        IF @DelimiterPos = 0
            -- Assume whats there is a segment.
            SELECT @NameSeg = @Name

            -- If there is something in the name...
            IF @NameSeg IS NOT NULL
                -- See if the record already exists.
                SELECT @RecExists = COUNT(*) from CustNameXref
                WHERE CustID = @CustIDParm AND NameSeg = @NameSeg

                -- If the record does exist...
                IF @RecExists <> 0
                    -- Delete the segment from the table.
                    DELETE FROM CustNameXref
                    WHERE CustID = @CustIDParm AND NameSeg = @NameSeg
            -- There are delimiters in the name --

            -- Extract the segment.
            SELECT @NameSeg = SUBSTRING(@Name, 1, @DelimiterPos - 1)

            -- If there is something in the name...
            IF @NameSeg IS NOT NULL

                -- See if the record already exists.
                SELECT @RecExists = COUNT(*) from CustNameXref
                WHERE CustID = @CustIDParm AND NameSeg = @NameSeg

                -- If the record does exist...
                IF @RecExists <> 0
                    -- Delete the segment from the table.
                    DELETE FROM CustNameXref
                    WHERE CustID = @CustIDParm AND NameSeg = @NameSeg

            -- Extract the segment from the current name.
            SELECT @Name = LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@Name, @DelimiterPos + 1, 60))

        GOTO START



    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ADG_CustNameXRef_Add]
        @CustIDParm varchar(15),
        @NameParm varchar(60)
        DECLARE @Name varchar(60)
        DECLARE @NameSeg varchar(20)
        DECLARE @RecExists smallint
        DECLARE @DelimiterPos smallint
        DECLARE @LookupSpecChar varchar(30)

        DECLARE @CharPos smallint
        DECLARE @DelimiterCharPos smallint

        -- Convert to upper case and trim the spaces off
        -- the passed name.
        SELECT @Name = LTRIM(RTRIM(UPPER(@NameParm)))

        -- Skip all of this if no name was passed.
        IF @Name IS NULL

        SELECT @LookupSpecChar = DfltShpnotInvSub FROM INSetup
        SELECT @LookupSpecChar = LTRIM(RTRIM(@LookupSpecChar)) + ' '

        IF @Name IS NOT NULL
            SELECT @CharPos = 1

            WHILE 1=1
                IF @CharPos > DATALENGTH(@Name)
                    SELECT @CharPos = 0

                SELECT @DelimiterCharPos = CHARINDEX(SUBSTRING(@Name, @CharPos, 1), @LookupSpecChar)
                IF @DelimiterCharPos > 0

                SELECT @CharPos = @CharPos + 1
            SELECT @CharPos = 0

        SELECT @DelimiterPos = @CharPos

        -- If there are not delimiters in the description...
        IF @DelimiterPos = 0
            -- Assume whats there is a segment.
            SELECT @NameSeg = @Name

            -- If there is something in the segment...
            IF @NameSeg IS NOT NULL

                -- See if the record already exists.
                SELECT @RecExists = COUNT(*) from CustNameXref
                WHERE CustID = @CustIDParm AND NameSeg = @NameSeg

                -- If the record doesn't exist.
                IF @RecExists = 0
                    -- Add the new segment to the table.
                    INSERT INTO CustNameXref(Crtd_DateTime, Crtd_Prog, Crtd_User, CustID, LUpd_DateTime, LUpd_Prog, LUpd_User, NameSeg)
                    VALUES(getdate(), '', '',@CustIDParm, getdate(), '', '',@NameSeg)
            -- There are delimiters in the name --

            -- Extract the segment.
            SELECT @NameSeg = SUBSTRING(@Name, 1, @DelimiterPos - 1)

            -- If there is something in the segment...
            IF @NameSeg IS NOT NULL
                -- See if the record already exists.
                SELECT @RecExists = COUNT(*) from CustNameXref
                WHERE CustID = @CustIDParm AND NameSeg = @NameSeg

                -- If the record doesn't exist...
                IF @RecExists = 0
                    -- Add the new segment to the table.
                    INSERT INTO CustNameXref(Crtd_DateTime, Crtd_Prog, Crtd_User, CustID, LUpd_DateTime, LUpd_Prog, LUpd_User, NameSeg)
                    VALUES(getdate(), '', '',@CustIDParm, getdate(), '', '',@NameSeg)

            -- Extract the segment from the current name.
            SELECT @Name = LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@Name, @DelimiterPos + 1, 60))

        GOTO START

  • You said you posted 2 triggers, but those are procedures.
    Do the triggers call those procedures?

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

  • sorry - yes the triggers call those procedures

  • I'm so sorry - boy I'm messing this post up - so sorry! trying to do too many things at once LOL  below is the code for the triggers that call the sprocs above

    USE [TESTdummyAPP]

    /****** Object: Trigger [dbo].[TR_CustNameXref_Add]  Script Date: 06/26/2017 16:36:52 ******/


    CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[TR_CustNameXref_Add] ON [dbo].[Customer]
        DECLARE @CustID varchar(15)
        DECLARE @Name varchar(30)
        DECLARE @RowsAffected int

        SELECT @RowsAffected = @@ROWCOUNT

        IF @RowsAffected = 1

            IF UPDATE(Name)
                SELECT @CustID = CustID, @Name = Name from DELETED        
                EXECUTE ADG_CustNameXref_Delete @CustID, @Name

                SELECT @CustID = CustID, @Name = Name from INSERTED
                EXECUTE ADG_CustNameXref_Add @CustID, @Name

        IF @RowsAffected > 1

            IF UPDATE(Name)


                OPEN DelCursor

                FETCH FIRST FROM DelCursor INTO @CustID, @Name
                WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)
                    EXECUTE ADG_CustNameXref_Delete @CustID, @Name

                    FETCH NEXT FROM DelCursor INTO @CustID, @Name


                CLOSE DelCursor
                DEALLOCATE DelCursor


                OPEN InsCursor

                FETCH FIRST FROM InsCursor INTO @CustID, @Name
                WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)
                    EXECUTE ADG_CustNameXref_Add @CustID, @Name
                    FETCH NEXT FROM InsCursor INTO @CustID, @Name


                CLOSE InsCursor
                DEALLOCATE InsCursor


    USE [TESTdummyAPP]

    /****** Object: Trigger [dbo].[ADG_TR_CustNameXref_Delete]  Script Date: 06/26/2017 17:24:55 ******/


    CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[TR_CustNameXref_Delete] ON [dbo].[Customer]
        DECLARE @CustID varchar(15)
        DECLARE @Name varchar(30)
        DECLARE @RowsAffected int

        SELECT @RowsAffected = @@ROWCOUNT

        IF @RowsAffected = 1

            SELECT @CustID = CustID, @Name = Name from DELETED
            EXECUTE ADG_CustNameXref_Delete @CustID, @Name

        IF @RowsAffected > 1

            OPEN DelCursor

            FETCH FIRST FROM DelCursor INTO @CustID, @Name
            WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)
                EXECUTE ADG_CustNameXref_Delete @CustID, @Name

                FETCH NEXT FROM DelCursor INTO @CustID, @Name


            CLOSE DelCursor
            DEALLOCATE DelCursor

  • I am assuming based on the names that:
    gets called on delete and:
    gets called on insert?

    Also, unless I am reading those SP's incorrectly (which is entirely possible), do they ever finish?  It looks like it is an infinite loop to me.  That "GOTO START" at the end of the SP's I think would put them into an infinite loop once they are called.

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

  • lk4772 - Monday, June 26, 2017 2:47 PM

    You're right Gila! I missed a part of the table name when manually updating the code - here's the code with "Dummy" added 

    declare @x int
    drop table DummyCustomer
    select * into DummyCustomer from DummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.Customer
    select @x = count(*) from DummyCustomer
    print 'x = ' + convert(varchar(15), @x);

    select @x = count(*) from DummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.Customer
    print 'x = ' + convert(varchar(15), @x);

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSERT INTO CUSTOMER

    INSERT DummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.Customer (

    Line 3 is where I'm pulling from the table with the issues into the temp table 
    Line 5 is where I'm returning the count to make sure there are records in the table
    Line 6 is where I'm getting the count directly from the table
    Last line is where it's failing with message: 
    Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 30
    Invalid object name 'Customer'.

    And the rest of that code please?
    I need to see the entire insert and any statements after it.

    Doesn't look like it's coming from the triggers or procedure (btw, both are very inefficient), so currently I suspect something further in the INSERT statement that we haven't seen yet, or after the INSERT.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • bmg002 - Monday, June 26, 2017 3:32 PM

    Also, unless I am reading those SP's incorrectly (which is entirely possible), do they ever finish?  It looks like it is an infinite loop to me.  That "GOTO START" at the end of the SP's I think would put them into an infinite loop once they are called.

    They do. There's a RETURN in the middle that, I imagine, gets hit everntually. Not particularly good coding practice, but...

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Hi Gail, 

    Here's the code - please don't judge me on the syntax - I didn't write this! LOL I've been trying to clean up the mess but you know how that goes....

    USE [dummyNewPartial]

    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_InsertNew]  Script Date: 06/26/2017 17:38:54 ******/


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_InsertNew] AS

    declare @x int
    drop table dummyCustomer
    select * into dummyCustomer from dummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.Customer
    select @x = count(*) from dummyCustomer
    print 'x = ' + convert(varchar(15), @x);
    drop table dummysoaddress
    select * into dummysoaddress from dummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.soaddress
    drop table dummycustomeredi
    select * into dummycustomeredi from dummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.customeredi
    select @x = count(*) from dummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.Customer
    print 'x = ' + convert(varchar(15), @x);

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSERT INTO CUSTOMER

    INSERT dummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.customer ( AccrRevAcct, AccrRevSub, AcctNbr, Addr1, Addr2, AgentID, ApplFinChrg, ArAcct, ArSub, Attn, AutoApply, BankID, BillAddr1, BillAddr2, BillAttn, BillCity,
            BillCountry, BillFax, BillName, BillPhone, BillSalut, BillState, BillThruProject, BillZip, CardExpDate, CardHldrName, CardNbr, CardType, City, ClassId,
            ConsolInv, Country, CrLmt, Crtd_DateTime, Crtd_Prog, Crtd_User, CuryId, CuryPrcLvlRtTp, CuryRateType, CustFillPriority, CustId, DfltShipToId,
            DunMsg, EMailAddr, Fax, InvtSubst, LanguageID, LUpd_DateTime, LUpd_Prog, LUpd_User, Name, NoteId, OneDraft, PerNbr, Phone, PmtMethod,
            PrcLvlId, PrePayAcct, PrePaySub, PriceClassID, PrtMCStmt, PrtStmt, S4Future01, S4Future02, S4Future03, S4Future04, S4Future05, S4Future06,
            S4Future07, S4Future08, S4Future09, S4Future10, S4Future11, S4Future12, Salut, SetupDate, ShipCmplt, ShipPctAct, ShipPctMax, SICCode1, SICCode2,
            SingleInvoice, SlsAcct, SlsperId, SlsSub, State, Status, StmtCycleId, StmtType, TaxDflt, TaxExemptNbr, TaxID00, TaxID01, TaxID02, TaxID03,
            TaxLocId, TaxRegNbr, Terms, Territory, TradeDisc, User1, User2, User3, User4, User5, User6, User7, User8, Zip)

    SELECT  AccrRevAcct, AccrRevSub, AcctNbr, Addr1, Addr2, AgentID, ApplFinChrg, ArAcct, ArSub, Attn, AutoApply, BankID, BillAddr1, BillAddr2, BillAttn, BillCity,
            BillCountry, BillFax, left(newBillName + space(30),30) as Billname, BillPhone, BillSalut, BillState, BillThruProject, BillZip, CardExpDate, CardHldrName, CardNbr, CardType, City, newClassId as ClassID,
            ConsolInv, Country, CrLmt, getdate() as Crtd_DateTime, Crtd_Prog, Crtd_User, CuryId, CuryPrcLvlRtTp, CuryRateType, CustFillPriority, newCustId as CustID, DfltShipToId,
            DunMsg, EMailAddr, Fax, InvtSubst, LanguageID, getdate() as LUpd_DateTime, LUpd_Prog, LUpd_User, left(newName + space(30),30) as [Name], NoteId, OneDraft, PerNbr, Phone, PmtMethod,
            PrcLvlId, PrePayAcct, PrePaySub, PriceClassID, PrtMCStmt, PrtStmt, S4Future01, S4Future02, S4Future03, S4Future04, S4Future05, S4Future06,
            S4Future07, S4Future08, S4Future09, S4Future10, S4Future11, S4Future12, Salut, SetupDate, ShipCmplt, ShipPctAct, ShipPctMax, SICCode1, SICCode2,
            SingleInvoice, SlsAcct, SlsperId, SlsSub, State, Status, StmtCycleId, StmtType, TaxDflt, TaxExemptNbr, TaxID00, TaxID01, TaxID02, TaxID03,
            TaxLocId, TaxRegNbr, Terms, Territory, TradeDisc, User1, User2, newUser3 as User3, User4, User5, User6, User7, User8, Zip
    FROM   dbo.sfaCUSTOMER cross join (SELECT  custid as newCustID, classid as newClassID, [name] as newName, billname as newBillname, team as newUser3
                            FROM   Customer where Customer.CustID not in (select CustID from dummyCustomer)) newCust

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSERT INTO CUSTOMER

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSERT INTO SOADDRESS

    INSERT dummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.soaddress (Addr1, Addr2, Attn, City, COGSAcct, COGSSub, Country, Crtd_DateTime, Crtd_Prog, Crtd_User, CustId, Descr, DiscAcct, DiscSub, EMailAddr, Fax, FOB,
            FrghtCode, FrtAcct, FrtSub, FrtTermsID, GeoCode, LUpd_DateTime, LUpd_Prog, LUpd_User, MapLocation, MiscAcct, MiscSub, Name, NoteId, Phone,
            S4Future01, S4Future02, S4Future03, S4Future04, S4Future05, S4Future06, S4Future07, S4Future08, S4Future09, S4Future10, S4Future11, S4Future12,
            ShipToId, ShipViaID, SiteID, SlsAcct, SlsPerID, SlsSub, State, Status, TaxId00, TaxId01, TaxId02, TaxId03, TaxLocId, TaxRegNbr, User1, User2, User3,
            User4, User5, User6, User7, User8, Zip)

    SELECT  Addr1, Addr2, Attn, City, COGSAcct, COGSSub, Country, getdate() as Crtd_DateTime, Crtd_Prog, Crtd_User, newCustId as CustID, Descr, DiscAcct, DiscSub, EMailAddr, Fax, FOB,
            FrghtCode, FrtAcct, FrtSub, FrtTermsID, GeoCode, getdate() as LUpd_DateTime, LUpd_Prog, LUpd_User, MapLocation, MiscAcct, MiscSub, left(newName + space(30),30) as [Name], NoteId, Phone,
            S4Future01, S4Future02, S4Future03, S4Future04, S4Future05, S4Future06, S4Future07, S4Future08, S4Future09, S4Future10, S4Future11, S4Future12,
            ShipToId, ShipViaID, SiteID, SlsAcct, SlsPerID, SlsSub, State, Status, TaxId00, TaxId01, TaxId02, TaxId03, TaxLocId, TaxRegNbr, User1, User2, User3,
            User4, User5, User6, User7, User8, Zip
    FROM   dbo.sfasoaddress cross join (SELECT  custid as newCustID, [name] as newName
                            FROM   Customer where Customer.CustID not in (select CustID from dummysoaddress)) newCust

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSERT INTO SOADDRESS

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSERT INTO CUSTOMEREDI

    INSERT dummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.customeredi ( AgreeNbrFlg, ApptNbrFlg, ArrivalDateFlg, BatchNbrFlg, BidNbrFlg, BOLFlg, BOLNoteID, BOLRptFormat, BuyerReqd, CertID, CheckShipToID, COGSAcct,
            COGSSub, ContractNbrFlg, ContTrackLevel, CreditMgrID, CreditRule, CrossDockFlg, Crtd_DateTime, Crtd_Prog, Crtd_User, CustCommClassID, CustID,
            CustItemReqd, DeliveryDateFlg, DeptFlg, DfltBuyerID, DiscAcct, DiscSub, DivFlg, EDSOUser10Flg, EDSOUser1Flg, EDSOUser2Flg, EDSOUser3Flg,
            EDSOUser4Flg, EDSOUser5Flg, EDSOUser6Flg, EDSOUser7Flg, EDSOUser8Flg, EDSOUser9Flg, EquipNbrFlg, FOBFlg, FOBID, FOBLocQualFlg,
            FOBTranTypeFlg, FrtAcct, FrtAllowCd, FrtDiscCd, FrtSub, GeoCode, GLClassID, GracePer, GSA, HeightFlg, ImpConvMeth, InternalNoteID, IntVendorNbr,
            IntVendorNbrFlg, InvcNoteID, LabelReqd, LenFlg, LineItemEDIDiscCode, LUpd_DateTime, LUpd_Prog, LUpd_User, MajorAccount, ManNoteID,
            MinOrder, MinWt, MiscAcct, MiscSub, MultiDestMeth, NbrCartonsFlg, NoteID, OrigSourceID, OutBndTemplate, PlanDateFlg, POReqd, PROFlg,
            PromoNbrFlg, PSNoteID, PTNoteID, QuoteNbrFlg, RegionID, RequestDateFlg, S4Future01, S4Future02, S4Future03, S4Future04, S4Future05,
            S4Future06, S4Future07, S4Future08, S4Future09, S4Future10, S4Future11, S4Future12, SalespersonFlg, SalesRegionFlg, SCACFlg, ScheduledDateFlg,
            SDQMarkForFlg, SendZeroInvc, SepDestOrd, ShipDateFlg, ShipmentLabel, ShipMthPayFlg, ShipNBDateFlg, ShipNLDateFlg, ShipToRefNbrFlg,
            ShipViaFlg, ShipWeekOfFlg, SingleContainer, SiteID, SlsAcct, SlsSub, SOTypeID, SOUser10Flg, SOUser1Flg, SOUser2Flg, SOUser3Flg, SOUser4Flg,
            SOUser5Flg, SOUser6Flg, SOUser7Flg, SOUser8Flg, SOUser9Flg, SplitPartialLineDisc, SubNbrFlg, SubstOK, TerritoryID, TrackingNbrFlg, UseEDIPrice,
            User1, User10, User2, User3, User4, User5, User6, User7, User8, User9, UserNoteID1, UserNoteID2, UserNoteID3, VolumeFlg, WebSite, WeightFlg,
            WholeOrdEDIDiscCode, WidthFlg)

    SELECT  AgreeNbrFlg, ApptNbrFlg, ArrivalDateFlg, BatchNbrFlg, BidNbrFlg, BOLFlg, BOLNoteID, BOLRptFormat, BuyerReqd, CertID, CheckShipToID, COGSAcct,
            COGSSub, ContractNbrFlg, ContTrackLevel, CreditMgrID, CreditRule, CrossDockFlg, getdate() as Crtd_DateTime, Crtd_Prog, Crtd_User, CustCommClassID, newCustID as CustID,
            CustItemReqd, DeliveryDateFlg, DeptFlg, DfltBuyerID, DiscAcct, DiscSub, DivFlg, EDSOUser10Flg, EDSOUser1Flg, EDSOUser2Flg, EDSOUser3Flg,
            EDSOUser4Flg, EDSOUser5Flg, EDSOUser6Flg, EDSOUser7Flg, EDSOUser8Flg, EDSOUser9Flg, EquipNbrFlg, FOBFlg, FOBID, FOBLocQualFlg,
            FOBTranTypeFlg, FrtAcct, FrtAllowCd, FrtDiscCd, FrtSub, GeoCode, GLClassID, GracePer, GSA, HeightFlg, ImpConvMeth, InternalNoteID, IntVendorNbr,
            IntVendorNbrFlg, InvcNoteID, LabelReqd, LenFlg, LineItemEDIDiscCode, getdate() as LUpd_DateTime, LUpd_Prog, LUpd_User, MajorAccount, ManNoteID,
            MinOrder, MinWt, MiscAcct, MiscSub, MultiDestMeth, NbrCartonsFlg, NoteID, OrigSourceID, OutBndTemplate, PlanDateFlg, POReqd, PROFlg,
            PromoNbrFlg, PSNoteID, PTNoteID, QuoteNbrFlg, RegionID, RequestDateFlg, S4Future01, S4Future02, S4Future03, S4Future04, S4Future05,
            S4Future06, S4Future07, S4Future08, S4Future09, S4Future10, S4Future11, S4Future12, SalespersonFlg, SalesRegionFlg, SCACFlg, ScheduledDateFlg,
            SDQMarkForFlg, SendZeroInvc, SepDestOrd, ShipDateFlg, ShipmentLabel, ShipMthPayFlg, ShipNBDateFlg, ShipNLDateFlg, ShipToRefNbrFlg,
            ShipViaFlg, ShipWeekOfFlg, SingleContainer, SiteID, SlsAcct, SlsSub, SOTypeID, SOUser10Flg, SOUser1Flg, SOUser2Flg, SOUser3Flg, SOUser4Flg,
            SOUser5Flg, SOUser6Flg, SOUser7Flg, SOUser8Flg, SOUser9Flg, SplitPartialLineDisc, SubNbrFlg, SubstOK, TerritoryID, TrackingNbrFlg, UseEDIPrice,
            User1, User10, User2, User3, User4, User5, User6, User7, User8, User9, UserNoteID1, UserNoteID2, UserNoteID3, VolumeFlg, WebSite, WeightFlg,
            WholeOrdEDIDiscCode, WidthFlg
    FROM   dbo.sfacustomeredi cross join (SELECT  custid as newCustID
                            FROM   Customer where Customer.CustID not in (select CustID from dummycustomeredi)) newCust

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSERT INTO CUSTOMEREDI

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSERT INTO COMPANY
    --insert ([Co #], TEAM, MemberCorp, UpdateDate)
    --SELECT  [Co #], TEAM, MemberCorp, getdate() as UpdateDate
    --FROM   vwsfaNewCOMPANY
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSERT INTO COMPANY

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSERT INTO PEOPLE

    --insert teamsPARTIAL.dbo.people ([Per #], Lname, Fname, Co#, addr1, addr2, city, st, zip, country, [Foreign zip], busunit, Email, Fax, Phone, DateChange)
    --SELECT  [Per #], left(Lname + space(20),20), left(Fname + space(15), 15) as Fname, Co#, left(addr1+ space(50),50) as addr1, left(addr2+ space(50),50) as addr2, left(city + space(25),25) as city, left(st + space(2),2) as st, left(zip + space(5),5) as zip, left(country+ space(15), 15) as Country, Foreignzip as [Foreign zip], convert(char(40),busunit) as busunit, Email, left(Fax+space(20),20) as Fax, left(Phone+space(20),20) as Phone, getdate() as DateChange
    --FROM   vwsfaNewPEOPLE

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSERT INTO PEOPLE

    --set team =
    --from dbo.CompaniesAndTeams t inner join c on t.[co #] = c.[co #]
    --where <>

    --update dummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.customer
    --set user3 =
    --from dbo.CompaniesAndTeams t inner join dummySQL03.TESTdummyAPP.dbo.customer c on t.[co #] = c.[custid]
    --where c.user3 <>

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPDATE PERSON USER and PWD

    --update TEAMSPARTIAL.dbo.PEOPLE
    --set Userid = c.User_ID__c,
    --Psswd = c.Password__c
    --from TEAMS.dbo.PEOPLE p
    --inner join dummyNewPartial..Contact c on p.[Per #] = c.Person_ID__c
    --where isnull(c.User_ID__c,'') <> isnull(p.Userid,'') or isnull(c.Password__c,'') <> isnull(p.Psswd ,'')


  • To pile on, this CustNameXRef object referenced in those procedures, is it a view?

    If so, could we see its definition as well?


    EDIT: Your most recent post got posted while I was typing this, so I have another question.

    Does this DummyNewPartial DB actually have a Customer table in it?

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