Dynamic Dimension Member MDX

  • I have a cube that has sales fact, store dimension and date dimension. I need to create a calculated dimension member for an attribute "NewStore" in store dimension. The new member should be used to slice the cube to show new stores based on any date. A new store means there is no sales on the date of previous year. For example, on 2016-06-01, if there is no sales on 2015-06-01 then this is a new store on 2016-06-01, on 2017-02-01, if there is no sales on 2016-02-01 then this is a new store, and so on....

    Here is my MDX which returns the right results (giving me the new stores based on [Date].[Year - Qtr - Month - Date].[Year].[2016])


    Member [Measures].[PY]



    [Measures].[Sales Amt],

    PARALLELPERIOD([Date].[Year - Qtr - Month - Date].[Year],


    [Date].[Year - Qtr - Month - Date].CurrentMember



    SELECT [Measures].[Sales Amt] on columns,

    { Filter (

    [Store].[Store Name].[Store Name],

    ISEMPTY(([Date].[Year - Qtr - Month - Date].CurrentMember, [Measures].[PY])) = False


    } on rows

    FROM [MyCube]

    where [Date].[Year - Qtr - Month - Date].[Year].[2016];

    But when I try to execute following query it doesn't return the new stores but all stores and leave the Sales Amt as (null). I need help to make this query work so I can apply it in calculation in SSAS.  


    Member [Measures].[PY]



    [Measures].[Sales Amt],

    PARALLELPERIOD([Date].[Year - Qtr - Month - Date].[Year],


    [Date].[Year - Qtr - Month - Date].CurrentMember


    ), format_string = "Currency"

    Member [Store].[NewStore].[All].[3] as



    Filter (

    ([Store].[Store Name].[Store Name]),

    (ISEMPTY(([Date].[Year - Qtr - Month - Date].CurrentMember, [Measures].[PY]))) = True


    , [Measures].CurrentMember


    SELECT [Measures].[Sales Amt] on 0,

    ([Store].[NewStore].[All].[3]) on 1

    FROM [MyCube]

    where ([Date].[Year - Qtr - Month - Date].[Year].[2016]

    ,[Store].[Is Same Store].[All].[3]


    Any helps will be appreciated.

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