SSRS pass multiple parameters. Given Available Values. Is it possible with LIKE operator?

  • I am new to SSRS Reports. I have a stored procedure to extract all the items that have been invoiced for less than 14.9% GP based on the salesman parameter.

        ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Lessthan15GPAlert]
    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
    @salesrep varchar(100)
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.

        SELECT distinct
    , c.CustomerName
    , ohl.ProductCode
    , ohl.ProductDescription1
    , ohl.ProductDescription2
    , oh.InvoiceNumber
    , CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), oh.InvoiceDate,126) InvoiceDate
    , ((ohl.NetPrice-ohl.AccountingCost)/ohl.NetPrice) * 100 AS GP
    , OHL.PriceSourceCode
    , OH.SellingWarehouseNumber
    , s.description
        FROM OrderHistory oh 
    inner join orderhistoryline ohl on oh.CompanyID = ohl.CompanyID and oh.OrderNumber = ohl.OrderNumber
    inner join Customer c on c.CompanyID = oh.companyid and c.customercode = oh.CustomerCode
    inner join salesman s on s.companyid = c.CompanyID and s.SalesmanID = c.SalesRepOne
        WHERE oh.CompanyID = '002' 
    and oh.InvoiceDate = CONVERT(varchar(10),dateadd(d,-4,GetDate()),126)
    AND ((ohl.NetPrice - ohl.AccountingCost)/ohl.NetPrice) * 100 < 14.9 
    and ohl.NetPrice <> 0.00
    and s.description like @salesrep
    AND COALESCE(OHL.ShippedQuantity,0) <> 0

    The description column in salesman table has sample data as 

        R02 702 SMITH, JOHN TSR
        R07 707 FRANKLIN, ROB TSR
        R04 704 SCOTT, KEVIN TSR
        R04 704 PAUL, KEITH RSM
        R02 702 JOSEPH, MARY TSR
        R04 704 CRIPPS, ROBERT TSR

    Keith Paul manages two locations both 702 and 704.

    I have set up available values for parameter @salesrep as follows

        | Label | Value
        %SMITH%JOHN% | %SMITH%JOHN% 
        %PAUL%KEITH% | %PAUL%KEITH% 
        % | %  
        L702 | R02%702%
        L707 | R07%707%
        L704 | R04%704%

    Now, I can run the report for each salesman and each region but I also want to run for each RSM (Regional Sales Manager). Suppose I want to run everything under Keith Paul. How can I add one more in available values for parameter such as

    Label  | Value

    Keith Paul  | R02%702%, R04%704%

    So I would get results both from 702 and 704. How can I achieve this? 

        R02 702 SMITH, JOHN TSR
        R04 704 SCOTT, KEVIN TSR
        R04 704 PAUL, KEITH RSM
        R02 702 JOSEPH, MARY TSR
        R04 704 CRIPPS, ROBERT TSR

  • normalize your salesman table, first. you shouldn't have multiple concepts in one column. Then you'd have to check to see whether you're searching for a manager level or sales rep level in the parameters (separate parameters, I would think) and modify the query appropriately to handle both.

    maybe as is, you could do a check first to see if you can find the " RSM" where s.description=@salesrep, and extract the codes you're looking for by parsing the s.description column and using that in a variable to build your search for the actual results?

    However, from your sample data it looks like Keith Paul is only listed on location 702 in the data, and the only way you're tying to both is in the parameter you built.

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