Duplicate Attribute Values?

  • I am trying to deal with a dimension involving products from multiple subsidiaries, but keep getting an issue with duplicate values.  
    The table has the following fields: 
    productkey  - PK (Integer) 
    productID - The product ID from the source system  -- used with locationkey to join to FactProductSales 
    productname - The Description of the product
    productstdcost - Standard cost of the product
    productfamily  - The product Family
    locationkey - the location the product is from ---- used with ProductID to join to FactProductSales 

    I also have a table called FactProductSales
    with the following fields
    transactionid Integer PK 
    productid -- used with locationkey to join to DimProduct 
    locationkey -- used with ProductID to join to DimProduct 

    I keep on getting the following error 
    Errors in the OLAP storage engine: A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing: Table: 'dbo_FACTPRODUCTSALES', Column: 'productid', Value: '00-02800-005'; Table: 'dbo_FACTPRODUCTSALES', Column: 'locationkey', Value: '16'. The attribute is 'Productid'.  

    Within the dimproduct table there is only one record with these values, but there are numerous records in the factproductsales table that have them.  
    I am rather lost on how to fix this issue.

  • Figured it out.  I had to reverse the direction of the relationship between the tables.

  • now I am getting a similar error on another table- dimcustomer - also related to FactProductSales
    Errors in the OLAP storage engine: A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing: Table: 'dbo_DimCustomer', Column: 'CustomerID', Value: 'C060254'; Table: 'dbo_DimCustomer', Column: 'locationkey', Value: '16'. The attribute is 'Customer ID'.

    The DimCustomer Table has the following fields

    The table uses a Composite PK of CustomerID and Locationkey
    In the DSV I have a named calculation called CustIDlocation that combines the locationkey and the customerID.  
    The relationship to FactProductSales is set as CustomerID & Location with DimCustomer as the foreign key table and FactProductSales as the primary key table.  
    When I reverse the relationship I get the following error 
    Errors in the high-level relational engine. The 'dbo_FACTPRODUCTSALES' table that is required for a join cannot be reached based on the relationships in the data source view.

  • Appears that the last issue was fixed by removing the dimension and re adding it after reversing the DSV relationship.

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