Help needed removing part of email message

  • We have a sql based erp that sends an email message after certain procedures (such as order acknowledgement, etc.)
    The email message consists of Subject, email body(entered by user if needed) and email signature (name, email address, company name) pulled from the ERP
    This signature component creates a conflict with the exchange signature so I am trying to remove it but leave the rest of the email (subject plus body)
    I can trim a certain number of character off the end but that does not solve my issue.
    Any thoughts?
    "SET @lsPropertyName = 'HTMLBody'
    SET @lsPropertyValue = REPLACE(@avc8000_EMailMessage, CHAR(10), '<BR>')
        EXEC @llHResult = sp_OASetProperty @objCDOMessage, @lsPropertyName, @lsPropertyValue
        IF @ac1_SetSDOLETraceOn = 'Y'
            INSERT INTO @tblSDOLETrace values ('"EXEC @llHResult = sp_OASetProperty @objCDOMessage, ' + @lsPropertyName + ', ' + @lsPropertyValue + '"', @llHResult)"
    Above is the email message piece of code from the stored procedure

    Thank you

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