Performance Tuning

  • Please find attached Query Plan. 

    Please help me how to imporve performance. It's take 20 sec to run.


  • It would help if you posted the query as well.  The SQL Plan does contain some of the query text, but it gets truncated.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Essentally the same subquery appears twice in the part of the query which is attached to the plan. Rather than read these three tables twice, capture the results into a couple of variables and reference those in your query instead.
    It probably won't make the query much faster but it will remove 6 table reads. Simpler is always better.

    DECLARE @field_cd whatever, @FieldValue whatever

    SELECT @field_cd = field_cd, @FieldValue = fv.FieldValue

    FROM t_fieldtype ft

    INNER JOIN t_fieldvalue fv ON ft.fieldtype_id = fv.fieldtype_id

    WHERE ft.fieldtype_nm = 'T_Item.Status_IND' AND fv.fieldvalue = 'On-Hold'

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • /****** Object: View [dbo].[VW_STG_ITEM]  Script Date: 03/22/2017 13:57:15 ******/


    Alter VIEW [dbo].[VW_STG_ITEM]
    SELECT i.item_id        AS Item_ID
       ,i.itemtype_id      AS ItemType_ID
       ,Isnull(c.cluster_id, 0)   AS Cluster_ID
       ,i.item_no       AS Item_No
       ,i.depot_id       AS InitialDepot_ID
        WHEN fsd.shipment_no IS NULL
         AND I.site_id IS NULL
         AND i.[depot_id] IS NOT NULL THEN i.[depot_id]
        WHEN fsd.shipment_no IS NOT NULL
         AND fsd.ship_to_depot_id IS NOT NULL THEN i.[depot_id]
        ELSE 0
       END         AS Depot_ID
       ,i.site_id       AS InitialSite_ID
        WHEN fsd.ship_to_site_id IS NOT NULL THEN i.[site_id]
        ELSE 0
       END         AS Site_ID
       ,fsd.ship_to_depot_id    AS Ship_To_Depot_ID
       ,fsd.ship_to_site_id    AS Ship_To_Site_ID
       ,fsd.ship_from_depot_id   AS Ship_From_Depot_ID
       ,fsd.ship_from_site_id   AS Ship_From_Site_ID
       ,fsd.ordertype_ind     AS OrderType_IND
       ,fsd.shipment_no     AS Shipment_NO
       ,fsd.ordered_dt      AS Ordered_DT
       ,fsd.received_dt     AS Received_DT
       ,Isnull(i.subject_id, 0)   AS Subject_ID
       ,i.subjectevent_id     AS SubjectEvent_ID
        WHEN fsd.shipment_no IS NULL
         AND I.site_id IS NULL THEN 'D' -- Item never shipped from depot
        WHEN fsd.shipment_no IS NOT NULL
         AND fsd.ship_to_depot_id IS NOT NULL THEN 'D' --last Shipment is to depot
        WHEN fsd.shipment_no IS NOT NULL
         AND fsd.ship_to_site_id IS NOT NULL THEN 'S' --last Shipment is to site
       END         AS SiteDepot_IND
       ,Isnull(i.status_ind, '0')  AS originalStatus_IND
        WHEN ( ( ohl.lot_no IS NOT NULL
           AND fsd.ship_to_site_id = ohl.site_id )
          OR ( ohld.lot_no IS NOT NULL
            AND I.site_id IS NULL )
          OR ( fsd.ship_to_depot_id = ohld.depot_id
            AND fsd.ordertype_ind <> '06' )--2.01 Update. Returned kits are excluded from OnHold Status
         AND i.status_ind NOT IN ( '24', '25' ) THEN (SELECT field_cd
                        FROM t_fieldtype ft
                           INNER JOIN t_fieldvalue fv
                              ON ft.fieldtype_id = fv.fieldtype_id
                         WHERE ft.fieldtype_nm = 'T_Item.Status_IND'
                           AND fv.fieldvalue = 'On-Hold')
        ELSE Isnull(i.status_ind, '0')
       END         AS Status_IND
        , CASE
            WHEN (
                    (ohl.Lot_No IS NOT NULL AND fsd.ship_to_site_id = ohl.site_id) OR (ohld.Lot_No IS NOT NULL AND I.Site_Id IS NULL) OR (fsd.ship_to_depot_id = ohld.depot_id AND fsd.OrderType_IND <> '06') --2.01 Update. Returned kits are not included in OnHold Status
                    ) AND i.Status_Ind NOT IN ('24', '25')
                THEN (
                        SELECT fv.FieldValue
                        FROM T_FieldType ft
                        INNER JOIN T_FieldValue fv ON ft.FieldType_ID = fv.FieldType_ID
                        WHERE ft.FieldType_NM = 'T_Item.Status_IND' AND fv.FieldValue = 'On-Hold'
            ELSE fv.fieldvalue
            END AS Current_Status_Desc
       ,ItemPrevStatus.previousstatus AS PreviousStatus --2.01 Update
       ,dt.assigned_dt      AS Assigned_DT
        WHEN i.site_id IS NOT NULL THEN Isnull(i.expiration_dt, '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000') -- 2.01 Update. If kits are ever sent to a site then they retain Expiration date from T_Item table.
         WHEN lot.lot_status IS NOT NULL THEN lot.expiration_dt
         -- Item is at depot or in transit to a depot and Lot management is set to yes then Lot expiration date 
         ELSE Isnull(i.expiration_dt, '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000') --Item is at depot or in transit to a depot and Lot management is set to No then Kit expiration date 
       END         AS Expiration_DT
       ,Isnull(i.lot_no, '0')   AS Lot_NO
       ,Isnull(i.control_no, '0')  AS Control_No --AIR 1.09
       ,I.extralot1_no      AS Extralot1_no --AIR 1.09 
       ,i.extralot2_no      AS Extralot2_no
       ,lot.lot_status      AS Lot_Status_Ind
       ,lot_status_desc     AS Lot_Status
       ,lot.expiration_dt     AS Lot_Expiration_DT
       ,i.istransferred_flag    AS IsTransferred_FLAG
       ,i.reconciliationstatus   AS reconciliationstatus -- 1.09
       ,i.reconciliationsiteid   AS reconciliationsiteid -- 1.09
       ,i.reconciliationdepotid   AS reconciliationdepotid -- 1.09
       --,tr.Tracking_NO             AS Tracking_NO     -- 2.01
        WHEN i.reconciliationdiscrepancy = '--Select--' THEN 'None'
        ELSE Isnull(i.reconciliationdiscrepancy, 'N/A')
       END         AS ReconciliationDiscrepancy --2.01 Update
       ,Isnull(CD.dosevalue, 0)   AS Dose_Value
       ,Isnull(CD.dose_txt, 'N/A')  AS Dose_Units
       ,i.modif_id       AS Modif_ID
         ,c.Type_IND                        AS Cluster_Type_IND
    FROM dbo.t_item AS i
         LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.STG_Item_Assigned_DT as dt
              ON i.Item_ID = dt.Item_ID
       --Getting Cluster info  
       LEFT JOIN (SELECT cluster_id
          FROM dbo.t_cluster
          -- WHERE type_ind = 'L' Commented out as per 168877
          ) c
         ON c.cluster_id = i.cluster_id -- 2.01 Update  
       -- Getting Lot Information
       LEFT JOIN (SELECT l.lot_id
             ,l.status_ind AS Lot_Status
             ,fv.fieldvalue AS Lot_Status_Desc
          FROM t_lotitem li
             INNER JOIN t_lot l
               ON l.lot_id = li.lot_id
             --Getting decode of lot status   
             INNER JOIN (SELECT fv.fieldtype_id
                 FROM t_fieldvalue fv
                   INNER JOIN t_fieldtype ft
                      ON fv.fieldtype_id = ft.fieldtype_id
                 WHERE fieldtype_nm = 'T_Lot.Status_IND')fv
                ON fv.field_cd = l.status_ind
          WHERE l.priority_ind = 'P')lot
         ON lot.item_id = i.item_id
       --Getting information related to last shipment of the kit  
       LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT od.item_id
               ,o.todepot_id AS Ship_To_Depot_ID
               ,o.tosite_id  AS Ship_To_Site_ID
               ,o.fromsite_id AS Ship_From_Site_ID
               ,o.fromdepot_id AS Ship_From_Depot_ID
            FROM dbo.t_orderdetail od
               INNER JOIN t_order o
                 ON o.order_id = od.order_id
               INNER JOIN (SELECT od.item_id
                     ,Max(o.order_id) AS Order_ID
                   FROM dbo.t_order o
                     INNER JOIN t_orderdetail od
                        ON o.order_id = od.order_id
                   WHERE o.status_ind NOT IN ( 'C', 'I' )
                   GROUP BY od.item_id)od1
                 ON od.item_id = od1.item_id
                  AND o.order_id = od1.order_id)fsd
           ON I.item_id = fsd.item_id
       --Lot on hold at site 
       LEFT JOIN (SELECT lot_no
          FROM t_onholdlot ohl
          WHERE site_id IS NOT NULL)AS ohl
         ON ohl.lot_no = i.lot_no
          AND ohl.site_id = i.site_id
       --Lot on hold at depot
       LEFT JOIN (SELECT lot_no
          FROM t_onholdlot ohl
          WHERE depot_id IS NOT NULL)AS ohld
         ON ohld.lot_no = i.lot_no
          AND ohld.depot_id = i.depot_id
       INNER JOIN (SELECT fv.fieldtype_id
           FROM t_fieldvalue fv
             INNER JOIN t_fieldtype ft
                ON fv.fieldtype_id = ft.fieldtype_id
           WHERE fieldtype_nm = 'T_Item.Status_IND')fv ON fv.Field_CD = Isnull(i.status_ind, '0')
       LEFT OUTER JOIN t_site AS s
           ON i.site_id = s.site_id
       -- To get Dose information that is used only in Adhoc reports
          FROM t_itemtypedrug ITD
             INNER JOIN t_treatmentdrug TD
               ON TD.studydrug_id = ITD.studydrug_id) AS CD
         ON i.ItemType_ID = CD.ItemType_ID
       --Finds Previous status of Item before reconciliation    
               ,ips.originalkitstatus AS PreviousStatus_Ind
               ,fv.fieldvalue   AS PreviousStatus
            FROM t_itempreviousstatus ips
               INNER JOIN (SELECT fv.fieldtype_id
                   FROM dbo.t_fieldvalue fv
                     INNER JOIN t_fieldtype ft
                        ON fv.fieldtype_id = ft.fieldtype_id
                   WHERE ft.fieldtype_nm = 'T_Item.Status_IND') AS fv
                  ON ips.originalkitstatus = fv.field_cd)ItemPrevStatus
           ON i.item_id = ItemPrevStatus.ItemId

    WHERE i.status_ind <> '00'


  • Thanks Bhavesh.
    If I were given this query to tune, including access to a test database, then I'd break it down into manageable chunks and tune each chunk separately. Here's a good example of a chunk worth investigating:

    --Getting information related to last shipment of thekit   


           SELECT od.item_id

                  ,o.todepot_id AS Ship_To_Depot_ID

                  ,o.tosite_id  AS Ship_To_Site_ID

                  ,o.fromsite_id  AS Ship_From_Site_ID

                  ,o.fromdepot_id AS Ship_From_Depot_ID





           FROM dbo.t_orderdetail od

           INNER JOIN t_order o

           ON o.order_id = od.order_id

           INNER JOIN (

                  SELECT od.item_id

                         ,MAX(o.order_id) AS Order_ID

                  FROM dbo.t_order o

                  INNER JOIN t_orderdetail od

                  ON o.order_id = od.order_id

                  WHERE  o.status_ind NOT IN ( 'C', 'I' )

                  GROUP  BY od.item_id


           ON od.item_id = od1.item_id

           AND o.order_id = od1.order_id


    ON I.item_id = fsd.item_id


    You're using SQL Server 2008, so make use of ROW_NUMBER instead of the aggregate subquery to locate the most recent row. You will eliminate two tables' worth of reads from the execution plan.
    You have this subquery in numerous places:

                  SELECT fv.fieldtype_id



                  FROM t_fieldvalue fv

                  INNER JOIN t_fieldtype ft

                  ON fv.fieldtype_id = ft.fieldtype_id

                  WHERE  fieldtype_nm = 'T_Lot.Status_IND'

    I'd recommend you change this to either an indexed view, or a #temp table with indexing optimised for use with this query. You will eliminate about 6 tables' worth of reads from the execution plan.

    I'd recommend that you use this query within a stored procedure and not saved as a view, it's too complex and you're unlikely to get it working most efficiently without using constructs which are incompatible with views. Also, sooner or later some idiot will join it to a bunch of other tables and your server will weep.

    Here's the whole query reformatted for clarity (it WAS, I promise!):

    SELECT i.item_id        AS Item_ID

       ,i.itemtype_id       AS ItemType_ID

       ,ISNULL(c.cluster_id, 0)   AS Cluster_ID

       ,i.item_no       AS Item_No

       ,i.depot_id        AS InitialDepot_ID


                  WHEN fsd.shipment_no IS NULL

                   AND I.site_id IS NULL

                   AND i.[depot_id] IS NOT NULL THEN i.[depot_id]

                  WHEN fsd.shipment_no IS NOT NULL

                   AND fsd.ship_to_depot_id IS NOT NULL THEN i.[depot_id]

                  ELSE 0

                  END         AS Depot_ID

       ,i.site_id       AS InitialSite_ID


                  WHEN fsd.ship_to_site_id IS NOT NULL THEN i.[site_id]

                  ELSE 0

                  END         AS Site_ID

       ,fsd.ship_to_depot_id    AS Ship_To_Depot_ID

       ,fsd.ship_to_site_id     AS Ship_To_Site_ID

       ,fsd.ship_from_depot_id    AS Ship_From_Depot_ID

       ,fsd.ship_from_site_id   AS Ship_From_Site_ID

       ,fsd.ordertype_ind     AS OrderType_IND

       ,fsd.shipment_no     AS Shipment_NO

       ,fsd.ordered_dt      AS Ordered_DT

       ,fsd.received_dt     AS Received_DT

       ,ISNULL(i.subject_id, 0)   AS Subject_ID

       ,i.subjectevent_id     AS SubjectEvent_ID


                  WHEN fsd.shipment_no IS NULL

                   AND I.site_id IS NULL THEN 'D' -- Item never shipped fromdepot 

                  WHEN fsd.shipment_no IS NOT NULL

                   AND fsd.ship_to_depot_id IS NOT NULL THEN 'D' --last Shipment is to depot

                   WHEN fsd.shipment_no IS NOT NULL

                   AND fsd.ship_to_site_id IS NOT NULL THEN 'S' --last Shipment is to site

              END         AS SiteDepot_IND

       ,ISNULL(i.status_ind, '0')   AS originalStatus_IND


                  WHEN ( ( ohl.lot_no IS NOT NULL

                     AND fsd.ship_to_site_id = ohl.site_id )

                    OR ( ohld.lot_no IS NOT NULL

                          AND I.site_id IS NULL )

                    OR ( fsd.ship_to_depot_id = ohld.depot_id

                          AND fsd.ordertype_ind <> '06' )--2.01 Update. Returned kits are excluded from OnHoldStatus


                   AND i.status_ind NOT IN ( '24', '25' ) THEN (

                                             SELECT field_cd

                                             FROM t_fieldtype ft

                                             INNER JOIN t_fieldvalue fv

                                                     ON ft.fieldtype_id = fv.fieldtype_id

                                              WHERE  ft.fieldtype_nm = 'T_Item.Status_IND'

                                                    AND fv.fieldvalue = 'On-Hold'


                   ELSE ISNULL(i.status_ind, '0')

                  END         AS Status_IND

        , CASE

            WHEN (

                    (ohl.Lot_No IS NOT NULL AND fsd.ship_to_site_id = ohl.site_id) OR (ohld.Lot_No IS NOT NULL AND I.Site_Id IS NULL) OR (fsd.ship_to_depot_id = ohld.depot_id AND fsd.OrderType_IND <> '06') --2.01 Update. Returned kitsare not included in OnHold Status

                    ) AND i.Status_Ind NOT IN ('24', '25')

                THEN (

                        SELECT fv.FieldValue

                        FROM T_FieldType ft

                        INNER JOIN T_FieldValue fv

                                             ON ft.FieldType_ID = fv.FieldType_ID

                        WHERE ft.FieldType_NM = 'T_Item.Status_IND'

                                             AND fv.FieldValue = 'On-Hold'


            ELSE fv.fieldvalue

            END AS Current_Status_Desc

       ,ItemPrevStatus.previousstatus AS PreviousStatus --2.01 Update

       ,dt.assigned_dt      AS Assigned_DT


                  WHEN i.site_id IS NOT NULL THEN ISNULL(i.expiration_dt, '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000') -- 2.01 Update. If kits are ever sent to a site then theyretain Expiration date from T_Item table.



                    WHEN lot.lot_status IS NOT NULL THEN lot.expiration_dt

                    -- Itemis at depot or in transit to a depot and Lot management is set to yes then Lotexpiration date

                   ELSE ISNULL(i.expiration_dt, '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000') --Item is at depot or intransit to a depot and Lot management is set to No then Kit expiration date


                  END         AS Expiration_DT

       ,ISNULL(i.lot_no, '0')   AS Lot_NO

       ,ISNULL(i.control_no, '0')   AS Control_No --AIR 1.09 

       ,I.extralot1_no      AS Extralot1_no --AIR1.09 

       ,i.extralot2_no      AS Extralot2_no

       ,lot.lot_status      AS Lot_Status_Ind

       ,lot_status_desc     AS Lot_Status 

       ,lot.expiration_dt     AS Lot_Expiration_DT

       ,i.istransferred_flag    AS IsTransferred_FLAG

       ,i.reconciliationstatus    AS reconciliationstatus --1.09 

       ,i.reconciliationsiteid    AS reconciliationsiteid --1.09 

       ,i.reconciliationdepotid   AS reconciliationdepotid --1.09 

       --,tr.Tracking_NO             AS Tracking_NO     -- 2.01


                  WHEN i.reconciliationdiscrepancy = '--Select--' THEN 'None'

                  ELSE ISNULL(i.reconciliationdiscrepancy, 'N/A')

                  END         AS ReconciliationDiscrepancy --2.01Update

        ,ISNULL(CD.dosevalue, 0)   AS Dose_Value

       ,ISNULL(CD.dose_txt, 'N/A')  AS Dose_Units

       ,i.modif_id        AS Modif_ID


         ,c.Type_IND                        AS Cluster_Type_IND

    FROM dbo.t_item AS i


    LEFT JOIN dbo.STG_Item_Assigned_DT AS dt

           ON i.Item_ID = dt.Item_ID


    --Getting Cluster info   

    LEFT JOIN (SELECT cluster_id, cluster_nm, type_ind FROM dbo.t_cluster) c

           ON c.cluster_id = i.cluster_id -- 2.01 Update 


    -- Getting Lot Information 


           SELECT l.lot_id


                  ,l.status_ind  AS Lot_Status

                  ,fv.fieldvalue AS Lot_Status_Desc


           FROM t_lotitem li

           INNER JOIN t_lot l

           ON l.lot_id = li.lot_id


           --Getting decode of lot status  

           INNER JOIN (

                  SELECT fv.fieldtype_id



                  FROM t_fieldvalue fv

                  INNER JOIN t_fieldtype ft

                  ON fv.fieldtype_id = ft.fieldtype_id

                  WHERE  fieldtype_nm = 'T_Lot.Status_IND'

           ) fv

           ON fv.field_cd = l.status_ind

           WHERE  l.priority_ind = 'P'

    ) lot

    ON lot.item_id = i.item_id


    --Getting information related to last shipment of thekit   


           SELECT od.item_id

                  ,o.todepot_id AS Ship_To_Depot_ID

                  ,o.tosite_id  AS Ship_To_Site_ID

                  ,o.fromsite_id  AS Ship_From_Site_ID

                  ,o.fromdepot_id AS Ship_From_Depot_ID





           FROM dbo.t_orderdetail od

           INNER JOIN t_order o

           ON o.order_id = od.order_id

           INNER JOIN (

                  SELECT od.item_id

                         ,MAX(o.order_id) AS Order_ID

                  FROM dbo.t_order o

                  INNER JOIN t_orderdetail od

                  ON o.order_id = od.order_id

                  WHERE  o.status_ind NOT IN ( 'C', 'I' )

                  GROUP  BY od.item_id


           ON od.item_id = od1.item_id

           AND o.order_id = od1.order_id


    ON I.item_id = fsd.item_id


    --Lot on hold at site


           SELECT lot_no


           FROM t_onholdlot ohl

           WHERE  site_id IS NOT NULL

    ) AS ohl

    ON ohl.lot_no = i.lot_no

    AND ohl.site_id = i.site_id


    --Lot on hold at depot 


           SELECT lot_no


           FROM t_onholdlot ohl

           WHERE  depot_id IS NOT NULL

    )AS ohld

    ON ohld.lot_no = i.lot_no

    AND ohld.depot_id = i.depot_id



           SELECT fv.fieldtype_id



           FROM t_fieldvalue fv

           INNER JOIN t_fieldtype ft

           ON fv.fieldtype_id = ft.fieldtype_id

           WHERE  fieldtype_nm = 'T_Item.Status_IND'

    )fv ON fv.Field_CD = ISNULL(i.status_ind, '0')


    LEFT JOIN t_site AS s

           ON i.site_id = s.site_id


    -- To get Dose information that is used only in Adhocreports 


           SELECT ITD.ItemType_ID



           FROM t_itemtypedrug ITD

           INNER JOIN t_treatmentdrug TD

           ON TD.studydrug_id = ITD.studydrug_id

    ) AS CD

    ON i.ItemType_ID = CD.ItemType_ID


    --Finds Previous status of Item before reconciliation    


           SELECT ips.ItemId

            ,ips.originalkitstatus AS PreviousStatus_Ind

            ,fv.fieldvalue   AS PreviousStatus

        FROM t_itempreviousstatus ips

        INNER JOIN (

                  SELECT fv.fieldtype_id



            FROM dbo.t_fieldvalue fv

            INNER JOIN t_fieldtype ft

                ON fv.fieldtype_id = ft.fieldtype_id

            WHERE  ft.fieldtype_nm = 'T_Item.Status_IND'

           ) AS fv

           ON ips.originalkitstatus = fv.field_cd

    ) ItemPrevStatus

    ON i.item_id = ItemPrevStatus.ItemId


    WHERE  i.status_ind <> '00'


    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Thank you. 

    Thank you. 

    Please see attached executution plan for below query. It is taking 4 sec to run. What I need to change in this query. How can I re-write this query with Row_Number ?

    SELECT od.item_id,
       o.todepot_id AS Ship_To_Depot_ID,
       o.tosite_id  AS Ship_To_Site_ID,
       o.fromsite_id AS Ship_From_Site_ID,
       o.fromdepot_id AS Ship_From_Depot_ID,
    FROM dbo.t_orderdetail od
       INNER JOIN t_order o
         ON o.order_id = od.order_id
       INNER JOIN (SELECT od.item_id,
             Max(o.order_id) AS Order_ID
           FROM dbo.t_order o
             INNER JOIN t_orderdetail od
                ON o.order_id = od.order_id
           WHERE o.status_ind NOT IN ( 'C', 'I' )
           GROUP BY od.item_id)od1
         ON od.item_id = od1.item_id
          AND o.order_id = od1.order_id

  • You could use ROW_NUMBER or you could use APPLY, like this:

    SELECT od.item_id,

       o.todepot_id AS Ship_To_Depot_ID,

       o.tosite_id  AS Ship_To_Site_ID,

       o.fromsite_id  AS Ship_From_Site_ID,

       o.fromdepot_id AS Ship_From_Depot_ID,





    FROM dbo.t_orderdetail od


           SELECT TOP 1



           FROM t_order o

           WHERE o.order_id = od.order_id

                  AND o.status_ind NOT IN ( 'C', 'I' )

           ORDER BY o.order_id DESC

    ) x


    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
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