Can I substitute a Library Variable in STUFF clause

  • The issue is the ability to substitute the library name in the SET @list =  statement. -- from[' + @Library + '].information_schema.columns
    in order to get the list of column names of Table06 table.
    Table06 can be in  different libraries and schemas.

    DECLARE @Library  nvarchar(50) = 'ProdLib';
    DECLARE @Schema   nvarchar(50); = 'Dflt';
    DECLARE @list   nvarchar(MAX);
    DECLARE @SQL07V   nvarchar(MAX);

    SET @list  =
     stuff ((select distinct ',' +
     from [MYLib].information_schema.columns
     where table_name ='Table06' and column_name not in ('RecID', 'StartDate')
     for xml path(''), type).value ('.','VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'')

    SET @SQL07V =
    CREATE VIEW [dflt].[Table07V] as
    SELECT RecID, StartDate, col,value
     from (select * from [' + @Library + '].[' + @Schema + '].[Table06]) p
     unpivot (value for col in (' +@List+')) as unpvt'

    EXEC (@SQL07V);
    I have tried unsuccessfully to make it work.
    Do you have any suggestions?

  • As long as you're creating a view, you will not be able to parameterize your query.   Views don't have that functionality.   If you need to use parameters, then you have to use either a stored procedure or a function (ideally, an inline table-valued one).

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • Actually the above example is from a stored procedure, but when I substitute @library for MyLib I get
    the error 'Invalid syntax near '.'
    The @list value is not enclosed in quotes.  It returns all the column names within the table.

  • chas.1 - Monday, March 20, 2017 12:59 PM

    Actually the above example is from a stored procedure, but when I substitute @library for MyLib I get
    the error 'Invalid syntax near '.'
    The @list value is not enclosed in quotes.  It returns all the column names within the table.

    Okay, but the error you're getting is because you can't use variables that way.   You'll either have to use dynamic SQL to accomplish the task, or a series of IF statements that check for all the possible values and only execute the code appropriate to the value supplied, which is messy, error prone, and duplicates code for every possible value of the variable.   Dynamic SQL is usually best for this kind of thing.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • Okay, thanks for the tip Steve.

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