SSRS Multiple Tablix -- Display Only One Result Set.

  • Hi All,

    I am new to SSRS and I need to build a report. Report has two different datasets, one to display records with values containing 1/2/3/4 and another containing value 5. SP has one parameter. Now I need to build a report in such a way that if any user selects 1/2/3 or 4 results from first dataset will be generated and if value 5 is selected data should be used form second data set.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

  • Are the two datasets based on the same tables?

    If they are, you could create a calculated column in your dataset that groups the "1-4" records together and the "5" records together, as say "Group A" and "Group B", and then just use that field as your filter in your report. It's as simple as someting like this:

    Grouping = IIF(Fields!MyField.Value<5, "Group 1", "Group 2")

    and then you'd just choose either "Group 1" or "Group 2" from the dropdown and you'd be off to the races.

  • If you're using two tablixes, you could set them to be hidden depending on the parameter value.
    For example, if the tablix for 5 could have a hidden expression value of:
    =iif(Parameters!SearchInt.Value = 5, FALSE, TRUE)
    This will show the tablix when 5 is selected, and hide if not.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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