First time installing vNext on Linux...

  • And I have to agree with Grant Fritchey...

    It was boring.

    Once I got the Linux spun up in a VM (Ubuntu 16.10 desktop), followed the steps on the MS page for installing and setting it to start automatically, it was done.

    I could connect my SSMS to it from my windows desktop right off, everything seems to work the way one would expect. Obviously, being a quick and dirty first run, it's only doing SQL Authentication (need to get the VM joined to my AD,) I've not yet tried copying and restoring a backup of a SQL DB to it yet, but it was short, quick, and simple.

    Frankly, it took longer to install the Linux VM than it did to install SQL...

  • The SQL database engine is incredibly quick to install yes, but I'm not going to really complain about that. Considering that when installing SQl Server on Windows it can take a good 20-30 minutes, plus restarts. Yes, i know you you're probably installing SQL Server, SSRS, SSAS, SSIS, etc, but still, I was very happy that I had SQL Server up and running in the space of about 2/3 minutes.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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