Service offerings on PowerBI

  • Friends,

    What sort of offerings could be created using PowerBI . They could even be small time consulting - Build and implementation projects

  • Benki Chendu (11/9/2016)


    What sort of offerings could be created using PowerBI . They could even be small time consulting - Build and implementation projects

    The question is very broad, somewhat like asking "what can I do with a database"


    PowerBI and are extremely fast evolving product/service and it can be testing keeping up with all that stuff. They are tools which do certain jobs very well, now the question is do they fit for yours?

  • He he. I know they are very vast.

    But my question is very vague 🙁

    If I want to provide some visualizations or dashboards to my customers and want to have a proactive discussion before even the customer asks for some solution, how could I start the dialogue?

  • Benki Chendu (11/9/2016)

    He he. I know they are very vast.

    But my question is very vague 🙁

    If I want to provide some visualizations or dashboards to my customers and want to have a proactive discussion before even the customer asks for some solution, how could I start the dialogue?

    It is a triangular problem in a way, start with questions such as What are the business needs? What data is available?



    / \

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    / \

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    / \

    +---------+ +--------+

    |Data |-----|Business|

    |available| |needs |

    +---------+ +--------+

  • Right..Makes sense 😉

  • Benki Chendu (11/9/2016)

    He he. I know they are very vast.

    But my question is very vague 🙁

    If I want to provide some visualizations or dashboards to my customers and want to have a proactive discussion before even the customer asks for some solution, how could I start the dialogue?

    Really depends on what the landscape looks like for the customer. Most people using PowerBI are not doing anything any different than what they are doing in Excel. It's just a lot fresher, easier to piece together sexy eye-candy reports and is totally integrated in the cloud with potentially your data. But, it's not ideally a centralized reporting solutions like MicroStrategy Server where you can fully ensure the 1,000 of Excel sheets in your clients business are all in one location, version controlled and not going to accidentally get deleted.

    Outside of that, it's a cheap cost effective visualization tool that will help you tell a deep and meaningful story about your data. It helps answer questions that the business wants to know and it's not going to break the bank doing so.

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