LsAlert job is failing on Primary Instance

  • I have reconfigured logshipping but my LSAlert job on the primary is still failing.

    On the secondary the transaction log shipping status report is showing OK, logs are being copied and restored.

    The transaction log shipping status report on the primary is showing restore/copied information from before it was recreated logshipping.

    Please advise how i can resolve this?

  • juniorDBA13 (10/28/2016)

    I have reconfigured logshipping but my LSAlert job on the primary is still failing.

    On the secondary the transaction log shipping status report is showing OK, logs are being copied and restored.

    The transaction log shipping status report on the primary is showing restore/copied information from before it was recreated logshipping.

    Please advise how i can resolve this?

    The tables used for monitoring could be stale. You can try updating those by executing sp_refresh_log_shipping_monitor on the secondary server.


  • I ran the following on the secondary

    execute sp_refresh_log_shipping_monitor

    @agent_id = 'B7EE4B00-364A-49F4-AC4A-391722F0E66D',

    @agent_type = 1,

    @database = 'Database',

    @mode = 1

    Getting agent ID from the below query

    select *

    from msdb.dbo.log_shipping_secondary_databases as sd

    join msdb.dbo.log_shipping_secondary as s

    on sd.secondary_id = s.secondary_id

    The query executed but hasn't updated the report

  • Have you verified all the backup logs are in the shared folder?

    Have the latest logs been applied to the secondary?

    Are there issues with the copy, restore jobs?


  • Yes backup log are in the shared folder.

    The logs are being applied to the secondary.

    No issues with copy/restore jobs.

    Transaction log report showing correctly on the secondary.

    On the primary, transaction log report is showing restore/copy information. Should it be showing this since this is completed on the secondary?

    Would an instance restart fix the issue?

  • check the step history carefully, although theyre marked as successful there'll likely be a message indicating logs cannot be applied


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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