Two charts misaligned

  • Hello,

    I have an issue with two charts misaligned on the same SSRS report.

    The second chart starts at the end of the table output.

    Although on SSRS both are made to same Width and height and there is no gap in the Development Chart builder.

    See the attached chart file.

    What is needed to have second chart start just below the first one?

    Thank you,


  • SSRS does this to prevent overlapping objects when it cannot predetermine the size, e.g. how many rows a table will have.

    If you want to lock items relative to eachother on the screen you should use Rectangles for your layout. For example in this instance you'd want to put the each chart and associated table in a rectangle together. This way if the layout shifts the item down, it will shift the containing rectangle rather then the individual objects so they stay aligned to each other.

  • Spiff,

    Superstar you are! The rectangle trick worked like a charm.

    Also noticed the 2nd table output was paritally populated and not using the full date parameters.

    I put both the tables in a rectangle of its own and that solved it too.

    Many thanks for your solution.

    Happy chap.


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