Mirror Disconnected after drop and recreation of end points

  • Hello,

    I'm very new to database mirroring, brand new. I was recently hired into a small company who had contracted out the initial setup of the mirror. I was reviewing my two endpoints (no witness) and instead of using an alter endpoint statement I used drop and Create when changing the encryption type. since then my databases have been disconnected 🙁 I've been reading anything I can find on mirror, and found that the drop and create can mess with the synchronization when using High safety, which it has. But I haven't been able to find any direction on what to do next.

    so...what do I do next?!?

    Thank you!


    P.S. I should note that my users are still using my primary server, so when the two regain quorum I need to be able to make sure that the mirror does not override the primary

  • Nevermind, I found my answer.

    I needed to re-configure the security of the mirror

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