Can I improve performance by breaking my databases up?

  • Performance is my over-riding concern, as I have a heavily recursive CTE that is the engine room of my application. This CTE may have to work on 4 columns of up to 7 million rows. Queries can take over 30 minutes with just 1.2 million rows.

    To reduce the waiting time of most users, I save minimalist 2 column tables that capture the results of these long-running CTE recursion queries into a separate "cache" database. Thus 1000s of these two column tables, some that may contain nearly 7 million rows collect in this database. I have to maintain concurrency with the base data in the CTE specific database as new records are added. At the moment I keep and upkeep the same data in both databases.

    Is there a better way to do all of this? Should I just keep all the data in one database? If so, how will my long-running CTEs interact with lots of interruptions, and won't all users then have to wait more, as I would suspect (based on what I know about queueing theory)? Clearly, the caching is a major pain, especially since the content must often be updated when new individuals are added to the records. Ideally, the CTE would just run a whole lot faster.

    Recursive CTE:

    USE [relationship]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [home].[proportion] Script Date: 2/24/2016 9:51:22 PM ******/





    -- =============================================

    -- Author: Me

    -- Create date: today

    -- Description: cte with normalized tbls

    -- =============================================

    ALTER PROCEDURE [home].[proportion]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @id int



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    -- Insert statements for procedure here

    DELETE FROM relationship.home.persistedTemp WHERE originator = @id;

    WITH PctCTE(id, percent, kind)


    (SELECT individual, CONVERT(DECIMAL(28,25),100.0) AS percent, model

    FROM relationship.home.relationshipRecords constituent

    WHERE constituent.individual = @id


    SELECT derivation.individual, CONVERT(DECIMAL(28,25),constituent.percent/2.0), derivation.model

    FROM relationship.home.relationshipRecords AS derivation

    INNER JOIN PctCTE AS constituent

    ON (constituent.kind = 'M' AND

    (derivation.inputKindB =


    (NOT constituent.kind = 'M' AND

    (derivation.inputKindA =


    mergeCTE(i, p)


    (SELECT id, SUM(percent)


    GROUP BY id


    INSERT INTO relationship.home.persistedTemp

    SELECT @id, tmp.i, tmp.p, w.yr

    FROM mergeCTE AS tmp

    LEFT JOIN relationship.home.beginning w

    ON tmp.i = w.individual;

    DELETE FROM relationship.home.persistedTemp WHERE originator = @id AND i = @id


    Note: inputKindA may be used to create many individuals (1000s), inputKindB may be used to create less individuals (up to 20), and both often create no individuals.

    The database associated with the CTE is called relationship and contains the following tables:


    record_id char(6) PK FK

    reg nchar(10) PK

    name nvarchar(60)

    individual int FK U1

    main int


    IX_myids_1 individual(ASC) Unique

    PK_myids record_id (ASC), reg (ASC) Unique Clustered


    individual int PK {I}

    name nvarchar(60)

    PK_names individual (ASC) Unique Clustered


    individual int FK

    inputKindA int {I}

    inputKindB int I2

    model char(1) I3


    IX_relationshipRecords_B inputKindB (ASC)

    IX_relationshipRecords_mdl model (ASC)

    IX_relationshipRecords_id individual (ASC) Unique

    IX_relationshipRecords_A inputKindA (ASC) Clustered


    individual int FK

    yr smallint {I}

    color nvarchar(50)


    IX_beginning_culr color (ASC)

    IX_beginning_id individual (ASC) Unique

    IX_beginning_yr yr (ASC) Clustered


    originator int

    i int

    p decimal(28,25)

    y smallint

    IX_persistedTemp originator (ASC) Clustered

    and record_log

    record_id char(6) PK

    version_id char(3)

    cntry_id char(2)

    record_nm nvarchar(255)

    notes nvarchar(max)

    updtd int

    base_yr smallint

    user_id nvarchar(255)

    dflt_id char(15)

    dflt_nm nvarchar(255)

    css_ref nvarchar(255)

    url_ref nvarchar(255)

    bt_link nvarchar(150)

    PK_record_log record_id (ASC) Unique Clustered

    Finally, the database that stores the cached long-query results has the following tables:

    hinfo, which holds redundant data from the names, relationshipRecords, and beginning tables above:

    individual int PK U1

    reg nvarchar(255)

    name nvarchar(60) U1

    kinds nvarchar(121)

    year smallint {I}

    color nvarchar(50)

    model char(1)

    PK_hinfo individual (ASC) Unique

    IX_hinfo year (ASC) Clustered

    IX_nameorder individual (ASC), name (ASC) Unique


    individual int PK FK

    last_id int

    last_dt datetime2(7)

    hit_cnt int

    lapse int

    saved bit

    PK_srch_log individual (ASC) Unique Clustered

    and mostly this database stores many of the following type of tables:


    i int PK

    p decimal(28,25) I1

    PK_p000001 i (ASC) Unique

    IX_p000001 p (ASC) Clustered

    I am at the beginning stages of a revision of my web application and the above structure is likely to change a bit in light of what I learned the first time around.

  • This is nearly identical to another post. I recommend keeping any answers together on that other post, which is located at the following thread...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

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