Daily Calendar Events Placed By Time

  • I have a calendar report that pulls events for each day of a month. I'm wanting to have a column with cells that displays 12AM-11PM for each day. Based on an event's start and end time, I want the event to be placed within that range accordingly. Below is my current output, desired output, and current stored procedure populating the current output:

    Current Output: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=30tl6rp&s=9#.VkZbJ1WrRhE

    Current Stored Proc:

    ALTER PROCEDURE [Event].[Report_Event_Calendar_Day_All_sp]

    @start_cymd DATE = NULL



    DECLARE @StartDate DATE = @start_cymd

    ;WITH Dates([Date])

    AS (

    SELECT @StartDate AS [Date]


    SELECT DATEADD(DAY, 1, [Date])

    FROM Dates

    WHERE [Date] < @StartDate

    ) ,


    AS (

    SELECT EventDesc ,

    start_cymd AS EventDate ,

    end_cymd ,

    Notes ,

    MemberName ,

    All_Day ,

    CONVERT(CHAR(15), CAST(StartTime AS TIME), 100) AS StartTime ,

    CONVERT(CHAR(15), CAST(EndTime AS TIME), 100) AS EndTime

    FROM [Event].Event_Description ED

    INNER JOIN [Event].SQL_Team_Events SE ON ED.EventDesc_ID = SE.EventDesc_ID

    INNER JOIN [Event].SQL_Team_Member SM ON SE.Event_ID = SM.Event_ID

    INNER JOIN [Event].Members M ON SM.Member_ID = M.Member_ID

    ) ,


    AS (

    SELECT CalendarDate ,

    Holiday ,


    FROM Toolbox.dbo.Calendar


    ---Number the records based on the date, if multiple records have

    ---the same date then they will be numbered the same. Used in

    ---calculation to determine row record is to display

    SELECT [Order] = DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY d.[Date]) ,

    ---Date used in all calculations for date

    d.[Date] ,

    ---Generates matrix columns

    [WeekDay] = DATEPART(WEEKDAY, d.[Date]) ,

    ---Used to display day of month on calendar

    [Day] = DATEPART(DAY, d.[Date]) ,

    ---Used in some calculations for display

    [Month] = DATEPART(MONTH, d.[Date]) ,

    e.EventDesc ,

    e.Notes ,


    e.end_cymd ,

    e.All_Day ,

    e.MemberName ,

    e.StartTime ,

    e.EndTime ,

    h.Holiday ,


    FROM Dates d

    LEFT JOIN Events e ON d.[Date] = e.EventDate

    LEFT JOIN Holidays h ON d.[Date] = h.CalendarDate



    Desired Output: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=vfwgpi&s=9#.VkZbtVWrRhF

    Does anyone have any ideas on how I could use SSRS to leverage this requirement? Thanks!

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