SQL Agent Job cannot connect to database on linked server

  • I have 2 SQL jobs (unchanged for months) which failed this morning with a named pipes provider error. could not open a connection SQL Server Error[53] SQLState 42000, SQL Severity 16, SQL Message 7412.

    These two jobs have in common the fact that they pull data from one particular database having SharePoint/Portal data.

    Other databases on that SQL server are unaffected.

    I remote in to the server on which this DB sits as Administrator. I cannot query views/tables in that database: OLE DB Provider SQLNCLI10 for linked server 'xxxxxx' Login Timeout expired. Server log 18456 Severity 14 State 11.

    The server has been restarted. The database was refreshed.

    The Server Administrator has used all the tools he has at his disposal, to no avail.

    There is no DBA.

    Where do I even start?

  • So are you saying that if you go to the SQL Server instance on which the jobs run and run the following two queries, the first will return results but the second will return an error?

    SELECT * FROM MyLinkedServer.MyNonSharePointDatabase.sys.objects

    SELECT * FROM MyLinkedServer.MySharePointDatabase.sys.objects

    Do you have access to the remote server, specifically to look in the error logs to see whether there's any additional information on the login failures?


  • Both queries ran?!

    Yes, I can look at error logs. One error I see is Logon Error:18456 Severity:14 State:11.

    When I queried sys.dm_os_ring_buffers I see 0x6FD and 0x139F. I understand the first one to mean 'The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed' and the second one 'The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation'

    Coincidentally (or probably not!), when I remote in to the server I get an remote desktop connection error which states 'The identity of the remote computer cannot be verified. Do you want to connect anyway'. I've viewed the certificate and installed it, but still get that message.

  • How is your linked server configured to connect to the remote server? Right-click on the linked server, choose Properties and go to the Security page.

    Are the two jobs owned by the same user?


  • The remote login = the job owner of both jobs.

  • The problem was resolved. This database is on a DR server, which was the only one that had not been restarted. Until now. Data transfers were halted, DR server restarted and everything now works fine.

    Thanks for your help!

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