Tips On Optimizing Index Performance

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  • Good article, but I'd have to disagree with the following:

    "Non-Clustered indexes are better for singleton and individual row lookups. "

    Non-Clustered indexes really aren't any "better", they costs virtually the same (an index seek vs and clustered index seek) during selects.  And when ordering is necessary they can drastically improve performance.

    One of the subtle things about SQL is how often is uses ordering.

    Also, clustered indexes can help the compiler do optimal joins.


    use pubs

    if object_ID('TEST_CL') is not null drop table Test_CL

    create table TEST_CL (Name sysname Primary Key)


    if object_ID('TEST_NONCL') is not null drop table TEST_NONCL

    create table TEST_NONCL (Name sysname,)

    create index NC_TEST_NONCL_ID  on TEST_NONCL (Name)


    declare @Loop int

    select  @Loop = 0

    While @Loop <=100



     Insert TEST_CL

     select Table_Name + 'test' + cast(@Loop as varchar(25))

     from information_schema.tables




     Insert TEST_NONCL

     select Table_Name + 'test' + cast(@Loop as varchar(25))

     from information_schema.tables



     set @Loop = @Loop + 1



    select  *

    from TEST_CL c0

    JOIN TEST_CL c1 on c0.Name = c1.Name

    select  *

    from TEST_NONCL c0

    JOIN TEST_NONCL c1 on c0.Name = c1.Name



    Signature is NULL

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