.BAK file not deleted by Management plan Clean-up task schedule?

  • Backup files are not deleted by automatically, but as per backup logs Cleanup task working without any errors.

    I have verified that server side,

    1. Event viewer - there is no errors

    2. Error log - there is no errors

    3. Job (SQL Server Agent > Jobs), job running under windows authentication

    Executed manually as below command that also working without any errors, why that backup files are not deleted? If anyone facing same issues or how to fix it?

    Maintenance Cleanup on Local server connection

    Cleanup Database Backup files

    Age: Older than 5 Days

    Task start: 2014-08-26T00:00:30.

    Task end: 2014-08-26T00:00:50.


    Command:EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N''E:\SQL_DB_Backup\Full_Backup'',N''bak'',N''2014-08-21T00:00:30'',1

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  • For the permission issues, where should i check at server side?

    SQL Engine and Agent service running under Network service account.

    Does Backup folder need to check? but this folder NT Service account not avilable at seurity tap.

  • What is the id that the job is set up to RUN AS and what are the roles/permissions for that id?

  • That backup job run at under owner of 'servername\Administrator'

  • What is the server role and permission for that id?

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

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