DYNAMICS Pivot Function

  • How can I get the data retrieved from the exec function below into Excel

    DECLARE @columns NVARCHAR(MAX) ,

    @columns_n NVARCHAR(MAX) ,

    @sql NVARCHAR(MAX);

    SET @columns = N'';

    SET @columns_n = N'';

    SELECT @columns += N', X.' + QUOTENAME(aaTrxDim)

    FROM ( SELECT RTRIM(aaTrxDim) AS aaTrxDim

    FROM dbo.AAG00400

    ) AS Y;

    SELECT @columns_n += N', ISNULL(' + N'X.' + QUOTENAME(aaTrxDim)

    + N', '''' ) AS' + QUOTENAME(aaTrxDim)

    FROM ( SELECT RTRIM(aaTrxDim) AS aaTrxDim

    FROM dbo.AAG00400

    ) AS Y;

    SET @sql = N'

    SELECT ' + STUFF(@columns_n, 1, 2, '')

    + '



    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by A.aaTRXDIM order by B.aaTrxDimCode) AS DimensionCodeRank,

    A.aaTrxDim,B.aaTrxDimCode FROM AAG00400 AS A LEFT OUTER JOIN AAG00401 AS B

    ON A.aaTrxDimID = b.aaTrxDimID

    ) AS j



    MAX(aaTRXDIMCode) FOR aaTRXDIM IN (' + STUFF(REPLACE(@columns, ', X.[', ',['),

    1, 1, '') + ')

    ) AS X;';

    PRINT @sql;

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql;

  • To add up, here are the Create and Insert statements, to get data sample for the query above

    Create the following tables

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AAG00400](

    [aaTrxDimID] [int] NULL,

    [aaTrxDim] [nvarchar](max) NULL



    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AAG00401](

    [aaTrxDimID] [int] NULL,

    [aaTrxDimCode] [nvarchar](max) NULL



    Then, insert the following values

    INSERT INTO dbo.AAG00400

    ( aaTrxDimID ,aaTrxDim )

    VALUES ( 1, 'Cost Center' ), (2, 'Location') , (3,'Sector')


    ( aaTrxDimID, aaTrxDimCode )

    VALUES ( 1, 'Administration' ),

    ( 1, 'Sales' ),

    ( 1, 'Marketing' ),

    ( 2, 'Export' ),

    ( 2, 'Local' ),

    ( 3, 'B2B' ),

    ( 3, 'B2C' )

    Now, you can run the query above and check the sample data.

    Your reply is highly appreciated,

  • Copy paste works nicely.

    Alternatively, if you want it to be written directly to an excel document, the easiest way (after copy/paste) would be to output the results to file. You can do this by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F (note, that by default results are set to grid, or Ctrl+D. The other option is results to text which is Ctrl+T).

    Once you have it outputting to a file, when you execute your query it will open a save file dialog. Save it as a csv and let it rip.

    If you want to be able to adjust some of the settings, right click anywhere in the query window and click "Query Options", then under Results > Text, you have some options you can play with.

    If you need something ongoing and programmatic you'd probably want to build an SSIS package.

    Executive Junior Cowboy Developer, Esq.[/url]

  • Thanks for the feedback,

    The way I have started all this dynamic code is to get it automatically into Excel. In my case, when any new dimension is added, the result will be automatically updated. Do you think the copy/paste fits in here !!

    I am looking for an automatic criteria to get this exec function into Excel.

    Any ideas ?

  • Yep. Use the ACE drivers and OPENROWSET.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • I have created a stored procedure for the exec function above. In Excel, I have added an existing connection with SQL type calling the stored procedure.

    It worked perfectly.

    Thanks for your help

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