Grouping features in report table, BIDS 2005

  • Hello, sorry for the extreme noob question, but here goes....

    I am doing a simple Labor Cost Analysis in the table below. Heres where I am getting tripped up:

    My SQL is good, I'm bringing in records for the hours worked for each employee and the amount the labor costs (as you can see in the attached image). I have this report configured to group by the store the hours are charged to and then sum the hours and dollars (you can see the group symbol on the image). This is all working and the report data has been validated.

    Now that this is working, it was been requested that the hours/dollars be grouped out by store but also separated by unique department. For instance, the payroll department wants to see all the hours/dollar labor charged to the store, but separate records/lines of summed hours/dollars per department if the labor is not all charged to the same department for each store. How can I group so that it is still grouped by store (like is currently configured) but return separate lines of data for unique departments if they exist (and still group by/sum total hours/dollars for the unique departments).

    I know this is reports 101, thanks for your consideration!

  • You can add a second group on Department within the Store group so your report would look something like this:

    Store|sum of hours|sum of dollars

    Department|sum of hours|sum of dollars

    Or you could put the store summary in a group footer instead of the header.

  • That was totally it, thank you!

    I play the bass, too Jack. Rock on!

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