Passing multivalue Parameters between report links

  • Hello,

    I am trying to pass report parameters from one report to another linked report via a text box. When a user clicks on the text, this will link them to another report. I have added the report parameters in the Action section of the textbox properties.

    When I choose a couple parameter values from the drop down it works fine. When I select all of the values (whether by clicking "Select All" or by individually clicking each one) the parameter shows up blank as if its waiting for the user to choose what items they want. When they choose the items, it works fine.

    Can anyone assist me with what is going on and how to fix this? I am quite new to reporting service so any help would be greatly appreciated. FYI, Each report is running on the same dataset and needs to be a separate report.


  • What is the length roughly of each value you are passing into the text box and how many items when you "Select All" are in the list?

    Are there any NULL values in the list of options?

  • Thanks for the follow up Old Hand. I was able to resolve it. I didn't have the same # of values in each field. My apologies, I thought I submitted a follow up.

    But while I am at it, is there a way to pass all values that match from one to another?

    So if in one report I have values of 1,2,3,4,5 and in my second report I have values of 1,2,3....Is there a way to pass those values from report 1 to report 2?


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