
  • I am trying to count the serversState based on server. Here is the query and Output

    Select top 20 COUNT(State) StateCount ,Server_Name

    FROM Production

    Group By Server_Name

    Order By COUNT(State ) Desc

    StateCount Server_Name

    11 abc

    8 cde

    5 JDE


    My Concern is I need to get top 20 But if the StateCount of 20 and 21st are same then get 21 row , If 21st and 22nd is same then get that too... Until all of the ones with same StateCount as of Count 20 are covered. I hope I am not confusing.....

  • Add WITH TIES to your select top 20. Hope the following helps illustrate what you need:

    create table dbo.production(

    ServerName varchar(20),

    ServerState varchar(10)


    insert into dbo.production

    values ('ABC','A'),('ABC','B'),('ABC','C'),('ABC','D'),('ABC','E'),




    Select top 1 with ties COUNT(ServerState) StateCount ,ServerName

    FROM production

    Group By ServerName

    Order By COUNT(ServerState ) Desc;

    drop table dbo.production;

    Please note that I was running this in a sandbox database and clean up after using the table.

  • Great! I did not know we could use With Ties with TOP Clause.

    Thanks a Ton

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